Chapter 25

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I stretch then open my eyes. Were am i? Oh yeah Riker and I are stranded on a random island in the middle of the ocean, yay! I sit up and look around for Riker, he's not here. "Riker?" I call crawling out of the little lean to we made, well Riker made.

I don't get a response an i'm starting to panic slightly. I look around then start walking towards the beach hoping he'll be there. I finally get to the beach and just my luck i stub my toe on a big line of rocks. Wait a big line of rocks? What?

I step over the rocks and look around, i see Riker a way down shirtless and towing rocks around and putting them places. "Riker!" I yell. Riker jumps and looks at me, "hey Nova!" Riker calls waving at me. I run over to him, "don't just leave i thought you had gotten attacked by a- a saber tooth tiger or something!" Riker laughs and pulls me into a hug, "Nova i'm pretty sure saber tooth tigers are extinct, they were alive during the ice age."

I pull away from Riker because he's all sweaty and gross, "how do you know that?" i ask, Riker laughs, "from the movie, Ice Age." I snort and Riker goes back to moving rocks around. "by the way, what the heck are you doing?" I ask looking around at the lines and loops of rocks.

Riker straightens up again and looks around at the rocks, "isn't it obvious? I'm making a giant HELP out of rocks, like in the Madagascar movie." i snort and look around again, if I look at it at an angel i guess it does kind of look like a HELP sign.

"wouldn't SOS be easier?" i ask. Riker looks down at the rocks and starts moving them around again, "well yeah, but i didn't exactly think of that until you said it, and i'm sure not moving them now." I laugh, "so are you almost done." Riker drops one last rock, "yup, done." "good cuz we have no food."

Riker starts walking towards the trees, "lets go fishing then." "fishing? Riker we have no supplies or anything!" "then we make some, get some bamboo and tie something to it then sharpen wood like a hook and stick a tiny piece of coconut on it." Riker calls from in front of me. 

I run after him and walk next to him, "you know what i'll let you do that while i go throw rocks at coconut bunches." Riker laughs, "ok see ya, meet back at the lean to in about an hour." "ok" then i turn and run off.

I stop once i'm out of sight of Riker and sit down under a palm tree, we're stranded on an island, no one outside of this island knows which one or were we even landed because the plane is underwater, and everyone but Riker and I are dead. Why does this stuff always seem to happen to me?

Who knows when we're gonna get off this island, who knows anything really? I've only been here a day yet i feel like i'm going insane. I stand back up and start looking for coconuts that i can knock out of trees. After awhile i come across a few and start throwing rocks at them, when i finally unlodge them from the tree i do my little dodging routine then grab the coconuts and continue on my way.

After what seems like 10 minutes of walking i start to feel lightheaded, i don't know why either. I just feel  woozy like i'm about to faint.....

I open my eyes and see that i'm lying on the ground coconuts?  I must have fainted and my head is killing me, "hey you girlie." someone says. i sit up and look around, there's no one there. "hello?" I ask. "over here, yes down here." I whip my head around and focus on a coconut. "you?" I ask.

"yeah me, you better stop throwing rocks at us, we don't like it!" i frown, "but you're coconuts?" "yeah so? whats that gotta do with anything?" then another one chimes in, "you better stop eating us to how would you like it if you got stabbed with a knife?" "I guess i wouldn't like that." then another one, "of course you wouldn't like it, no one would!" before i can open my mouth to respond one of the coconuts let out a shrill scream, "he's coming!" "oh no!" "lets roll!"

Suddenly the fat guy that sat next to me on the plane bursts through the bushes, "dinner!" he cries, the coconuts let out shrill screams and start to roll away. The fat guy lumbers after them grunting and yelling. The sad thing is he's bent halfway over and he's only wearing one of those things the Native Americans wear, you know that cover the front and back and only that.

I stare after them and then a saber tooth tiger jumps out of the bushes, it snarls at me them asks, "have you seen my dinner?" I shrug and point in the direction of the fat guy. "thanks." then he bounds off.

My eyes snap open, i'm lying on the ground with 3 coconuts lying on the ground next to me. I sit up and look around, then i rub my eyes was that all a dream? I stand up shakily and grab the coconuts then start walking in the direction of what must be our camp.

I don't care about food anymore i just want to get to Riker and feel safe, right now i feel anything but safe. Threatened and scared maybe, safe no. I finally stumble through some ferns and other plants and spot the pool of water. I lumber towards it and see the lean to.

Then Riker runs out from under it, "NOVA!" he yells as he wraps me up in his arms and i finally feels safe, or at least safer then i did a few seconds ago, "Riker" I mumble. Riker pulls back slightly not letting go of my hand though and asks, "were where you? we were supposed to meet back here maybe 4 hours ago! I was worried sick!"

Riker and i walk back to the lean to and I collapse onto the ground under it, "i- i think i fainted and i had the weirdest dream, there were talking coconuts and the fat guy and a talking saber tooth tiger." I mumble. Riker looks at me weird then shakes his head and says, "you probably need to eat something and drink some water. stay here i'll be right back."

Riker runs out of the lean to and i lay back trying to calm my nerves down and relax. Then i hear Riker yell, "NOVA COME HERE!!!" I jump up and run out of the lean to, to see  Riker staring up into the sky. "whats going on?" I ask scared.

Riker points his hand up and i see it, a plane.


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