Chapter 17

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The Lynches take me home and i take a shower and change my clothes. I look at the clothes I was wearing for those four dreadful days and chuck them in the trash. "Never again will i wear black tights!" I mutter to myself. After that i walk over to the Lynches house and find everyone hanging out in the living room laughing and joking around. 

"Hi." I say as I walk in. Riker gestures for me to come sit next to him and i do. "So tell me about it." Riker mutters as I sit next to him. I rest my head on is shoulder and watch Ross and Hannah play monkey in the middle with a very unhappy Ryland, Katie, Ratliff, and Rydel are just standing there laughing. 

"It was terrible, he would threaten me then hit me when i refused to do what he wanted." I tell Riker. "what did he want you to do?" Riker asks. I gulp, "stuff." Is all i say, Riker looks down at me and I know he understands what i mean, bad stuff, inappropriate stuff. "what else?" Riker asks. "he wouldn't feed me, or give me water. I now know the definition of hunger." I tell him. 

"oh Nova." Riker says reaching his hand down towards me face, and because of those days in Lukes bunker I flinch. "whats wrong?" Riker asks sounding scared. I shake my head, "nothing." Riker looks unconvinced but shrugs and puts and arm around me. I tense up even though i know Riker isn't like Luke, but still it's reflex. "Nova tell me whats wrong." Riker presses when he feels me tense up. 

"Its nothing." I say brushing it off and snuggling closer to Riker trying to get my self to relax but my senses are on overdrive and it's not easy to turn it off. "Nova you're stiff as a stick whats wrong." Riker asks not giving up. "I said it' nothing!" I snap, a little harsher then I was expecting but Riker drops the subject. "sorry Nova." He mutters and after that he feels a little distant. 

Right then Rocky and Tiffany closely followed by Trevor walk into the room, "hey Nova since you uhh got uhh you know well  was wondering if you wanted to see some pictures of the human being inside of me." I nod, "that would be awesome!" Tiffany holds out 3 slips of paper and i take them. 

On the paper is black and white picture of a little tiny baby. "This is so cool!" I tell her. Tiffany laughs, "isn't it!" The baby's head is huge and its body is tiny but I think that's supposed to change once it gets bigger. "when do you find out if it's a girl or a boy?" I ask. "I think sometime in the next 4, 5, or 6 months, i wasn't really paying attention when the doctor told me." "wow Tiffany, just wow." 

Tiffany laughs, "yeah, well i'm tired so bye!" she then turns and walks up the stairs yawning. Trevor runs up after her and I look at Rocky, "you're gonna have your hands full!" Rocky nods, "Yeah i guess so but it'll be the nice kind of busy." 

Suddenly Riker and I have a person flying through the air and landing on our laps. "Got it!" Hannah cries sitting up the she looks at Riker, "oops, i back-peddled to far." I laugh and Riker just looks surprised, "woah." Is all he can say. Hannah jumps up and shakes Rylands phone in Rikers face, "I don't think your brother would want me to drop it." 

Ryland walks over and snatches his phone from Hannah, "yes i wouldn't!" "Hannah you let him get it!" Ross whines. "oops." Hannah says. I laugh and Hannah sits down right between Riker and I, "so how are things?" She asks. Riker finally snaps out of it and laughs, "not bad." 

I stand up to get something to drink and I almost pants myself, that's just how much weight I lost. I grab them before they fall and see Riker watching me, "what I haven't eaten in 4 days!" Riker just shakes his head, "arn't those skinny jeans?" I nod, "yup." "what size?" "I don't want to tell you that!" "why not?" "because you'll think i'm fat!" "Nova i won't think that! Cuz it's not true!" "fine! they're size 12. happy?" Riker nods, "yeah." "shut up." 

"who wants to go eat fatty foods at a fatty fast food restaurant so Nova can fit in her jeans again!?" Ratliff cries. I glare at him but everyone jumps up and yells, "i do!" I sigh, "Ok lets go." We all walk out ad get into the van. "so were to?" Riker asks. Everyone looks at me, "Nova you pick." 

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