Chapter 95: Everyone's Angry

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Ariadne wasn't speaking to Max or Phoenix, she was angry. Max didn't really care, he didn't talk to he either, but Phoenix wasn't either, she was spending more time with Jeet now.

It seemed that when something went wrong, everyone confused in Jeet, he had this calming nature despite his hotheaded personality.

Jeet and Phoenix were sitting together, his arm around her, I assumed he was trying to cheer her up. Max walked in to get food, but when he saw Jeet and Phoenix he stormed back to where he came from. I sighed, making my way over to them. Phoenix was angry at Max for some reason, but she wouldn't tell me.

"Are you-"

"I'm fine Furiosa." She spat harshly, I raised my eyebrows surprised she was hostile towards me as well. Ariadne joined us at the table, the two stared each other down, ready to start screaming at each other but Phoenix wasn't having it, she got up and walked away. Jeet called after her, but she didn't care.

Ariadne leaned back, arms crosse and furious eyes. Staring down Jeet now.

"Don't look at me like that, Blondie, I ain't that nice when you get on my bad side" he hissed, that was the one thing Jeet didn't take from anyone. Do. Not. Stare. At. Him.

"You're hiding something" she spoke so calm yet so angry.

"It ain't your vour business" he stood up, slamming his hands on the table. Ariadne stood too, leaning into his face and looking into his eyes.

"I'm not playing around Jeet, Phoenix is my family. Something happened that you're not telling me." Jeet held his head as a throbbing headache came through and he sat back down, almost sobbing from the pain. Ariadnes eyes softened slightly, but she held her composure.

My hand rubbed Jeet's back until it stopped. He looked up, teary eyed, livid and breathing heavily. Ariadne sat back down, still looking at Jeet. He took a deep breath, looking around him to make sure no one was in ear shot.

"Max and Phoenix fought because she wanted to come back, but we didn't. He left her in the wasteland and Bullet Farm war boys attacked her, they haven't been the same since..." Ariadne didn't say anything to Jeet, she just stared at him blankly. "I know you're angry but they're both safe and we need to think about planing an attack if they're getting out of hand!" Ariadne was Furious, and she ran up the stairs towards Phoenix, probably to ask her why she didn't say anything.

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "It never gets easier" I sighed. Jeet laughed a little.

"Everything hurts out here" he spoke, repeating my own words to me. He tapped my shoulder before getting up and leaving me to my thoughts.

I was angry too, he tells me he loves her but he left her in the wasteland? Why...? I mean sure he went back for her, sure he saved her, but he's the reason she got into that mess in the first place. Everyone was just getting angrier day by day.

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