Chapter 80

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Rydels P.O.V

Bars are fun, you know, the music, the drink, the dancers... the guys. There are some hot guys in LA i am dead serious. There is some serious eye candy out there, and i seem to have found the perfect bar. It's like all guys that could be models i am not joking. What fun.

"Hey babe can i buy you drink?" some guy with snake bites asks sauntering up to me. For some reason he's not wearing a shirt leaving his toned body exposed. I let out a high pitched giggle before obviously eyeing his abs. He notices were my eye are looking and laughs sitting down on the stool next to me.

"I see you're one of those girls." he said raising an eyebrow at me.

I frown, "What kind of girl?" I ask in the soberest tone i can summon.

The guy smirks but his eyes remain dark, "You're a slut. A complete and total slut, you're boyfriend or husband left you and you can't deal with it so you're now a drunkard slash slut." 

My mouth drops open, did he really just say that? 

The guy nods, "Yes i just said that, now lets go you've had enough to drink and it's barely 9, i'll take you home or something." 

I stare at him shocked as he takes my arm and leads me from the bar. I stare at him in shock as he leads me towards his car, but as he makes to open the door for me i snap out of it. I may not be as sober as i could be but i know enough not to get into a car with a guy no matter how hot he is. 

I pull away from him, "No, i'm not getting in that car." i slur trying to sound at least somewhat normal. 

The guy looks at me confused before he grins, "Ohhh look at that little miss slutty over here finally found some common sense, well done. Now get in." he says gesturing towards the open door. 

I shake my head and take a few steps back, "No, i don't know you. I might be a whatcha-ma-call'm but i'm not about to get into a car with a random stranger. No matter the situation." 

The guy raises an eyebrow, "So even if there's a zombie apocolpyse and the zombies are closing in and a stranger tells you to get in so you'll be safe you won't?" 

I stare at him once again my mouth open, the guy nods, "Thought so, well here's my reason for you to get in my car. You're drunk, and not just a little drunk but really drunk, therefore you can't drive home and i don't want you walking. So i shall drive you home, trust me if i wanted to have my way with you i could have, easily." 

I stare at him amazed before spitting out the one thing i could think of, "What happened to your shirt?" 

The guy raises an eyebrow and laughs, "Yeah, i don't really know. One second it was on my body the next it... wasn't." The guy shakes his head making his hair fly everywhere, it's really cute. It's been dyed so black it looks blue in the light and its styled so it falls in his face in that "emo guy" kind of cut, and his eyes, his eyes! They're such a peircing blue, they're gorgeous.

"H- hey what's your name?" I ask suddenly breathless as the guy watches me.

"Jacob, what's yours?" he says still scrutinizing me.

"Ummmm Rydel." I mumble.

"Nice to meet you Rydel, well it would probably be better if you weren't drunk, though you seem to have sobored up a bit."

I nod slowly and Jacob suddenly frowns, "Somethings off about you, I can't tell what thou- you're pregnant!" Jacob looks at me eyebrows raised as i stare at him mouth hitting the floor.

"H- how do you know?" I ask my voice hushed.

Jacob turns pink, "I could just tell."

I frown an shake my head, "Well then yeah, i am."

Here Comes Forever **SEQUEL** (R5 fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now