Chapter 19

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"I can't believe you met Harry Styles and didn't get his autograph or kidnap him so I could get his autograph and have him marry me!" Hannah yells at Riker, Rydel, Ratliff, and I. Ross looks uncomfortable, "uhh hello you have a boyfriend here." Hannah shrugs, "for Harry Styles I would dump you in a second." Ross frowns, "thanks....a lot." "or maybe Louis Tomlinson." Hannah continues, "why didn't you get his autograph!" she continues at us.

"Hannah! Hannah chill out! First off we didn't know it was Harry Styles and second even if we did I wouldn't ask him for an autograph." I say. Hannah huffs at me and walks out of the room muttering something about living in a house full of idiots. Ross looks at us then turns and runs after her. I look at Rydel. "you really think that was Harry Styles?" Rydel shrugs, "what's the chance of Harry Styles and his look alike being in the same place?" "good point."

"I didn't like him, he seemed to flirty." Riker says. I snort, "Riker chill, he's a world famous singer and I have no interest, well besides the fast that he's hot, and rich, and can sing." "I can sing!" I laugh, "never said you couldn't" Riker shakes his head and walks off. Katie, Hannah, and Tiffany walk into the room just then.

"who's ready to go dress shopping?" Rydel asks jumping up. "what?" I ask. "remember we're going dress shopping!" "oh yeah." So we say bye to Ratliff and jump in the van, "were to?" I ask. "how about Davids Bridal?" Katie suggests. "ok!" Rydel says and we're off.

 We get to the bridal store and walk inside my first thought is whoa that's a lot of wedding dresses. A lady walks over to us, "how can i help you?" "uh i'm getting married." I mutter still distracted by all the dresses. "well congratulations what color dresses do you need?" "uhhh i look at the others and try to remember the dress colors." "yellow." Hannah pipes up. "red." Katie says. "orange." Tiffany says rubbing her stomach. "green." Rydel says.

The lady looks kind of overwhelmed but she nods, "ok and just and original wedding dress?" I shake my head, "uh no i was hoping for rainbow." "what?" the lady asks shocked. "my fiance and I are very uhh original." I explain. The lady laughs and nods, "ok then we'll do the bridesmaids first then you ok?" I nod, "sure."

"lets start with you," the lady says pointing at Hannah, "let me take your measurements." She measures Hannah then start walking around piling different dresses on her arm. We follow her and with every dress she holds it up and says, "yes no?" to me. Most of them are no but then she pulls out this one yellow dress that's a pastel yellow at the top then a sparkly kind of belt, and then it flows down and the farther the dress flows the brighter yellow it gets. At the very bottom of the dress it's bright yellow. "YES!" I cry.

The lady kind of looks at me, "sorry." I mutter. She laugh, "it's ok i've seen even bigger reactions to the perfect dress." She then holds it out to Hannah, "yes or no?" Hannah fingers the dress, "yes absolutely yes." The lady nods, "good." we walk over to the dressing rooms and Hannah tries it on. "please fit. please fit" I beg to myself crossing my fingers.

When Hannah walks out of the dressing room we all gasp, the dress on her is absolutely stunning. "it looks that bad?" she asks looking at our awestruck faces. "no its gorgeous." I say ad Rydel and Katie nod. "well it fits perfectly." Hannah says twirling around in the mirror. The dress flies up an that kind of pirncessy way and looks really cool. Hannah stop, "I must have this dress." She says. I laugh, "if you didn't want it I would be forcing you to buy it anyway!"

Next up is Katie, the lady takes her measurements and starts looking for orange dresses. "this one?" she asks holding up a hideous neon orange dress that goes down the what looks like Katies knees and is tight. "no." I say firmly. "i just want to try that on to see how bad it would look." Katie giggles. "ok then try it on."

Katie goes into the dressing room with the sorry thing for a dress and changes. When she comes back out it's like the dress was completely changed, it no longer looks awful and disgusting but elegant and cunning. Katie looks in a mirror, "whoa." is all she can say. I walk up behind her, "this is your dress." i say. Katie nods, "that's incredible! How could it look so different!" I shrug and there we go Katies dress is done.

Next up Rydel and the whole time the lady is taking her measurements she is begging me, "please let me wear a pink dress, please please." I shake my head, "no its gotta be green, on your wedding you can wear pink but but not mine." Rydel sighs, "fine." Now finding Rydels dress should have been easy but she kept rejecting EVERYTHING, "Rydel pick one!" I moan exasperated after 20 minutes of no's. "no its gotta pop, none of these are popping!"

Then the lady holds out a dark green dress, its strapless and tight at the top then it poofs out like a princess dress and goes down to maybe the knees. Now heres the main part were to top of the dress and the poofy part connects there is a black belt and on that belt is, one the side a little Hello Kitty head on it. Rydel screams. "lets try that one." i say grinning, because it is a pretty dress, and there's Hello Kitty on it for some reason.

Rydel tries on the dress and she looks absolutely stunning! Likes its ridiculous how good she looks in it, "I feel like a real princess." she giggles spinning around in the dress. "thats the one." I say to the lady. She nods and it takes us another 20 minutes for us to convince Rydel to take the dress off.

After that is Tiffany, "well here's the thing because you're pregnant we don't know definitely what your size is at the time of the wedding so it will be hard for us to find you a dress." The lady tells her. Tiffany sighs, "Hey Nova i think i should wait a little longer until I by a dress." she tells me. "yeah i think it's a good idea." The lady turns to me, "you ready?" I gulp, "umm maybe I should wait until later, maybe-" "You're doing this Nova." Hannah says. "fine."

The lady takes my measurements and says, "ok since you want a rainbow dress you will need to pick out a normal white dress and we can die it." i nod, "ok" This time the lady leads us to a different part of the store. She goes through the original dresses, you know poofy, frilly, Rydelly.  

Finally we move onto the less normal dresses and I see the one. Its tight and goes all the way down my legs then when it gets to what looks like my knees then it starts at the top of my knees and dips down and all the way around flaring out. It's perfect, simply yet elegant, unusual yet  not quiet weird, just me.

I can't say anything I just point at it. Rydel looks over from the princess dresses she was admiring and gasps, "its perfect for you!" she squeals. The lady gets the dress and I change into it, when I step out of the dressing room they just stare at me. "that bad huh?" Hannah shakes her head, "no way its beautiful!" "really?" "oh yeah its perfect for you!" Rydel says. "Then i guess i'll take it." i tell the lady.

She rings it up and i use the credit card Stormie gave me for the wedding. We walk out of the store clutching our dresses (except me and Tiffany)(they had to die mine) and talking about the wedding. "So have you set an exact date yet?" Katie asks. "No but I think in about 3 months." "cool!" Hannah says.

I seriously cannot wait until my wedding.


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