Chapter 57

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"Does Ross know?" I ask Hannah as she washes her mouth out. Hannah shakes her head and spits water into the sink, "nope." "How long have you known?" "about a week." "Hannah!" "what? I honestly don't think Ross is ready for a baby so I don't plan on telling him for awhile." "Hannah! You need to tell him!" "I will just......later." "Hannah! You need to tell him now, if you tell him later when its obvious you're preggers he's gonna be mad you kept it from him." Hannah hangs her head, "I kno its just when I found out, it was like seriously a day after Ross told me he wasn't ready." "Hannah I know how babies are made, trust me I really do, and what I want to know is why would Ross do that if he wasn't ready?" Hannah shrugs, "it was just like that, after the wedding and we just kinda forgot."

I shake my head and Hannah stares at the ground, "I'm screwed aren't I?" she asks. I shake my head, "not necessarily, Ross could suddenly realize he's ready for a baby." Hannah shoot me a look and I wince, "he's probably gonna be a little shocked and stuff, but eventually he'll get over it." Hannah stares at me, "you think?" I nod, "yeah you just need to get it over it and tell him." Hannah sighs, "ok i'll tell him, in a few months." "Hannah!" "fine fine i'll tell him." I shake my head and adjust Ryder. "Come on then, lets go."

We walk down the stairs and Hannahs started bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. "Hannah calm down, its just a baby. Tiffany told Rocky about it 3 times, I've told Riker once and hopefully only once." Hannah stiffens at Tiffanys name but she gets distracted as we walk into the living room. There's some random girl in my house, she's straddling Rocky who is sitting on the couch looking scared. The girls got her hands all over him and she's kissing him like there's no tomorrow.

"What the HECK is going on here!" I yell making them both jump. Rocky looks relieved the girl looks upset. "I'm Rockys new girlfriend, I replaced that slut Tiffany. Its a good thing she died really, Rocky deserved someone much better then her." My eyes widen and Hannah chokes. Rockys face turns red and he shoves the girl off of him. He stands up and towers over the girl who's fallen onto the floor. "Look, I don't know who you are or how you got in but no one ever calls my- my old wife a slut! You aren't better then Tiffany in a long shot, and besides you're the slut. Now get out." Rocky growls taking the girls arm and dragging her through the house.

I hear a grunt, the girl squeal, and the door slam shut. Rocky walks back into the room steam pouring from his ears. "What happened?" I ask Rocky quietly. "Ok so I just sat down on the couch, I was taking a break from helping Riker and she appeared out of nowhere. Someone must have left the door open or something and she like totally pinned me down and well you saw the rest." My eyebrows shoot way up, "She just walked into my house?" I ask. Rocky nods, "that's what it seems like." I quickly turn and walk towards the front door, I lock the door and check all the windows.

I return to Hannah and Rocky, "ok so I locked everything and stuff we should be good, god that was creepy." Rocky nods and looks upset, "I'm gonna go lay down in one of your spare bedrooms ok?" I nod knowing that what the girl said to Rocky about Tiffany affected him. Rocky walks up the stairs and I look at Hannah, "That was one of the weirdest things that have ever happened in my own house!" Hannah nods, "That was just plain abnormal."

"Hey do you think Rocky literally threw the girl out?" Hannah asks after a few seconds. I shrug, "most likely." "Imma go ask him!" Hannah exclaims turning around but I grab her arm and yank her back. "Nu uh uh, you have a job to do remember?" Hannah scowls, "shoot." I laugh, "you are taking this way to  seriously, because whether Ross wants a baby or not he's going to be helping out. It is his child after all."

I look over at Hannah and see her wince, "Hannah?" Hannah looks up quickly, "what?" she asks. "Why'd you wince?" Hannahs silent for a second her eyes darting around as if she's looking for an escape rout, "my stomach just hurt slightly." she says finally. I roll my eyes but don't push it, trust me she'll tell us eventually. We both walk outside and see Katie, Rydel, and Trevor playing with Grace on the grass. I smile at the sight then look over at the Lynch boys (+ Ratliff) I snort.

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