Chapter 64

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***3 DAYS LATER***

"ROSS! YOUR HAIR DOESN"T HAVE TO BE PERFECT YOU KNOW!" I yell through the bathroom door. "Yes it does!" is Ross' muffled reply. "Why? You're going on an airplane!" "so, it has to look good!" I shake my head and go pick up Ryder who's lying on the bed, our flight is in half an hour and we're going to miss it if Ross doesn't hurry the heck up. Ross finally leaves the bathroom and I frown, "your hair looks the same as when you woke up." Ross scowls and grabs our bags, "ready?" I nod and we leave the hotel, and hail a taxi.

I clip Ryders seat in and for what seems like the millionth time, slide into the middle seat, Ross next to me. We take off and once again the driver slides the weird privacy thing up. I look over at Ross who's face is blank. "Ross." Ross jumps, "wa?" I snort and shake my head, "Ross you know that thing that was going on between us?" Ross nods slowly. "Well starting now it stops, over, never to be thought, said, or heard of again. Ok?" Ross nods again, "over, done for, never again. Gotcha." Then he adds, "so you aren't going to tell Riker?" I glower at him, "how would you feel if I said that to you and you were my husband." Ross scowls, "that has been said to me, in case you don't remember Hannahs pregnant with someone else's baby." I wince and Ross gives me a look.

"yeah sorry, well you remember how you acted. I can't have Riker do that to me, I have at baby currently." Ross nods, "ok then, I wasn't really planning on telling Hannah either."

***AFTER THE SUPER LONG PLANE RIDE*** (Btw it's like 8pm)

"I am so glad to be home!" Ross exclaims stepping out of the airport with me close behind. I laugh, "It's so much cooler here then Florida! Never ever will I move somewhere else!" Ross nods, "you got that right." We walk quickly through the parking lot trying to find Ross' car but in the growing darkness it's not all that easy. "Can't you like click the clicker thing and make the lights light up?" I ask exasperated. Ross looks at me and frowns, "the clicker thingy? Really? and good idea."

Ross hits the button on his key ring and a car right next to us lights up, "ok how are we right here and you can't even tell it's your car?" I ask. Ross shrugs, "it's dark." I quickly buckle Ryder in and we get out of the dang airport as fast as we possibly can! Once we're on the freeway I sigh, "I feel guilty, like majorly guilty, like i'm about to puke guilty." Ross glances at me, "you aren't right?" I shake my head, "no- wait never mind pull over i'm about to throw my lunch up."

Ross makes it to the side of the freeway and i'm out of the car and heaving my lunch up all over the dying plants. Once I've emptied my stomach I wash my mouth with water and climb back into the car, "I feel better now, somewhat." "You better not throw up again." Ross says. I shake my head, "I don't have anything to throw up now." Ross shakes his head and starts driving again.

I'm home! I'm actually home! Even though my cars at Ross and Hannahs house Ross still drove to Riker and I's house instead. I'm out of the car and up the lawn with Ross yelling after me, "you forgot Ryder!" I ignore him and race inside. I find Riker and Hannah in the living room watching some chick flick, Hannahs bawling her eyes out and Rikers just sitting there, blank.

"Riker!" I exclaim as I take in his familiar blond/brown hair, and eyes. Riker jumps up and wraps me up in a hug, it feels so right. Not like hugging Ross, that felt ok but also really wrong. This is amazing, I feel so peaceful. We hug tightly for what seems like forever, Riker pulls back slightly and tilts my chin up with his hand. Our lips connect in a shower of sparks and I know that no matter what Ross and I did, I would never, ever pick him over Riker. Riker, he's just so Riker. My Riker.

I hear a cough from behind us and we jump apart, Ross and Hannah are standing there looking awkward. Finally Hannah steps toward Ross, "Ross i'm really sorry I did all that stuff, which begins with sleeping with Louis, and end with me running off so I won't face my problems. Forgive me?" Hannah holds her arms out in and offer to hug him, Ross stares at her for a second before wrapping her up in his arms. They stand there, in a tight embrace rocking back and forth slightly for at least 10 minutes. Finally they pull apart and Ross looks at us, "Um we're going to go home, sort things out better you know?" I nod right as the doorbell rings.

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