Chapter 14

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"I am titanium!! bla bla bla i don't know the words!" Hannah sings walking into the house at 5 in the morning. Why five in the morning? Honestly i don't know this is the time Stormie and Mark woke all of us up saying get ready were going someplace.

I yawn, "how are you so awake?" I ask Hannah. She shrugs, "i'm half asleep on the inside." The she turns and walks over to Ross who has fallen asleep on the table..... again, and says, "Ross i'm going to eat your food." Ross jumps up, "waz goin on?" He asks half asleep still.

Hannah grins, "that actually worked? I thought that was only in movies!" I laugh, "well when it comes to boys and food there's no way that wouldn't work!" Hannah nods, "yeah good point."

Suddenly the front door bangs open and Rocky and Tiffany walk in. Tiffany stomps over and sits in chair scowling, Rocky sits next to her. "whats going on?" I whisper looking at Rocky. He shrugs, "I think its the whole baby mood swing thing." I nod and Tiffany adds, "and the fact that SOMEONE woke me up at 5!" Rocky shrugs, "mom said to, she said she had a surprise for us."

"wheres Trevor?" Tiffany asks looking around. "Still asleep." Stormie says walking into the room. Tiffany folds her arms and slouches way down in her chair scowling, "not fair!" She mumbles making me laugh. I hear Hannah groan and look over to find that Ross is asleep, once again. "whats this the 3rd time?" I ask. Hannah shrugs, "dunno." Then she leans over and sings, "i'm breaking up with you."

Ross jumps up once again, "huh?" He asks. I snort and Hannah smiles, "I was just saying that if you fall asleep and leave me with these weirdos any longer i am never speaking to you again!" Ryland frowns, "you're calling us weird?" He asks making Katie laugh. Hannah nods, "yes to my your normal ways are weird."

Riker shakes his head, "that still makes no sense." Hannah points at him, "see weird!" I snort and Riker smiles. Stormie waves her hands around calling the attention back to her, "so who's wondering were we're going?" She asks. We all groan and Ross asks, "wheres Rydel?" Stormie shrugs, "at Ratliffs." "what that's not fair!" Ryland exclaims. Stormie shrugs again, "I have no control over her." We all kind of look at each other like what? Stormie continues, "so today we are going to a 'how to be a mom and dad class' and it starts at 6."

We all groan once again and Stormie claps her hands, "No! no none of that! Since people are getting married and having kids," meaningful stare at Rocky and Tiffany, "we need to learn how to take care of kids. Now come on we need to go!" everyone gets up shuffles outside into the van.

We get to the place were they have the class and we realize that we are going to be the only one in the class, beside some 13 year old Girl Scouts who need to go to the class to earn some sort of badge. We all sit down and the lady shows up this really boring video, then she talks A LOT!

I look over and see that Ross has fallen asleep again, i nudge Hannah and point that out. Hannah smile and raises her hand. "yes?" the lady asks. "Do you have and big books?" She asks pointing at Ross. The lady raises an eyebrow and looks about the opposite of amused but she comes back with a dictionary anyway.

Hannah gets up from her seat and stands over Ross, then without any warning she slams the book down on the table making everyone jump, especially Ross. He jumps up then falls off his chair with a crash. The Girl Scouts sit in the corner sniggering while everyone else busts up. Ross stands up blushing, "you could have just said wake up." he says to Hannah. Hannah grins, "i know, but that way was more fun."

Ross sits back down and the lady continues with the class. After awhile she splits us up into pairs amd hands out baby dolls and tells us that we have to act like its our kid and "feed" it and change its diaper and stuff. I look down at the doll in front of us then turn to Riker, "how is it even possible for our baby to be black?" I ask. Riker laughs, "you haven't been cheating on me have you?" he asks, i snort, "there's no way."

We get to work caring for our "baby", Riker it turns out is great at changing diapers and I, well I can feed the baby. "how are you so good at this?" I ask looking down at the screwed up diaper on the doll. Riker reaches over, "I have 4 siblings remember." "Oh yeah." Riker laughs, "yeah."

