Chapter 55

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"Ryder shhh shhh baby, come on be quiet for mommy" I murmur trying to sooth my fussy baby lying next to me on the hospital bed. The others have left and I have to spend another night here for some reason. The others try to take Riker home with them but he refuses to leave me. I look over at Riker who's trying to make a hospital chair comfy.

"How about you line three of them up sideways?" I suggest. Riker looks up and grins, "hey thanks, I dunno why I didn't think of that!" I shrug, "because you're a boy?" Riker puts his hand on his heart in mock hurt, "hurtful!" he says. I laugh, "well sorry, I've just had a baby, what kind of manual labor have you done lately?" I ask. Riker goes red, "what? the thought of me having a baby makes you uncomfortable?" I ask. Riker shrugs, "well, it was kind of scary." "says the guy who just stood there!" I get distracted by Ryder who's started crying.

I look down at my tiny baby and sigh, "what do you think? is he hungry?" I ask. "well the last time he ate was before the others visited, so I would assume so. I know I am!" I shake my head and quickly pull my shirt down giving Ryder what he wants. I sigh and look over at Riker, "so here go our lives of being childless and carefree." Riker shrugs, "come on, Ryder is absolutely adorable, it'll be fun." I sigh, "yeah I guess so." Riker stands up and walks over to me, he leans down and kisses me lightly. Then he leans way over and kisses Ryders forehead. "You are going to be a great mom trust me." I smile up at him, "kiss me again then." Riker laughs and leans over for another kiss. When he pulls away I make a face and Riker grins, "Sorry, but you need your sleep. Remember what the nurse said. She said you needed at least 2 weeks of bed rest after you go home." I glare at Riker, "that doesn't mean I can't kiss you!" Riker shakes his head, "sorry." "I hate you." "good night Nova." "jerk" "I love you." "you're annoying"

Riker chuckles before he falls asleep on his makeshift bed. I sigh and look down at Ryder who's fallen asleep while eating. I reposition him and pull my shirt back up. I gaze down at Ryder and smile. His blond hair is so light he could be bald, his little nose just makes me want to pinch it, and his tiny little lips make me want to kiss him. I sigh once more and snuggle down in the (not very comfy) hospital bed.


I wake up around midnight to a screaming Ryder, "shh shh, Ryder whats wrong?" I coo. Then I realize his diaper STINKS! "Riker! Hey Riker!" I hiss but he doesn't wake up, finally I grab my pillow and chuck it at his head. It hits square on and makes Riker jump then roll over so he falls off the chairs. I conceal my giggles as Riker sits up, "well that was an unusual way to wake me up." he groans. "Riker, Ryder needs you to change his diaper!" I hiss. "You woke me up for THAT?" Riker asks. I nod, "yep, you're on diaper duty, now get to it. Stinky over here isn't gonna change itself." Riker groans and takes Ryder from me.

He changes his diaper and hands Ryder back to me, "you know Nova I think its really nice you made Ryders middle name Tiffany." I smile, "it's the best I could do for my best friend, who gave her life for me." Riker smiles and kisses me again, "Now I know why I married you." I can feel myself blush but I fall asleep before I can reply, wow I must be really tired.


"Nova wakey wakey, the hospital people say its time for you to go, plus the others are here so wake up." Riker whispers in my ear. I groan and open my eyes, there are 10 people standing over me, I jump slightly and sit up. "So its time for me to get out of here?" Riker nods, "yep." "ok cool, take Ryder, change his diaper, and hold him while i change and get up." I say as I hand Ryder to Riker and a nurse helps me out of the bed. I stretch, "well it feels good to stand up, i guess." i mutter as the others sign papers to get me out of here.

We walk out to the car, Riker still carrying Ryder and we climb in. We place Ryder in the baby seat we bought for him and drive back. Once we get to the Lynchs', Riker, Ryder, and I get into my car and drive to our house. When we get there i climb the stairs and get into bed (Rikers orders, well i was also pretty tired) i cuddle up with Ryder who's already fallen asleep and fall asleep even though the words painted on the wall (we forgot to paint over them) freak me out.


"Nova, hey open your eyes you need to eat something it's dinner time." Riker calls quietly walking into the room with a try full of food on it. I move Ryder over so i won't hit him with the tray and sit up, "You didn't have to bring me dinner you know." I tell Riker. Riker smiles and sets the tray on my lap, i look at it and see chicken noodle soup, carrot sticks, and pudding. "Riker this is a freakishly good imitation of a hospital dinner." I tell him. Riker snorts, "oops, taste it tell me if it tastes the same." I take a bite of the chicken noodle (can you really take a bite of soup?) and nod, "This is much better!" Riker smiles, "thought so, mom made it. She came by a few hours ago with all this food. Like seriously, A LOT of food." I laugh, "well then tell her thanks."

Riker sits down in front of e on the bed and we talk while i eat, "So are you going to sit around the house while i sleep?" I ask. Riker shrugs, "I plan on repainting this room and the living room, because of the big red words." I nod, "ok and once that's done?" "I'll probably do something I've always wanted to do." "which is?" "buy a pool table!" "Riker we have a pool table." "no, i wasn't done. Not just any pool table, i'm going to make it so its a pool table for the pool!" My eyes bug out, "seriously?" Riker nods a big grin on his face. "Ok that's probably the coolest thing I've ever heard! Go ahead with that!" Riker laughs, "I knew you would like it."

"Yeah i can't wait until i can put a bathing suit on again and go in the pool." "Why can't you do that now?" Riker asks. "Well for one my stomach is all hollow and weird looking because its been all stretched out and i need the skin to tighten back up, and second just post-birth stuff." Riker raises an eyebrow, "ok then" I laugh, "yeah you don't want to know." I finish eating and Riker takes my tray away while i feed Ryder.

After awhile Riker comes back upstairs, "bed time." he mutters as he pull his shirt off and changes into pajama bottoms. I stare at his bare chest and sigh, "why can't you sleep with a shirt on like most people?" I ask. Riker shrugs, "because you like it and its comfy like that. Shirts get all twisted up and stuff." I laugh, "what if i went to bed without a shirt on?" I ask. Riker squints at me for a second then smiles, "I wouldn't mind that." I shake my head, "You are disgusting." Riker laughs, "you suggested it." I don't reply to that and snuggle down into the blankets.

Ryder looks at me with his tiny baby eyes and moves a wobbly hand in my direction. I smile down at him, "I'm your mommy Ryder, and that annoying man over there is your daddy." I murmur. "Hey! Don't spread false information about me!" Riker exclaims and he gets into the bed on the other side of Ryder. Ryder looks at him, the back at me. I pull him towards me and cuddle up with Ryder until he falls asleep.

Then i cuddle up with Ryder and Riker and fall asleep again.


Here Comes Forever **SEQUEL** (R5 fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora