Chapter 39: All The Questions In The World

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There was so much I wanted to ask him, so much I wanted to know. But I knew now that I had to take it slow, Max would open up to me eventually. I didn't understand why him shutting me out hurt me so badly, I don't know why I held my breath every time he looked at me from across the room, flashing me a smile that he so rarely did.

I made my way back towards Furiosa and Ariadne. Max rested his hand gently on my back as we headed towards the two.

I looked at Ariadne, and in an instant I pulled her into a hug. "I'm so sorry" I mumbled, she just hugged me back tightly, I guess she could understand why I was so angry, but maybe she knew that we wouldn't actually leave. Furiosa gave me a warm smile when I pulled away from Ariadne, rubbing my arm lightly and handing Max and I bowls of food. Him and I made our way to a free table, he sat beside me and we are our food talking quietly about what we wanted to do to the car, Max wanted more speed, but I was thinking about adding a harpoon, he stared at me his eyes wide an thoughtful.

"Why didn't I think of that?..." I laughed and Max smiled. Ariadne and Furiosa joined us, sitting directly in front of us with their bowls of food. Furiosa looked worried, distraught, and so did Ariadne.

"Everyrhing alright?" I asked, low enough for only the four of us to hear. Furiosa's eyes darted between me and Max. I could sense it from her, she was worried, real worried.

"There's a war coming, and I have no idea what I'm going to do about it" she whispered, not touching her food at all. "I would've expected them to come at us sooner, but there's no sign of them and it's bothering me" Ariadne and I looked at each other, for we knew the extent of Scrotus and his army.

"Scrotus doesn't like to just start war, he likes to plan it out, every little detail, he likes to wait for the opportune moment" I spoke, leaning closer to Furiosa. Ariadne nodded in agreement.

"Now that they know were here, they're going to change the whole war plan, we won't know what to expect." Furiosa sighed, angry and frustrated, she didn't know what to do.

"We have a few options" I spoke, pointing my finger on the table as if there was a map. "We can either wait for them to attack, an send out out war rigs, another road war" Furiosa nodded, taking that option into consideration. Ariadne stared at me, and I think she knew what I was thinking. "Or... Maybe I can infiltrate, go back to Gas Town, tell them I was spying and learn their war plan" Furiosa raised an eyebrow, looking at me, wondering if I was serious.

"No" Max growled, looking up from his food.

"Max-" but he cut me off, hard fury in his eyes as he stared into mine.

"No" he commanded, his voice a little louder than before. Ariadne stayed silent, raking her brain for more ideas.

"Max that's the best idea we have right now" Furiosa reasoned, but his hard gaze turned to her and he shook his head.

"Scrotus isn't a man of forgiveness" Max breathed, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest.

"He'll forgive me" I spoked slowly, remembering when Scrotus took me in and made me one of his imperators. Max looked at Ariadne, his eyes asking her for some help. Ariadne thought for a moment.

"They do have a history.. Max, he took her in as a child, raised her a warrior" Max shook his head, pushed himself up from the table as walked away. I sighed.

"Well, let's see if we can come up with something else" Furiosa sighed. "But worst comes to worst are you willing to do it Phoenix?"

I looked around the room at the survivors that lived here, I looked at Ariadne as Furiosa and then it thought about Max.

"If it means it'll protect all of you, I'll do it..."

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