Chapter 62

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"Ross this needs to stop." I mutter pulling away from Ross. Ross winces, "I know, but I dunno. I just can't." I nod and walk over to Ryder, "I'm married and have a child, your married and trying to fix your marriage. Kissing someone else isn't going to fix anything." I mutter as I pick Ryder up and pull my shirt down. Ryder starts to nurse as Ross walks over and sits down on the bed, "I know, I know, and I really do want Hannah back a lot but sleeping in the same bed as you, you pulling your shirt down at the most random times. It's hard for me to ignore the small part of me that still likes you, a lot."

I groan, "Then why is it so hard for me to stop? I mean I never really liked you like that, so why do I like to kiss you." "When was the last time you and Riker kissed?" "Yesterday, but only quickly, not enough." I clap a hand over my mouth, were did that last part come from? Ross raises an eyebrow, "that's it then. You're craving attention, passion from someone. You want to be held so badly that you don't care who it is." "But I don't feel that way." I say tentatively. "Maybe consciously you don't but trust me you do. Watch." Ross stands up and wraps his arms around me and Ryder, he slowly kisses my cheek going nearer and nearer to my mouth. Right before my mouth he stops, "what did you feel then?"

I feel my face go red as I mutter, "I wanted you to not let go of me, I wanted you to hold me tighter." Ross steps back and I sigh. "See, you crave attention, when was the last time Riker held you close?" I think about it and realize I don't remember, I shrug, "I don't know." Ross raises an eyebrow, "I'm going to need to talk to my brother, you rejected me for him so he better be giving you the attention you deserve." I raise an eyebrow and Ross blushes.

I place Ryder back into his seat and sit down next to Ross, "Ross try to focus on Hannah." Ross nods, "just one more kiss?" I look at him and sigh, "You use my weaknesses as an advantage, I will get you back!" Ross laughs and I lean forward and press my lips to his. Ross lets out a small moan and I have to push down a giggle. Ross pulls me towards him until i'm basically lying on top of him, I pull away from him and rest my head on his chest, "This is so wrong." I mutter. Ross wraps his arms around me and sighs, "I know."

I roll off of Ross and sit on the bed, right then my phone rings and I jump about two feet into the air. "wha!" I cry as I scrabble to pull the phone from my pocket. "I really need to lower the volume." I curse before answering, "hello?" "Hi, um Nova?" "Hannah?" I ask incredulously. "Um yeah it's me." "what's going on?" "Well, I rethought everything and I realized that I was really hard on Ross and I feel really bad so I came back to LA to apologize and Ross isn't here. Rikers not home and neither are you." I look at Ross who is watching me intently ever since he heard Hannahs name.

I give an uncomfortable laugh before replying, "Uhh Hannah, Ross and I are in Florida. Right after you left Ross decided he was going after you and somehow I got dragged along with him." "He went after me! Awww I love him so much!" Hannah exclaims, guilt wells up in the pit of my stomach and I can barely mutter a reply, "um yeah, ok we're going to try and get the next flight back to LA." "Ok I can't wait to see you guys we really need to straighten this out." "bye." "bye" As I hang up the phone Ross pretty much tackles me, "what did she say?" he demands.

I push him off of me and sit up, "She's in LA, when she got here she realized she was really hard on you and decided to go back" "It's like we're playing plane tag." Ross mutters. I snort, "So are we going to try and book the next flight back?" I ask. Ross nods and grabs his phone from the nightstand. He sits there silently for awhile while I play with Ryder, finally he looks up, "We have tickets for tomorrow at 6 am." "AM!" I cry, "I don't even wake up at 6!" Ross shrugs, "it's the best I could do." "well it's better then nothing." I mutter as I unclasp Ryder from his seat and lay him on the trundle bed the hotel delivered. He stares up at me or a minute or so before he start fussing.

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