Chapter 51

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"What's with all this god damn rain!" I cry looking out the window at the cloudy gray sky and pouring rain. "Maybe because of all the precipitation, and condensation or whatever." Rocky calls from the kitchen. "shut up Rocky!" I snap. "hey you asked i gave you an answer!" "it was a rhetorical question!" "didn't sound like it!" "well it was!" i snap before turning away from the window and walking into the kitchen were everyone is sitting.

Rocky smirks at me before turning his attention to a babbling Grace, "Grace can you say daddy? Come on say daddy!" Rocky coos making Grace giggle and wave her sippy cup in the air, hitting Rocky in the face. I snort and Rocky groans, "well that hurt." "you totally deserved that." I mutter making Rocky glare at me. "I'm so happy Grace is going to be 1 in 3 months!" Tiffany squeals totally disregarding Rocky and I's argument. "really?" Katie asks, "already?" Tiffany nods, "yup already! It's gone by so fast! Then two months after that Trevor turns 5!" Trevor looks up from his food and grins, "yeah i'm going to be a big boy just like daddy!" I laugh and so does everyone else. Rocky ruffles Trevors hair, "You're already pretty big if you ask me." Trevor tries to fix is hair and laughs, "Daddy stop it! My hair!"

Ryland laughs, "they aren't biologically related but Rocky is totally his dad!" we laugh and Rocky grins, "that's my boy!" Suddenly the doorbell rings making us all jump. "who could that be?" Riker asks. Stormie looks up, "I hope its the people with the new door." "oh yeah they're supposed to come by today!" Riker exclaims standing up. We hear him open the door and hear him dragging something inside. "Uhhh guys you might want to look at this." he calls his voice uneasy. We all glance around the table before crowding into the front area. There's the door alright but there's something written on the door.


Everyone turns and looks at me, i stand frozen reading those words over and over again. Finally i shake my head and stand up straight, "looks like i'm having a meeting with my sister." "yeah your psycho sister! There is no way you're going!" Riker retorts. "I have to Riker! If we ever want this to end i need to see what she wants!" "but she's insane you don't know whats doing on in her mind! She might not even want to talk you don't know what she's going to do!" "but i need to find out! and there's only one way to find that out Riker!" "No i wont let you!" "well its not up to you! I'm an adult i can do what i want!" I snap. "you're carrying my baby! I'm not letting you go into harms way!" "I have to though! If i don't then there will be more and more chances for me to harm or even lose the baby! Think about it Riker this is the best way!"

Riker suddenly slams his fist against the wall, "NO! You aren't going out there! I don't care if this continues, if you can't have someone come with you i won't let you!" I clench my fists and glare at Riker, "I am going! I can make my own choices! You are not the boss of me, i can do what i want Riker Lynch!" Riker stares at me a second before making a fist and slamming it against the wall again, "NO! I don't want you or the baby getting hurt, you want to know why because i care about you! I don't want you getting hurt! At all!" "I will! You know what Riker, you are so overprotective! I can't eat junk because of the baby! I can't do this because of the baby! I can't do that because i might get hurt! Well you know what? I don't care i'm doing it! Why? because to me others safety is more important then my own safety. If i can protect multiple people by putting myself in harms way i will, i don't care! So get it into your head Riker i'm going!" I yell.

Riker blinks and i can see a beacon of hurt pass across his eyes. "Fine if that's what you think of me caring about you and your safety, then i won't do that anymore. I won't care, sorry I've bugged you i won't do it anymore. Go ahead meet the psycho i don't care anymore." Riker mutters his voice giving away just how hurt he is. "Riker-" I mutter reaching one of my arms out to touch his shoulder, but he brushes me away before he turns and walks up the stairs.

Here Comes Forever **SEQUEL** (R5 fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now