After that we had a test about what to do and how to act when a bunch of emergency stuff happens, sadly the Girl Scouts over scored us. "This is sad, 13 year old girls would be better parents then us and we're older! and more mature!" I whisper to Riker. Riker laughs then says, "are you sure about the mature bit?" I look down the row to Hannah and Ross who are laughing over the anatomically correct doll.

"I take back what i said about maturity." I whisper and Riker nods, "that's what i thought." After that we learn how to do CPR and the Girl Scouts go a little crazy over that, you know the whole "mouth to mouth" thing.

The class ends around 8 pm and as we walk to the van were Stormie is waiting for us Tiffany groans, "I am starving!" Rocky, Ross, Ryland, Hannah, Katie, Riker and I nod. "Mom can we get some food on the way home?" Ryland whines. Stormie nods, "sure how about Dell Taco?" Everyone nods, "sounds good!" Riker says.

When we get here we order a butt load of food and gulp it down. "that hit the spot!" Tiffany sighs patting her ever growing stomach (its not that big just a little bump). "hey Tiffany don't you need to go to the doctor to check on the baby? I know that's what i had to do." Stormie asks. Tiffany nods, "yeah tomorrow actually." Rocky jumps up, "what! why haven't you told me?" Tiffany shrugs, "I forgot."

Rocky sits back down because people are staring at him, "well at least I know now, i am going with you." He adds. Tiffany give him a no duh! look at says, guess what? "No duh!" I laugh and Riker leans over and whispers into my ear, "that'll be you one day." I look at him and quickly shake my head, "nope! i'm not having kids!" Riker shrugs, "you'll change your mind."

I stare at him, "you have no idea how creepy that sounded." Riker laughs, "not my intention." "Good!" Riker and i return to the conversation to find that it has gone from doctor appointments to tennis? "remember that one R5 TV we filmed were we played tennis and Ratliff wore those ridiculous shorts!" Ryland asks.

I snort, "i remember watching that one" Riker laughs, "that one was pretty funny! especially when he kept trying to put his arm around Rydel!" I laugh and Rocky grins, "or when we pelted Ryland with tennis balls?" everyone laughs and Ryland scowls, "that hurt!" "Rocky was so cute back then!" I add not able to help myself. "the way your hair wasn't long and was all flipped up!" Rocky grins, "yeah i know i was sexy, i still am actually."

Riker looks at me eyebrows raised, "ehem you realise you have a boyfriend." I laugh, "yes i know, and he was adorable back then!" "aw what he gets adorable and i get cute!" Rocky complains. "you don't need her to tell you that you're adorable, I can!" Tiffany grins. "yeah i guess you do think i'm adorable you seem to like my d-" "Ok lets change the subject!" Riker jumps in quickly cutting Rocky off.

Stormie nods, "good idea!" we laugh and climb into the van. It's dark by that time and we are all exhausted. "who new just talking about baby's could be tiring?" Ross asks getting into the car. By the time we get home Ross has fallen asleep on Hannahs shoulder, "why do i have to date the tired one?" She exclaims as she pushes him back causing him to jump awake.

We climb out and right away Ross goes to bed, "well that's no fun, hey anyone have a sharpie?" Hannah asks. I laugh and Riker pulls one out of his pocket, "here, use it well." Hannah laughs and runs up the stairs. Riker turns to me, "was that really a good idea?" he asks. I shake my head, "probably not." Riker nods, "sounds fun."

We hang out for awhile but when Katie falls asleep we go to bed Ryland carrying up her up the stairs. As I walk into Rikers rooms he pulls me close to him and he places his lips on mine. Our kiss deepenS when suddenly HHHHOOOOOONNNNKKKKK! Riker and i fall over into his bed.

I sit up to see Rocky standing there with an air horn. "Rocky i swear to god i am going to kill you!" I cry jumping on is back. "AHH!" Rocky yells turning in circles trying to get me off him. I start rubbing my hands all over Rockys head making his hair go every wear. "No not the hair!" he yells throwing me onto his bed.

He desperately tries to fix his hair as i crack up. Riker walks over to me laughing and pulls me off Rockys bed. "come on lets sleep." He says. I nods and cuddle up with him, i fall asleep to Tiffany laughing as Rocky tries to fix his hair.


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