Chapter 31

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"WHAT!?" everyone exclaims as Stormie leads us into the house. Stormie takes a big breath and says, "i was upstairs and i heard noise downstairs, i thought it was just you guys coming back but when i went downstairs i saw Grace sleeping on the couch and Trevor looking at a book next to her. When i asked him what happened he handed me this."

Stormie holds out a piece of paper and I take it: Can you watch them for awhile? Thanks.

I look at Rockys familiar handwriting and shudder, "this is actually really creepy." i say handing the note to Riker, he reads it then passes it around to the others. "where do you think they went?" Rydel asks after a few uncomfortable minutes of silence. Ross shrugs, "who knows they could be ANYWHERE." "Thanks Ross, but you saying that doesn't help our situation!" Rydel snaps.

We go back to thinking in silence when a thought strikes me, "you guys maybe they arn't missing, maybe they just wanted some alone time and they didn't want to explain that so they just left a note. The last time I saw them they where pretty worn out." Riker shrugs, "you never know, mom did you check their house?"

Stormie is quiet for a minute then she says, "well i knocked." Riker holds back laughter and heads for the door, "lets go check." he says. Everyone follows him over to Rocky and Tiffanys house. First Riker just knocks on the door, when no one answers he starts pounding. "Riker stops it! I have a key just go in!" I exclaim pulling out my keyring.

I unlock the door and we step inside, "Rocky? Tiffany? anyone home?" I call into the house. There's no response so I head up the stairs and into Rocky and Tiffanys room. No ones there so i walk over to Tiffanys dresser and pull a drawer open. "guys! There's nothing here! Tiffany packed her clothes and stuff!" Riker walks over to me then walks over to Rockys dresser and pulls it open, "same here its empty."

I go to the closet and look into it, "guys Rockys suit is gone and so is the dress Tiffany had for my wedding." I call. I immediately feel Rikers presence behind me and i know we're thinking the same thing. I look over my shoulder at Riker, "you don't think.." I start and Riker finishes my sentence, "they went to Vegas."

"What? Why would they go to Vegas?" Katie asks. I turn around and sigh, "In Vegas you can marry someone in a moments notice." Riker places an arm around me, "so basically if you don't have time to plan a wedding, go to Vegas." Hannahs eyebrows shoot WAY up and she says, "I thought that was just for those weekend flings that never end well?" Riker shrugs, "for either, i just know you can buy a marriage license at anytime there so you can get married right then."

Ross raises an eyebrow at Riker, "how do you know that?" Riker shrugs again and says, "It's better you don't question that little bro." This time my eyebrows shoot up and i cross my arms, "How exactly do you know that Riker?" I ask. I can hear Riker gulp behind me, "uhh well awhile ago, uhh I had a really weird girlfriend, um yeah." I shake my head and walk down the stairs.

"well we don't know for sure that they're in Vegas right? I mean they wouldn't just get married without telling us right?" Ryland asks. I shrug, "you never know." We head back over to the Lynch's house and tell Stormie our suspicions. Stormie shakes his head, "my son getting married in Vegas, how shameful!" "we don't know for sure if he's getting married or not mom." Ross says trying to calm her down.

"well there's no way we could track them down in Vegas so the best we can do is wait until they come back." Riker says. Stormie nods, "yeah you're right. Riker, Nova, Rydel, Ratliff you're welcome to crash here because its pretty late." I look at Riker and he shrugs, "ok, besides i want to know right away what happens with the whole Rocky, Tiffany thing."  I say and Rydel nods in agreement. "you guys will need to sleep in Rocky and Rikers room then." Stormie says then walks up the stairs looking frazzled.

everyone just kind of looks at each other thinking then Ratliff finally says, "after they get back Trevor might have another sibling." Rydel slaps his arm and hisses at him, "Ratliff shut up, not now!" Ratliff hisses back, "what? i"m just trying to lighten the mood!" Rydel shakes her head and sits down on the couch. Ratliff shrugs and gives us a cocky grin.

After awhile we start talking about Vegas, "has anyone actually been there?" Hannah asks. Riker raises his hand, "um yeah i have." "why? and when?" Rydel asks curiously and Ross and Ryland are looking especially interested as well. Riker looks uncomfortable and finally says, "remember maybe 6 years ago when i went to music camp? well i didn't really go i was in Vegas."

"WHAT!?" Rydel shrieks causing us to shush her. Riker nods, "yeah, like i said i had a weird girlfriend." "So what did you do in Vegas?" Ross asks. Riker looks even more uncomfterble, "uhh you know hang out at the casinos, uhh get drunk." "RIKER!?" Rydel shrieks again and Ratliff says, "Rydel if you do that again i WILL duct tape you mouth shut."

Rydel scowls at him, "Sorry but when Riker said he got drunk and it was 6 years ago that means that Riker was only 20, he's technically not aloud to drink then!" Riker sighs, "yeah i know, and it was awful, everything was fuzzy and just bla" I put an arm around Riker, "don't worry about it, the same thing happened to me except i was 17, i wasn't even legally an adult." Rikers eyes open wide, "really? dang Nova here I was thinking you where pure."

I shrug, "I had a complicated past and a bad group of friends for awhile, but Tiffany steered me away from that." "what else have you done?" Riker asks glad that the attention is off him. I blush slightly thinking of all the bad things i'd done in the past.

I've never talked about it but now i think i can, i want to. I just hope Riker doesn't think to bad of me after he hears this stuff. "um well for awhile i was a smoker, i quit when Tiffany got me away from my friends. I went to wild parties and got drunk, I had some bad boyfriends, i uh well i went to juvy for awhile, and i have a tattoo."

"why'd you go to juvy?" Ross asks at the same time Riker asks, "you have a tattoo?" I nod at Riker and say to Ross, "I uh stole stuff, and yeah i have a tattoo," I say reaching my hand going up to my lip. I pull my lower lip down showing everyone the writing written on the inside of my lip. Hannah leans forward and reads it out loud: "F**K YOU ALL."

Riker looks at me and i see something different in his eyes, fright. "Riker.." I say but drift off at the look on his face. "you did all that? and why that tattoo and that place?" "I did do all that stuff and honestly i don't know why i did it didn't make me feel good but i still did it anyway, and yeah i don't like the tattoo anymore but it hurt enough to get it on i'm not having it removed, i had a troubled past that's why i picked those words, and that place so no one would see it."

Riker just shakes his head and i notice he scoots me away from me a few inches. "Riker whats wrong?" I ask. Riker shakes his head and mutter, "That's just that's what my old girlfriend was like and she went insane." "Really?" Riker nods. "well you've known me for 6 years and i'm not insane yet i think i'm good."

Riker laughs lightly and relaxes, "yeah i guess you're right."

Rydel yawns just then interrupting our little chat, Riker and i had tuned the others out and I had actually forgotten they where there. "Tired?" Ratliff asks her and Rydel nods, "yeah hearing you boast about how good you are at miniature golfing all day is tiring."

I snort and Hannah conceals laughter. Ratliff just shrugs, "what can i say i'm gifted so i'm going to share my gift by mouth!" Hannah bursts out laughing and Katie says, "you talk more then Ryland does when he talks about football!"

Ratliff shrugs, "hey i have a beautiful voice, i'm not going to coup it up! Hey maybe i should switch places with Ross in the band!" Ross looks horrified then he shakes his head vigorously, "nooooo waaayyyyy!" I laugh and we talk a little more then go to bed.

As I lay down next to Riker his hand goes to my stomach, he holds his hand there for a second then says, "i hope we have a baby." I sigh and cuddle up next to him.

"with you as the father, so do i"


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