Chapter 26

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I stare up at the plane for a second then Riker and I take off for the beach at top speed. We get to the beach and can still see the plane so we start yelling and jumping around like crazy. "HEY HEY HELP OVER HERE!!" Riker and i scream at the top of our lungs. We jump around for a few minutes then the plane flies out of view. 

When the plane leaves our sight i sink down and just sit in the sand defeated. Riker walks over and sits down next to me. "we will leave this island, even if we have to build a raft and sail off this island." I nod and for the first time in 5 years tears start rolling down my cheeks. I try to wipe them away before Riker sees them but he spots my tears.

"We'll be ok." he mutters lifting my face up and looking my directly in the eye. He leans forward more and presses his lips to mine. It's a brief kiss but it does the trick, i dry my eyes and stand up. I look around at our big HELP sign and sigh.

"Riker." "ya?" "the sand is white." "yeah so." "so are the rocks." I say pointing to the matching rocks and sand. "WHAT! it looked fine earlier!" Riker cries jumping up. I giggle slightly at his expression, "looks like ur gonna hafta redo it." Riker sighs, "ya but there are no black rocks! or rocks of any other color!" he gestures around and i realize he's telling the truth, it's all white.

"lets us palm frons then." "what?" "you know palm tree leaves." Rikers face floods with understanding, "ohhhhh why didn't you just say that?" "I DID!!" "ok ok chill!" "Riker its like 90 degrees there is no way i'm gonna "chill" I say making Riker laugh.

"lets get started." "ok" we walk into the forest and start collecting palm frons and setting them over the rocks so we don't have to move the rocks. After we finish i flop down on the sand. "that was exhausting!" i moan and Riker nods in agreement.

We lay there for a second then Riker jumps up, "lets go for a swim then!" I sit up and look at Riker, "what?" "a swim! the ocean is right there and this is technically our honeymoon." "some honeymoon." I grumble but stand up anyway. "i'll take you on another one once we get off this stupid island." Riker says pulling his shirt off.

"how about somewhere NOT overseas, i don't like airplanes so much any more." I say making Riker laugh, "true dat!" "don't ever say that again, i'm serious if u say that again i will stab you with your knife!" Riker holds his hands up, "ok ok calm down." I laugh and peal my shirt off as well. 

Riker and i wade into the water in our underclothes with a lot of squealing and yelling because the water is cold and Riker thought it would be a good idea to splash me! Finally i dive under a wave and come up to see Riker looking around. "were'd she go?" he asks himself looking around.

I snort and Riker whips around. "how'd you get over there?" he asks. "I swam smart one!" Riker sticks his tongue out at me right as a wave crashes into him causing him to start gagging and spitting. "ew salt water in the mouth!' Riker chokes. I burst out laughing and fall over in the water.

I jump back up and body surf a wave over to the hacking Riker. I smack him on the back, "get over the water!" I exclaim. Riker moans as i hit him, "owwww" "what?" "i'm sunburned all down my back from moving all those rocks around with no shirt on." I snort and pat Riker on the back making him wince, "that's not cool Nova!" "ya i know it's hot. That's the whole point of a sunburn." Riker glares at me and i dive under another wave.

We splash around for awhile and finally walk out of the water and lay on big rock to dry off. "this is almost nice." I mutter. Riker responds with, "yeah it kinda is." I can tell he's smiling by the way his voice sounds as well.                                                       

I roll over sideways to find Riker lying sideways just looking at me. "that's really weird you know." I say moving my hand in front of Riker face and watch as his eyes follow it. Suddenly Riker jumps scaring my half to death, "sorry i zoned out, i was thinking." "what about?" "how i haven't been able to hold you lately." Riker say, his cheek turn a slight red and i have a feeling mine are crimson.

I move closer to Riker and rest my forehead against his chest one of his muscular arms wrap around me pulling me closer to him. "promise me that we'll get off this island." I mutter. Rikers arm tightens around me and he says almost fiercely, "we will get off this island! Not getting off is not an option!" I smile slightly as i nuzzle into Riker his body heat mingling with mine making me feel safe and somewhat tired.

The last thing i remember before drifting of is Riker voice saying, "i promise you that."


I wake up next to Riker still on the rocks, the sun has barely started to rise and it's already plenty warm. I yawn and cuddle into Riker more drifting back off.

I wake up again and not to the sun, to the rumble in my stomach, that's right i hadn't eaten anything the day before. I sit up and Riker yawns then sits up, "are you as hungry as I am?" he asks. I nod, "probably even more." "i doubt that." Riker says.

We crawl off the rock get dressed again and walk through the forest to our lean to. Right were i dropped them are the two coconuts, wait two? There was definitely three yesterday! Hmm weird. I shrug  and toss the coconuts to Riker, he swiftly cracks them open and making sure non of the coconut milk spills hands one back to me.

I gulp the milk and start breaking bits of the coconut off with a pointy rock i found. When we finish devouring those Riker and i decide that instead of splitting up we would go throw rocks at coconut bunches together.

We are walking through the jungle occasionally chucking rocks at a tree and jumping to the side. AFter awhile we've gotten ourselves a stock of up to 20 coconuts. We walk back to camp, it's slow going because we have to stop and pick up fallen coconuts.

When we get back we drop the coconuts by the tree that our lean to is leaning on and i gulp down some of the water from the pond. The water really does seem clean, i don't feel sick and i'm pretty sure if the water is dirty we would have gotten sick by now.

Riker and I devour 2 more coconuts each and then just end up lying in our lean so staring at each other. "anywhere else this would be really weird." i say as Riker moves a piece of my hair from covering my face. "yeah but we're stranded on an island, it's perfectly normal." "the worst thing about this is that every one probably thinks that we're dead." I mutter. Riker eyes widen then return to normal and i notice a slight glow in his eyes, "well we arn't dead we're perfectly fine!" "i know that just they don't"

Riker smiles slightly, "thanks by the way." "for what?" "saving my life. I would have drowned if you haden't risked your own life to help me." "Riker, do you really think i would have left you there?" I ask. Riker shrugs, "people do crazy stuff when their life is on the line." I smile slightly, "Well no matter what i would have tried to save you Riker, because if you had d- died, well i don't think i could have lived if that happened." Riker leans forward and kisses me.

Its a long kiss and the warm of Riker, his body pressed against mine so perfectly. Just everything makes me feel so nice. I've always wondered what they meant when people said they are in 7th heaven.

Now i know.


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