Chapter 58

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"Wait, what?" I ask looking at Hannah. Hannah looks down and shakes her head, "it was a mistake, i never meant for it to happen. We just met up to talk and hang out then before i know it, all this stuff is happening." Hannah sobs. I help her up off the floor and walk her over to the couch, i sit her down and look at the still stunned Rocky. "Rocky try and calm Ross down, i'll deal with this." Rocky nods and quickly leaves the room. 

I look through the window into the backyard and see with relief that somehow no one noticed any of this. I sit down next to Hannah and hand her a pillow, "here wipe your eyes on this and tell me EVERYTHING!" I order. Hannah does and looks weakly at me, "were to start?" "How about the babys real daddy?" I suggest. Hannah winces, "Louis Tomlinson." My mouth drops open, "Wait, as in THE Louis Tomlinson, as in One Direction singer Louis Tomlinson?" I ask. Hannah nods and my mouth drops even farther open, "how?!" I demand. 

"well it was the day after the wedding and since i had gotten all of their numbers cuz like come on its One Direction, so I texted Louis and we talked and he invited me over to their hotel to just hang out. The other boys were out sight seeing i think and we talked and stuff and watched movies, then he offered me a glass of wine. Of course i can't refuse so i drink it, and more, and more, and more. Finally i'm dead drunk and i'm like out of my mind. I don't know good from bad and i know i should have just gone home but i didn't. I stayed, and when Louis suddenly kissed me i didn't object. I mean i'm drunk and it's Louis Tomlinson, who would object? I kissed him back and when he asked me if it was ok since i was married well i didn't really know what he was saying so i waved it off. Things got more intense and we ended up on his bed. The next thing i know is waking up next to him with little clothes on. I freaked out and Louis was really scared, he said that half of him wanted to do it and the other half hadn't but the part that wanted it overrode it no matter what. Even the thought of his girlfriend didn't help." 

Hannah stops talking and chokes back a sob, "I didn't mean to! I don't even remember that night after  he picked me up and placed me on his bed! I didn't mean to it was just supposed to be a get together, i never meant for this to happen." Hannah sobs. "Thats why you didn't want to tell Ross." I mutter the realization finally kicking in. Hannah nods, "I thought that maybe i could just convince him i was getting fat then put the baby up for adoption." "Oh Hannah." I mutter as i pull her into a hug. 

"What am i going to do? Ross hates me and Louis already has a girlfriend so i can't just tell him i'm carrying his baby." "You should tell him." "I can't" "You have to, it's best he finds out now instead of 18 years from now when your kid finally demands to know who his father is." Hannah sniffs, "Do i really have to?" I nod, "yeah you do." Hannah sighs and pulls her phone from her pocket. She dials and is silent for  moment finally, "hi Louis? Niall? Can you put Louis on the phone, this is Hannah. You know the girl who got married and you guys performed for us? Yeah yeah thanks its great so far now can i please talk to Louis? Thanks." Hannah rolls her eyes at me and i smile lightly. 

"Louis? Hi, you really need to not let Niall answer your phone, whatever just keep it on you don't leave it lying around! Yeah, yeah, uh huh, yes i know you're sorry you've texted me like 20 times saying that, but umm about that night, yeah i have something to tell you about that. Well ummm errrr i'm ummm i'mpregnantwithyourbaby." Hannah blurts out in one breath, "yes you heard correctly even if it wasn't legible. Louis, Louis! Listen stop apologizing i'm sick of it! It's just its yours and my husband knows and he hates me now, and i dunno i just thought you should know. Yeah i'm keeping it i'm not evil like that. Adoption? Yeah i thought of it but well i dunno i'm just really confused and scared and- yeah, yeah, no, no one knows but my husband and the two people that witnessed and no they won't tell anyone. Yes  i know you can't be here because of that, but i just wanted you to know and maybe like do some sort of support or something? Yeah ok well um thanks, and i'm really sorry about this, i know you are ok bye." Hannah hangs up and scowls at me, "that went well." she snaps.

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