Chapter 66

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We all turn and watch in horror as the shape swims ever closer to us, we're all to freaked out to move any. The shark is less then two feet from me when I notice something. "Hey Rocky since when does a shark have blond hair?" I call. "Um they don't" Rocky replies. I reach down and and grab the shark fin and pull, up it comes a very realistic rubber shark fin attacked to a stick. By now i'm furious as Riker pops up shaking water from his hair. "Did you know they sell shark fins at the store?" he asks.

He looks around at everyones angry faces and he looks confused, "what?" "That WASN'T FUNNY!" Hannah yells, suddenly she lunges and tackles Riker. Riker lets out a yell and goes down Hannah on top of him, Riker goes under and Hannah sits on him not letting him back up. After a couple seconds Rikers starts getting more violent as he tries to come back up, finally Hannah stands up and Riker comes back up spitting out salt water and taking deep scratchy breaths. "Was that funny?" Hannah asks coldly. Riker glares at her before shaking his head, "not in the slightest I though I was going to die." "point made" Hannah snaps before stomping back onto the beach followed by everyone else.

Rocky hesitates for a second, "I think that might have been to far bro." before following Hannah. Riker puts his hand on my shoulder but I shrug him off, "that was to far Riker." I snap before following Rocky. I sneak a glance back at Riker who's standing there in knee deep water looking rejected. Once I make it back to our stuff and grab a towel Hannah grabs something, "at least he got marshmallows." she mutters. "So what do you guys want to do now?" Katie asks. "anyone up for some football?" Rocky asks grabbing the ball. We all agree except for Riker who's sitting in his chair.

"ok how about girls against boys?" Ryland asks. We agree and get into our teams, Rydel, Katie, Hannah, and I huddle up and I ask, "ok who's QB?" "who's what?" Katie asks. "quarter back." Hannah explains. "ohh ok, i'll do it. I can throw pretty good." "ok then since we start off just run and try to get open! except uhh Hannah you block Katie, you're good at that!" I say and me break apart. We all line up, Hannah has the ball getting ready to toss it to Katie.

Ross lines up in front of Hannah, Rocky in front of me and Ryland and Ratliff in front of Rydel. "hut!" Katie calls and Hannah throws the ball to her. I take off and so does Rydel but she's being blocked by two people so it's harder to get open, finally I juke Rocky out and get open. Katie throws the ball right as Ross gets past her and I catch it. "RUN!" Hannah screams. I laugh to myself as I take off towards the touchdown zone.

I'm flying, that's why I am. With wind whipping through my hair and Rocky behind me trying to catch me as I bolt down away from him. I cross the touchdown mark and Hannah yells, "woo hoo! Go Nova! In your face Ross!" I laugh at that and toss the football to Rocky, "good luck." I smirk. Rocky makes a face and I laugh. Once again we line up and the game starts, Ryland as quarter back, he throws the ball to Ross but Hannah jumps up in front on him and catches it. She takes off running and screams, "INTERCEPTION SUCKERS!" I snort as Ross chases after her but there's no chance, she's gone. We make another touchdown and by now the guys are desperate. "ok last point wins." "What that's not fair! It's already 14-0 if you guys score you win, that's cheating!" Katie yells. Rocky looks at her a grin in his face, "then you better try harder" Katie glares at him and cracks her knuckles, "oh you have no idea." Katie smirks at the frightened look on Rockys face.

Once again Rylands quarterback and when he call "hut!" it's on! And it's intense. It goes back and forth between the girls and the boys for an hour or so until we're all exhausted, "how's that last point going?" Katie asks Rocky. Katie's been on fire, she's rocked the game ever since Rocky made her mad. Finally its our ball and i'm QB this time. "Hut! I call and Rydel tosses the ball to me, I look around as Hannah desperately tries to get open. Ratliff is about to get past Rydel, when it happens.

Katie runs behind Rocky and jumps up on his back, she lifts her arms up and yells, "right here!" I smile and throw the ball. It sails through the air as Rocky tries to get Katie off him. Katie catches it and jumps down, she takes off for the touchdown zone yelling, "THANKS FOR THE HELP ROCKY!" Rocky goes red and takes off after her buts she's already scored. "WHAT NOW SUCKERS!" she yells in Rockys face before doing a funny little dance. Hannah dying in the sand with laughter at what she just saw and all the boys are staring in shock. We make our way back over to our area were Riker's still sitting. "hey guys." Riker says quietly. Hannah ignores him and opens one of the bags of chips we have, "that was so much fun you guys." she exclaims.

Everyone casts guilty glances over at Riker but don't say anything. Riker stands up and walks over to me, "Nova come on I said I was sorry." Hannah raises an eyebrow at me and writes in chips on the table so Riker can't see but I can: HE'S SHUNNED. I turn and walk right past Riker even though I feel bad about it, he only meant it as a joke but still it wasn't all that funny. Riker watches me walk away from him and I guess he snaps, "Fine you don't want to talk to me?! I'll just leave then, let you guys enjoy your stupid little bonfire! I'm leaving!" He storms off and I look over at Hannah, "Thanks, my husbands mad at me AND that was my ride home, this is your fault." "Oops?" Hannah says meekly.

I watch Riker drive off and sigh, I plop down in a chair, this little get together isn't really all that fun anymore.


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