Chapter 3

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I wake up the next morning next to Riker, who is still sleeping. The memories of last night come flooding back, we stopped right before something happened (if you know what i mean).  I get up and walk down the stairs to see Trevor sitting on the couch looking at a picture book.

"Trevor! were you hear all night?" I ask. Trevor nods, "yeah Stormie had me go to bed and i just woke up, i don't know how to use to TV so i was reading." I laugh at that because he has tried to use the remote but it didn't work (we had to buy a new remote) and he cant really read, just pictures.

"do you want breakfast?" I ask right when Riker stumbles down the stairs looking like he's still asleep. "yeah love some." Riker says as he falls onto the couch. "I wasnt talking to you!" I laugh slapping his arm, "i was talking to Trevor!" Riker looks up and sees Trevor, "oh hey buddy. I still want breakfast though and if you're going to make him some you might as well make me some dontcha think?"

I put my hands on my hips, "I wonder how Stormie has lived with you all these years?" I say. Riker looks up at me again, "why?" I shake my head and walk into the kitchen, "boys totally clueless!" I open the fridge and grab the milk. Then I open the cabinet and grab the cereal.

Trevor walks into the kitchen just then, "do you need any help?" he asks in his sweet little boy voice. I smile and ruffle his hair, "no i just need to know Honey Nut Cheerios or that healthy cereal no body likes but your mommy?" Trevor laugh, "Honey Nut Cheerios!" "that's what i thought!" i say as i pour his cereal.

"Nova?" Trevor asks. "yeah Trevor?" "can you give the funny guy with the mismatched hair the healthy gross cereal?" I look at Trevor amused, "you mean Riker?" "if that's the guy half asleep on our couch then yes." I laugh and nod, "that's him, and the healthy cereal it is." "yeah!" Trevor cries grabbing his cereal he turns to me, "can i watch cartoons while i eat my cereal?" He asks, i nod.

I pour Rikers healthy cereal and pour mine then walk into the living room. Riker has put cartoons on for Trevor who is instead of watching cartoons playing 20 questions with Riker.

"whats your name?" "Riker Lynch." "how old are you?" "26 years old." "are you best friends with Nova?" "maybe a little more than friends." "are you and Nova like mommy and daddy?" "what do you mean?" "do you love Nova?" "yes, yes i do." "are you and Nova boyfriend and girlfriend?" "how do you even know what that is?" "are you?" "no" "so what are you?" "shes my bride to be." "whats that?" "it means were going to get married." At those words my heart swells, it just sounds so final, so real being said out loud.

I walk over to Riker, "here's your cereal Riker." I say while winking at Trevor. Trevor smiles and looks at Riker. Riker notices Trevor staring at him and stares back, "why's he staring at me?" Riker asks me out of the corner of his mouth. 

I shrug, "i dunno" Riker looks away from Trevor and takes a bite of his cereal. Immediately his eyes bulge and he looks like he wants to spit it out, "you better not spit that out!" I warn him. Riker swallows the mouth full gagging and looks at me.

"what was that? It was nasty!" Trevor bursts out laughing and i do to. "It was mommy's healthy cereal." Trevor tells Riker. "well that is some really gross healthy cereal i can tell you that!" Riker exclaims standing up and picking up the bowl.

"I'm sorry Riker but in this house we finish our food so you cant throw it away." I tell him. Trevor bursts out laughing again and Riker glares at me, "you suck Nova!" "i know its fun!" Riker sits down then he jumps up. "do you have any sugar?" He asks. "top shelf." I tel him.

Riker walks into the kitchen and walks out with the sugar, he pours like half the bag onto his cereal and takes a bite. "much better!" Riker says after he swallows. "Nova whys is Riker aloud to do that and not me?" Trevor asks. "because Riker was naughty and broke the rules." I tell him.

Trevor laughs and asks, "is he going to get punished?" I look at Riker and grin, "yes he is." Riker looks at me, "whats my punishment?" "no kisses for uhhh a week." Riker raises his eyebrows at me, "I bet you couldn't even keep that." "i bet i could!" "wanna bet?" I laugh and look at Riker, "its on!"

Trevor looks at us, "whats going on?" I look at him, "well Riker and i have made a bet that we couldn't kiss each other for a week, the loser is the other persons servant." I say. Trevor sticks out his tongue, "ewww kissing!" I laugh then lean towards Trevor."come here little guy let me give you a kiss on the cheek!"

Riker leans in the other direction, "yeah i think you need a kiss on the cheek." Right before I'm about to kiss him Trevor pulls his head back and Riker and my lips meet. We jump apart in surprise and Trevor laughs, "you both lost the bet!"

I look at the grinning Rike and say weakly, "starting now?" Riker laughs and nods, "starting now." We all finish our cereal (Riker with a certain amount of gagging) and head over to the Lynches house. We walk into the living room to see EVERYONE sitting on the couch watching cartoons.

"Yay! Spongebob!" Trevor cries running over and jumping on Tiffanys lap. "hey buddy." Tiffany says ruffling Trevors hair. Sitting next to her with his arm around her is Rocky. "hi daddy!" Trevor says. Rocky laughs, "hey Trev." I sit down on the couch and look at every body.

Tiffany with Trevor and Rocky, Ross with Hannah, Katie with Ryland, Rydel with Ratliff, and me with Riker. I wonder if the rest of them are going to get married as well. I put my head on Rikers shoulder and he puts his arm around me.

Hannah stands up and turns to us, "I left my phone in my car I'm gonna go get it." Ross grabs her arm, "Why do you even need your phone, just hang with us." Hannah looks at Ross weird, "because i want to check the social media duh! now let me go i want to get my phone!" Hannah pulls her arm free from Ross and walks out the door.

"Whats the matter Ross why don't you want her to look at her phone?" Riker asks. "no reason." Ross says twitching slightly. I look at Riker, "hes hiding something." Riker whispers to me. I nod, "definitely."

Suddenly the door bangs open and Ross jumps. "HOW COULD YOU!" Hannah screams running into the living room brandishing her phone. "what?" I ask. "Not you, Ross! Look whats all over instagram!" Hannah says shoving her phone into face. "woah woah woah back the phone up I cant see that." I say pushing the phone away from my face to get a good look at the picture.

I finally see that picture and gasp out loud, its a picture of Ross and some girl, kissing! Her hands are around his neck and Ross has his hands on her waist. I look at Ross, "I cant believe you!" "Its not what it looks like she attacked me!" "so that's why you didn't tell me about it! That's why your hands are on her waist!" Hannah yells.

"No!" Ross starts but Hannah cuts him off. "I trusted you! I dated a singer/dancer/actor before and all he did was break my heart. I vowed never to fall for that kind again! But i did because i discovered R5 and i fell for you. I broke my vow when i started dating you because i thought i you were different, i thought you liked me, but i guess you didn't." Hannah stops to take a breath tears now streaming down her face.

Ross starts to say something but Hannah cuts him off, "no Ross, I sorry, were done." Hannah turns and walks out of the room head tall, tears streaming down her face. "what have i done!" Ross moans. Everyone looks at him and i say, "you know what you did Ross and i honestly cant believe you!"


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