Chapter 42

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Riker and I are sitting in the living room staring at each other. We've just gotten out of the pool so we don't have any clothes on either. Suddenly Riker blinks. "I WIN!" I yell jumping up. "dang it!" Riker mutters. I laugh and walk up the stairs to go get dressed.

See Riker and I made a bet that involved a string contest, if he won we get to do it, if i won we get dressed and watch whatever movie i want, as you can see I WON!!!! I get dressed right as Riker walks into the room, i throw a pair of his boxers at him, "please put these on, i've seen u nude enough for today." Riker laughs and strikes a pose, "please we both know you love all this." I make vomiting noises, "please don't make me laugh, oh wait i mean puke!"

Riker puts the boxers on and a pair of pajama pants but he leaves of the shirt. I frown, "why no shirt?" I ask. "I need to give you some sort of eye candy." he smirks. I snort and pat his chest, "trust me your face is already to much for me." Riker laughs but doesn't put a shirt on. We walk down the stairs and into the living room Riker sits down on the couch and looks expectantly at me, "so what movie?" "oh we're not just watching one movie." I say giving Riker a 'duh' look.

"so what MOVIES are we watching?" I grin at Riker and hold up our collection of Harry Potter movies, "movie marathon time!" I cry. Riker cheers and i pop the first movie into the DVD player then go sit down next to Riker.


"NOOOOOO DOBBY!!" I wail leaning over the couch reaching my arm towards the screen as i watch Dobby die on screen. "BELLATRIX YOU SUCK!" Riker yells at the screen. Its 11 at night, of the next day. Yes, Riker and i have not slept for like 48 hours and we are on the second to last movie, as you can tell Dobby just died.


"I wish i could have gone to Hogwarts." Riker sighs as the credits for the last movie start.I stretch and nod, "me to then i could have beaten the filthy Slytherin at Quiddich!" Riker laughs, "please you would fall of your broomstick before its even taken off!" I laugh and hit Rikers arm, "I think you're just stating the obvious, about yourself." Riker laughs then yawns, "i'm exhausted!" I smile then yawn to, "sadly so am I." "bed time?" Riker asks. I yawn again, "nope to tired, its couch time." Riker snorts as i grab a blanket an lay down on the couch

"mind if i join you?" Riker asks. "go right ahead." I say scooting over so he can squeeze in next to me. Riker lays down besides me and puts a hand on my stomach. He rubs it gently, "that's our child in there Nova, can you believe thats our child." I laugh and cover Rikers hand with my own, "yeah i kind of realized, you know since it's kind of growing inside of me." Riker laughs and i drift of to him rubbing my stomach.


I stretch and roll over bumping into something, THUD! "Owwww" Riker moans i sit up quickly and look down at him on the ground, "oops, hehe sorry." I mutter helping Riker up. He rubs the back of his head and grimaces "well that hurt" "hey i said sorry!" I mutter and Riker laughs before kissing me, "you owe me" I smile, "that i do."

We get dressed and Riker (FINALLY!) puts a shirt on, we eat breakfast and go over to the other Lynchs' house (you know since Riker and I are Lynch's so the OTHER Lynchs' makes sense, right?) when we get there we walk in and see Tiffany and Rocky sitting on the couch looking annoyed. "Can we leave now?" Rocky asks Ross. "No! You guys need to be active again!" Ross replies.

I walk over and sit next to Tiffany, "hey how are you?" I ask. She shrugs, "fine i guess." "Tiffany you need to cheer up!" I say fiercely. Tiffany looks at me, "but my unborn child's DIED! How do you expect me to be ok with that?" "My mom was, remember i HAD two brothers but they both DIED. She got better and moved on." Tiffany sighs, "but-" "Tiffany our children would have been around the same age to you know what, anytime you want i'll let you borrow him."

Tiffany cracks a smile, "him?" she asks. I shrug, "I want a boy." Riker raises and eyebrow, "no definitely a girl!" "nope boy." I reply with a grin. "why?" Rocky asks suddenly interested. "because when he gets older Rikers gotta deal with him!" Rocky laughs for the first time in 3 weeks and Riker glares at me, "that's just cruel, i'm going to be changing diapers, taking care of it when its sick, and dealing with it when it gets older?" "only if its a boy, otherwise you're just doing the first things." "charming."

Rocky pats Riker on the back, "you get used to it." "So are you guys up for doing something fun today?" I ask looking at Rocky and Tiffany, they nod then run off to ask Stormie to babysit. "well they went back to normal pretty easily." Riker comments. "I think they were ready." I say and he nods.

Everyone can go except Ross and Hannah who want to plan there wedding, Rydel and Ratliff because Rydels needs to move her stuff (she's moving back in with Ratliff), and Ryland and Katie because they want some "alone time". So basically its just Rocky, Tiffany, Riker, and I.

"so were are we going?" Rocky asks. "well we can't go to the mall, we've been banned from there because of our mayo, aspirin, vodka, mouthwash, and toothpaste stunt." I mutter and Tiffany giggles, "that was hilarious!" I laugh, "definitely!" Riker and Rocky look at us, then at each other, then back at us. Rocky shakes his head and mutters something about 'insane girls'.

"how about we go to Starbucks?" Tiffany suggests. "why Starbucks?" I ask, Tiffany shrugs, "because i haven't been there in awhile, its good, and the cashier that works there is really hot!" I laugh and Rocky frowns, "you are married you know." Tiffany shrugs, "so that doesn't stop me from feeling attracted towards hot people." Rocky opens his mouth but Riker interrupts him, "just get in the car!!"

We drive to Starbucks and buy our drinks then just sit there watching all the weird people. "yes! Free wifi!' Rocky cries making us laugh. "hey look, that guys got no shoes!" Tiffany hisses pointing at a guy that looks suspiciously like a homeless person. "how can he not afford shoes, yet he can afford Starbucks?" Riker asks and Tiffany and I burst out laughing.

"Look a hippie!" i say pointing to a middle aged lady wearing no shoes, a thing ties around her head, and obviously no bra! "oh eww." Riker moans looking away. Tiffany wrinkles her nose, "that's pretty gross!"

"Its a serious business man!" Riker points out. "yeah so?" Tiffany asks. "look whats in his pocket." Riker says nodding in his direction. I look over and sticking out of his pocket is one of those sonic screwdriver things. Tiffany and I convulse into silent giggles until the guy leaves.

"hey check it out its a 'hipster" Tiffany mutters nodding in the direction of a teenage girl who's wearing those square nerd glasses with no lenses, rainbow suspenders, ridiculously short shorts, and a tight unicorn shirt. She's also wearing hightop converse. "Nice shoes." Riker comments and i laugh.

Suddenly one of the Starbucks people walk over to us, "um excuse me i'm going to have to ask you guys to leave, you are making our customers uncomfortable." he says nervously. I wink at Riker then stand up and get really close to him.

"why?" I ask caressing the guys cheek all flirty like, "does this make you uncomfortable?" I give the guy my most seductive face and watch all the color drain from his face, "uh- er- um." he stutters while Tiffany dies behind me. I smirk at the guy and look at the others, "lets get out of here theres no talent." I say and we walk "calmly" out of the place.

As soon as we get into the van we all burst into laughter, Riker leans his head forward and accidentally hits the horn, which scared the crud out of us and makes us laugh even harder. Finally we compose ourselves enough to drive back to the Lynchs'.

Before we walk inside Tiffany stops me, "thanks Nova, if it wasn't for you i would still be stuck in my little pit of despair." I smile, "your welcome."


Here Comes Forever **SEQUEL** (R5 fan fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें