Chapter 38

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"Nova? Rydel? Are you SMOKING?" Riker asks his face showing just how horrified he is. He walks over to me and swipes the cigarette from my hand, "Nova you're pregnant! You can't smoke!"

I look at Rydel and she just shrugs. "Oops I forgot." I mutter not looking Riker in the eye. His face turns bright red then he looks at Rydel. "What are you doing!?! You're ruining your life! Why would you smoke!?" Rydel glares at Riker, "just mind your own business!" She snaps and turns and walks off.

Riker turns to me, "explain NOW!" I give him a weak smile, "ok Rydels doing drugs, don't talk, and I'm trying to figure out were and why she shes got them, but she wouldn't tell us when we just asked her so I returned to me 'old ways" I tell him.

Rikers eyes bulge and he turns even more red, "WHAT?!?! She's doing DRUGS??" I nod, "yeah that's why she's been acting all weird." "When did you find this out ?" "Yesterday" "and why didn't you tell us?" Riker asks.

"We didn't want you to get Rydel in trouble because it wouldn't help things it would just make things worse." Riker raises an eyebrow, "you could have told ME." "We agreed to not tell anyone sorry Riker." Riker shakes his head, "well ok continue with what you're doing just please stop smoking!" I nod, "ok ok I'll stop but let me go I need to find Rydel." I say turning bak around.

Rydels gone, like completely dissapeared, "where'd she go?" I ask looking around. I turn back around and look at Riker who's shrugs, "come in let's go home." He says putting an arm around me.

We start walking back to the Lynchs' but Riker stops, "hand them over." He says holding out his hand. "Hand over what?" "You know what, the cigarettes!" Riker says and I laugh, "oh yeah, here just don't use them!" I hand over the pack and Riker sticks then in his pocket.

We walk back to the Lynchs' and when we get there I'm swamped by people. Hannah finally grabs my arm and drags me up the stairs, I latch onto Riker and pull him along with me.

When we get upstairs Hannah turns around and looks questioningly at Riker. "He caught me with Rydel so I told him everything." Hannah nods and Katie asks, "what'd she say?"

"Ok so she said shes been on them for a week, and Eric hooked her up with some guy that sells them, really cheap to. Oh yeah she's almost out as well." Tiffany sighs and Hannah sinks down to the bottom of the wall.

"When's her next date with Eric?" Tiffany asks. "Tonight" I tell her. "We'll she says she's almost out of the stuff so most likely she's going to buy some more tonight, who's up for a date?" Tiffany asks looking around.


We all watch Rydel get in the at with Eric but the car just sits there, and I can see that they're having what looks like a very serious conversation.

I run up the stairs and grab the pill bottle from under Rydels mattress. Riker and I have told everyone except Ratliff what's happened because I'm not sure Ratliff can take it, but he's gotta learn right now.

I walk downstairs and into the living room. "Who's up for going on a date? Rydel and Erica date to be exact." Ratliff glares up at me, "do you even have feelings?" I lean over and shake the pill bottle in his face, "so you WANT Rydel to die?" Ratliffs eyes open wide and he grabs the bottle, "what's this?" He asks. "Drugs, Rydels drugs to be exact." I say.

Ratliff looks up from the bottle, "are you serious?" I nod, "yep." "Lets go, and you better explain this to me on the way to wherever we're going!" Ratliff exclaims. We wait until Erics car drives off and we jump into the car and follow it at a distance.

Finally Eric's car pulls into a parking lot and I check out the building, "a strip club?" I ask appalled. "This is were they're going on a date." "It most likely were they'll buy more pills." Tiffany says.

"Ok Tiffany I just need to ask, how do you know all this?" I ask. "I had weird friends." Tiffany says simply. We watch Rydel and Eric walk inside (Ratliff has to advert his eyes when they kiss). "Ok I really don't think all of us should go in, so who wants to go in." Riker asks looking around at us.

"I'm going" Ratliff says without hesitation. "Nova should go to because Rydel thinks Novas on her side." Katie says. "Tiffany should go because she knows so much about this." I say.

"Ok so Ratliff, Tiffany, and Nova. Anyone else?" "We need some muscle, not two pregnant people and Ratliff." "What's that supposed to mean?" Ratliff asks making a face. "You know what it means, you're Ratliff!" I snap. "I'll go." Ross volunteers.

"We need someone who's NOT in a cast." Hannah says. "Fine!" Ross huffs, "how about Rocky then, he's buff." Rocky flexes, "I am aren't I?" I laugh, "ok ok Rockys buff we get it let's go Rydel needs us to save her!"

The four of us climb out of the car and head into the club, "Rocky put these on. Ratliff put this on. Tiffany pull your hood up." I say handing Rocky a hat and Ratliff a pair of sunglasses so Rydel won't recognize us immediately.

I pull my hood up as well and we walk through the club. It's kind of gross in here, it reeks of alcohol and cigarette smoke, plus there are skinny blond chicks dancing on poles in skimpy outfits. Tiffany slaps Rocky on the back of the he's and hisses, "you're married." Rocky goes red, "sorry." He mutters.

We walk through the club until Ratliff spots Rydel in the back with Eric and some black guy. The black guys got a beanie and he's dressed all in black. He's also got a bag with him.

We walk closer to them slightly and Rocky asks, "so what's the plan?" "We kidnap her." I mutter. "What!?" All three of them ask. I shrug, "we just walk over there and Ratliff you grab Rydel Rocky you guard him and Tiffany and I will just stand by." They nod and Ratliff asks, "ok but why?"

"Because we have the pill bottle, we just need to put Rydel on room arrest until the stuff works out of her system."

Ratliff nods, "ok let's go." We walk over there and Ratliff taps Rydel on the shoulder. She turns around and Ratliff picks her up and throws her over his shoulder. Rydel squeals and pounds on Ratliffs back, "put me down!" She yells.

Tiffany puts her hand over Rydels mouth and her screams are muffled. Rocky pushes Eric away from Rydel when he tries to walk forward.

Ratliff, Rydel, Tiffany, and Rocky start to walk out of the club and I turn to Eric, "you just got dumped." He looks confused, "Rydel never said anything-" I cut him off, "no but I'm dumping you for her, trust me don't contact is again or i'll set the Lynchs' on you." Eric raises his arms in surrender, "ok ok sorry." "Good" I spit out then follow the others out of the restaurant.

When we get to the van the others help us into the car and make the thrashing and screaming Rydel sit still and shut up.

We drive back to the Lynchs' house and carry Rydel up the stairs and into her room. We toss her onto the bed and I say, "you are on room arrest we will have people guarding your room at all times and you cannot leave." I say.

Rydel opens her mouth to scream at us but suddenly Ratliff steps forward and kisses her. He cups her face with his hands and full on kisses her. Rydel looks enraged but suddenly her eyes widen and she almost looks like her own self.

But when Ratliff pulls away the mean girl is back. She starts screaming some very interesting French and we back out of the room. "Riker, Rocky." You take first watch I say.

They nod and sit down outside Rydels door. Riker starts to say something but suddenly Tiffany doubled over, she lets out a moan and falls onto the ground. Then I notice there's blood everywhere.


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