Chapter 8

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The bushes rustled again and out walks (I have such amazing luck! Hint the sarcasm) a bear. I'm not talking one of those little scrawny bears that are scared of humans, i'm talking about a huge bear with brown fur, maybe the size of a large motorcycle.

What do you do when you see a bear? Run away? No that doesn't sound right. Stay still? No i think you're supposed to make a lot of noise and act bigger then the bear. Scary. The bear looks at me and i stand on my tiptoes trying to make myself taller. I raise my arms above my head and stomp my feet on the ground.

"GO! GET OUT OF HERE! GO!" I scream at it. The bear raises up on its hind legs doubling its height making me  shrink back into the tree i'm pressed against. The bear walks forward and i try to slip around the tree, but the bear apparently doesn't like that move.

He (i guess it's a he) swipes out his paw and catches the side of my hip to my mid stomach. I let out a shriek as i collapse. I look down at my stomach and see that my shirt is already soaked through with blood. The bear is standing above me looking down, i brace myself for his next blow but oddly enough he walks off.

My mind suddenly realizes just how badly the giant gash hurts. I drag myself over to the tree and lean against it. I look down at my blood soaked t-shirt and whimper in pain. I peel my t-shirt up and look at the cut. Its bloody and i can't really see anything.

I dig through my backpack and pull out my extra t-shirt that i grabbed for after i swim in the lake. I rip the bottom of my blood soaked shirt off and grab my water bottle. I pour at least half my water on the gash and look down at it.

It's pretty deep, maybe an inch under my skin. It doesn't look to bad besides that actually, besides the fact that it hurts like nobodies business. I rip off the bottom of the clean shirt and wrap it around the cut. The blood immediately soaks through, so i rip off the top of the shirt and wrap it around the other bandage.

I look down at my now ruined, used to be white shirt, and wonder how the heck this happened to me? I lean forward to grab my backpack and almost scream at the wrenching, stinging, pain that curses through the middle part of my body.

I whimper as i grab my backpack and lean back against the tree. I dig through it and grab my cell phone. I hit the on button and type in Rikers number. It rings for like forever until finally the automatic ladies voice says, "I'm sorry there is no signal at the moment. Call back later." I hang up and lean back against the tree.

I move one of my hands and accidentally hit the gash along my stomach. I scream in pain and then everything goes black. I open my eyes to see Riker looking down at me my mind and eyes are still hazy, but i can tell it's Riker.

"Riker?" I mumble. Riker jumps, "Nova! You're awake!" I rub my eyes and I finally focus on were i am. I'm lying on a cot in some room, and i have a real bandage on my stomach. "Were am I?" I ask trying to sit up. Riker pushes me back down on the bed, "no lie down. I found you passed out against a tree with a blood soaked shirt tied to your waist. I got a ranger out here an he fixed you up. He even stitched your cuts up. Right now we're in the rangers station, what happened Nova?"

I groan, "a bear happened, i got lost and a bear came out of the bushes and attacked me." Rikers eyebrows shoot way up, "seriously?" I nod, "yeah and why isn't it hurting?" I ask looking down at my bandage wrapped torso. "well he gave you pain killers, it's amazing all the stuff they have up here." Riker says.

"So i'm guessing our little camping trip is over?" I ask looking at Riker. He nods, "yeah unless you want to go camping with 20 stitches in your side." I laugh, "i don't really." "Well then we're leaving, but it's already 8 so lets just hit a hotel for tonight." Riker says. I nod, "lets go!" I try to stand up but my torso starts hurting so i collapse onto the bed.

"help?" I mutter giving Riker a weak smile. Riker laughs and picks me up bridal style. "This is not what I ment when i said help." I say crossing my arms. "Yeah i know but its fun to see you angry.' Riker says smirking at me. "fine!" I mutter.

Riker carries me out to the car and puts me into my seat. "I already packed up the camp because i figured you would want to leave." Riker says as he gets in the car and starts the engine. "away to a wonderful 5 star hotel that has flat screen TV's and cushy beds!" I cry pointing towards the road.

Riker laughs, "yeah no. We're stopping at the first hotel within my price range, because i am paying for this." "Fine!" I huff crossing my arms carefully avoiding my lower stomach area. We drive out of the national park and into a little town.

"Awww it's so cute!" I cry as I stare at all the log buildings and trees and other stuff you don't see in the industrial city of LA. "how bout there?" Riker asks pointing at a 2 story log house that has a sign in the front saying: Redwood Cabin Inn, Rooms Vacant, Pool and Spa available. I nod, "they have a spa that's good enough for me!"

Riker pulls into the parking lot and I'm about to get out of the car when i realize that i'm wearing half a blood stained shirt and some bandages. "hey Riker do you have a sweater i can borrow?" I ask. Riker looks at me and laughs, "good idea. Here." He says tossing a Hollister hoodie at me. "thanks" I say putting it on.

Riker helps me into the lobby and he gets a room. We walk inside and it's so cool! Everything is wood and the beds are super soft. It's got a flat screen TV and a pool side view. "wow nice hotel for a small town." I mutter impressed. Riker nods, "yeah."

"well i guess we should get ready for bed." Riker says looking at his phone. I nod, "yeah." We change into our pjs and spend the next hour watching TV. Riker falls asleep next to me and I only notice when his head falls down and hits my stomach. "ow!" I grimace pushing Riker back onto the bed.

I lay down next to him, I have to lay on my side other wise my wound (hehe that sounds so important) would start killing me. Riker wakes up slightly when i move and puts an arm lightly around me. "you don't have very good luck." Riker comments earning a slap in the arm.

"I met you that's pretty good luck." I reply. Riker smiles sleepily and pulls me closer to him. I fell asleep in Rikers arms (*sigh* so cliche).

I wake up the next morning to Riker clapping his hands in my face, "Upsi daisy! Time to get up!" "Go away, i got attacked by a bear yesterday i'm tired!" I groan. Riker laughs, "nope we need to hit the road if we want to get back to LA at a decent time!" "well i don't want to! lets take another day to get to LA for all i care just let me sleep!" Riker sighs, "fine" "good" I mumble at I fall back asleep.

I open my eyes to Riker staring intently at my face. "what are you looking at?" I ask accusingly. Riker jumps, "nothing i was just bored." "what time is it?" I ask sitting up (holding back a whimper) and look around.

"ehh about 10 in the morning." "oh ok." "so can we leave now?" I ask. Riker nods, "yup i got the car packed up while you were sleeping all you gotta do is get in it." "ok lets go." I say standing up. Suddenly there is a gut wrenching pain were i got slashed and i keel over.

"Nova!" Riker cries jumping up. I moan in pain as i collapse in a crumpled heap on the floor. "what's wrong?" Riker asks kneeling next to me. "ahhh it hurts." I whimper, then everything goes black.


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