Chapter 43

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"ITS THE EYE OF THE TIGER ITS THE DREAM OF THE FIGHT!!" Rydel cries into the microphone while Riker plays bass, Rocky guitar, and Ratliff drums, on rock band for the Wii. Ross is standing there looking surprised because Rydel just stole his microphone. Hannah, Katie, Ryland, and Tiffany are dying with laughter as Rocky starts his guitar solo with a, "guitar solo suckers!" Yes, things are VERY back to normal, thats for sure.

Finally Ross grabs the mic back from Rydel and starts singing to. Rydel tries to grab it back and they end up sharing the mic. When the song ends us girls move forward (+ Ryland). I grab the bass from Riker, Tiffany snatches the guitar, Ryland goes for the drums, while Katie and Hannah share the mic. "Yo guys think you're good? Wait until you hear us!" Hannah yells at the boys (+ Rydel). "please we were on expert" Rocky scoffs.

"Well we're going to play expert to then!" Hannah retorts. "Hannah!" Tiffany hisses. "what?" she asks. "I can barely play this with easy!" I burst out laughing because i've seen just how bad Tiffany is at rock band. "oh well! You can do this!" Hannah encourages. "what song?" I ask. "that one!" Hannah says pointing to a random song. "do you even know that song?" I ask. Hannah shakes her head and grins, "Nope!" "wow just wow." i mutter as the song starts.

Now normally i also suck at rock band but today i rocked! (kind of) I came in second to last place, Tiffany was behind me. "wow that was good?" Rocky asks. Hannah just punches him on the arm, "ow! ok ok chill out!" I laugh as Hannah flops down on the couch, "this sucks, i hate loosing!" I laugh and sit down next to her, "you came in first place." Hannah rolls her eyes, "not like that!" I laugh and we watch the guys play again.

Halfway through the guys turn Hannah jumps up and stands in Rockys way, "hey! Move i can't see!" Rocky tries trying to look around Hannah who keeps moving to be in his way. Hannah laughs, "i know, i did it on purpose." Rocky sighs and tries to see around her, "Hannah i am taller then you, you know that right?" Hannah thinks for a moment then walks behind Rocky and jumps on his back.

She reaches around and covers his eyes, "doesn't matter how tall you are now i win!" she cries as Rocky drops the guitar and stumbles around trying to see and get Hannah off his back. I turn to Tiffany who's got silent tears streaming down her cheeks from laughing, "are you really ok with this?" I ask gesturing to Hannah. "I mean she is really close to him." Tiffany wipes her eyes and shrugs, "its to funny to worry about, besides she is getting married." I laugh and turn back to Rocky who is trying to flip Hannah off his back but she's not budging.

"You can't win! Surrender and i might get off your back!" Hannah yells at him. "never, i'm not losing to a girl!" Rocky responds. "dude you've already lost give up!" Riker laughs. "yeah!" Hannah cries then hits the back of Rockys head, "besides that was offensive!" "some one help me!" Rocky yells.

Rocky eventually crashes into a wall sending him and Hannah toppling over. Rocky ends up on top of Hannah. "help me! Can't breath! No oxygen! Becoming dizzy! I see the light...." Hannah gasps before "fainting" "Rocky get off her!" Ross cries rolling Rocky over and helping Hannah up. "yes i'm alright, after i got jumped on, blindfolded, crashed into a wall, and fell over thanks for asking." Rocky mutters before getting up.

Tiffany walks over to him, "you're fine toughen up!" Rocky opens his mouth then decides against it and shuts it shaking his head. "well i think that's enough rock band for one day." Rydel says turning everything off. Ratliff walks over to her and wraps his arms around her neck (not in the choking way, in the cute way!) and kisses her cheek. "I think we have somewhere to go, don't we?" Rydel looks surprised, "we do? Oh yeah! we do! well ta-ta" she says waving us good bye as they leave.

Ross looks after them, "they just wanted to leave didn't they?" he asks. Katie nods, "yep, we pretty much just got ditched by Ratliff." we all laugh at the look on her face. "so were do we go today?" Rocky asks, "i've gotten mom to babysit again so we better go somewhere!" we laugh at that and Ryland suggests, "how about we go bowling?" "ok" Ross, Riker, and Rocky agree. "but i suck at bowling!" Katie mutters. Ryland walks over to her and puts an arm around her, "i'll teach you." he says with a smile. Katie leans her head on his shoulder, "ok, then lets go."

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