Chapter 4

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Everyone is just kind of staring at Ross who is sitting on the couch his head in his hands. Finally Rocky stands up, "I'm just going to go, uhhhh some were else anyone want to come?" Everyone else jumps up, "Lets go!" Katie says already half way out the living room.

Riker looks at me, "you coming Nova?" I shake my head and look at Ross, "I need to have a talk with Ross." I say and Riker shrugs, "ok but be quick." with that Riker turn and leaves the room. I turn and sit down next to Ross.

"Ok Ross you need to tell me the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! No softening the edges or making it sound better for you. Tell me exactly what happened!" Ross sighs and looks at me and i can see tears on the edges of his eyes, about to fall.

"Ok so i think it was the last concert before we came back from tour and we were at a signing and this one fan asked if she could talk to me in private. I said yes and she led me into an empty room. She turned to me and said, 'i really really like you Ross like more then a fan should.' and i was kinda shocked and i told her i had a girlfriend and she shook her head and replied, 'i don't care I've seen pictures of her and I'm prettier and not as crazy, I'm the one you should be with Ross' and before i could do anything she launched herself on me and started kissing me." Ross stops to take a breath and continues.

"She was a good kisser, I'm not going to deny that, and i enjoyed it. I hadn't kissed someone in 5 years and being kissed by a pretty girl, who was a good kisser kinda didn't help things. I kissed her back for like i dunno a few seconds and someone must have gotten a picture before i realized what i was doing and pushed her away from  me." Ross finishes and looks at me.

I just sit there shocked because when i told him not to sugar coat it I didn't think he was gonna listen to me! Finally i manage to stammer a wow an Ross looks relieved that i actually said something. "So is there any way do you think that Hannah would get back together with me?" Ross asks and I shrug,

I honestly don't know, because no one really knows what goes on in Hannahs head and well it really just depends i suggest you call her over here and explain everything to her!"

Ross nods, "ok" I get up and start to walk out of the room, "Call her!" I walk up the stairs and walk into Riker and Rockys room were i see the most bizarre thing ever. There sitting on the floor surrounded by everyone else is Ryland and Katie, there lips locked (not uncommon) but the weird thing is that Rocky is holding a stopwatch and everyone is cheering.

I walk over and sit next to Riker and whisper, "ok what the heck is going on!" Riker laughs and turns to me, "ok i didn't come up with this but we're having a contest to see who can kiss the longest. So far Rocky and Tiffany are winning with an amazing 5 minutes. Rydel and Ratliff are second with 3 minutes and right now Ryland and Katie are around 4 minutes." I raise an eyebrow and look at Riker, "seriously?" Riker nods, "yeah care to enter?" I nod, "sure, but hey were is Trevor?"

Riker hikes a thumb over at Rockys bed were Trevor is fast asleep. "oh ok" I am about to say more but I'm interrupted by cheering because Ryland and Katie have broken apart. "4 and a half minutes!" Rocky calls and Ryland groans, "so close!" Katie laughs, "we can break that record later, in private." Rylands eyebrows shoot up and Katie racks up. Rocky wolf whistles and the rest of us crack up.

"So Tiffany and I are the winners!" Rocky cries but Riker holds up his hands, "Not so fast Nova and I gotta go." "oh yeah, well you guys aren't gonna beat us!" Tiffany laughs and Riker and I sit in the middle of the circle. "Ok, go! Rocky says hitting the stopwatch.

Riker and  i start to kiss and its slow and pleasant perfect for conserving air. I hear the others cheering and feel slightly self conscious because everyone is watching Riker and i kiss. I hear Rocky call, "2 minutes!" and i can feel Riker smile slightly .

Riker and i continue kissing and after Rocky calls, "4 minutes" I'm starting to feel kinda light headed from lack of oxygen. Just a few more minutes i think to myself. I hear Rocky then cry, "6 minutes!" and i fall back gasping. After i catch my breath i sit up, "We won! but i will never kiss Riker that long unless i can breath!" Riker laughs and and nods,"I agree!"

Rocky is sitting there pouting, "dang it! we almost had it!" Tiffany laughs and takes his hand, "next time!" Suddenly i hear the door open down stairs and Hannahs voice, "what do you want Ross?" I stand up say, "i'll be right back!" Then i bolt down the stairs.

I stop right before the living room and stand there listening. I hear Ross explain the whole story exactly as he told me. When he finishes i hear him ask, "So Hannah do you forgive me?" I hear Hannah reply with, "yep!" Ross says, "what?" ans Hannah laughs.

"I was never mad at you Ross, that girl is my cousin. I set that up, i wanted to see how you would react, how good of a boyfriend you would be, because the thing i said yesterday about me dating a musician was true. Well that was fun, bye Ross!" Hannah says skipping out of the house.

I walk into the living room to see Ross just sitting there on the couch looking shocked. "Ross you just got pranked, GOOD!" I tell him. "I cant believe that just happened. Wait did that just happen?" Ross asks looking really confused. I laugh, "Yes Ross that just happened, and it was pretty funny!" Ross shakes his head, "that was so not funny!"

"Yeah it kinda was, and that was probably one of the best pranks i have ever heard of!" I laugh. Ross glares at me, "I'm going to my room to think about what just happened." Ross says leaving the room shaking his head.

I laugh and Riker walks into the living room, "what so funny?" I laugh, "Ross just got majorly pranked!" "sounds like fun! hey what are you doing during spring break?" Riker asks. Spring break? Oh yeah next week is spring break, "Nothing why?" I ask.

"Because I'm taking you camping" Riker tells me putting his arm around me. "camping eww!" Riker laughs, "Prepare yourself because next week is going to be awesome!" Riker says. "Great cant wait." I say sarcastically rolling my eyes.


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