Chapter 54

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"wait, as in now?" Riker asks fully panicked now. I nod then let out a moan as another wave of pain washes over me, "Yes NOW!" "but- but you aren't due for another month!" Riker sputters. I glare at him, "Ok either you hurry the hell up and take me to the hospital or i'm having your baby on the floor!" I moan. Rikers eyes widen and he rushes over to me, "ok, um lets walk to the car! Can you walk?" He asks. I shrug, "dunno, i'm more preoccupied!" I double over as more pain rushes through my body.

Stormie rushes into the room, "whats going on? Trevor sounded scared!" she takes in the panicked looking Riker and the pained me and gasps, "Now?" I nod and Riker looks over, "Help?" he asks. Stormie walks quickly over to me and takes my arm, "come on walk out to the car with me, hurry now." She helps me into car and Riker hurriedly starts the car and we drive down the street. My arms are wrapped around my stomach as I let out another moan, "Riker if you don't drive faster, well its gonna get messy!" Riker glances at me and doubles the speed.

I press my legs together tightly hoping to, I dunno help with not having a baby in a car. Riker pulls into the hospital and carries my into the hospital. I let out a scream and my hand clenches around Rikers shirt as people rush over to help me. I'm put onto a wheel chair and wheeled into a room then put on the bed. Nurses rush around and a doctor walks in, "Nova, i'm Doctor Strouse and I will be delivering your baby." I groan, the doctors a guy, awk-ward! My groan quickly turns into a scream as more pain washes over me, it feels like i'm being turned inside out.

The doctor tells me to spread my legs apart and push when I feel I should, Riker just kind of stands there holding my hand looking scared. I almost laugh at the look on his face but pain over whelms me. "Push!" The doctor commands, "now breath, now push again, now breath, now push again!" the dotor orders. I do as he says and its pain like no other. I'm clutching Rikers hand so tightly he's letting out a high pitched squeal. I loosen my grip on his hand but it doesn't help much because as the doctor tells me to push again I just tighten my grip.

"Ok! I can see the head, almost there Nova, one last push and you can rest, now PUSH!" the doctor exclaims. I push with all might and, "theres the head, Nova if you want to take a break you can." the doctor tells me. I stop pushing and look up at a pale Riker, "Riker, I swear to god, I hate you for talking me into this!" Riker smiles weakly, "sorry."

The doctor tells me to push again and I let out a scream at the pain, "almost there Nova, push a little more, a little harder." I push as hard as I possibly can and scream up at the doctor, "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" "Nova, breath, breath, one last push we are almost there." I let out a strangled scream as I push with my remaining strength.

Suddenly i'm relieved of all pain, I let out a gasp and lay back, exhausted. I hear a loud wailing and screaming the isn't me. The doctors and nurses are doing who knows what, down there but I don't really care, i'm just glad the pains gone. "Who wants to cut the umbilical cord?" the doctor asks. "the what?" Riker asks. "the thing connected to the baby's belly button." I tell him, "Riker do it."

Riker glances at me, "really?" I nod and Riker walks down to the end of the hospital bed to cut it. I see a nurse lift my baby up (still screaming) and carry him over to some sort of bath, she washes him off puts a diaper on him and wraps him up in a blanket. She walks over to me and hands him to me.

I hold him in my arms and look down at my tiny little boy, I feel a presence above me and know Rikers up there looking down. I rock him in my arms lightly and eventually he stops screaming and falls asleep. I look up at a smiling Riker, "what should we name him?" I ask because we really haven't thought of any names. "How about Ryder?" Riker asks. I let out a light laugh, "Really more R names?" Riker shrugs, "its a cool name, I mean come on who wouldn't want to be friends with a Ryder." I laugh again, "Lets name him Ryder Tiffany Lynch." I look up at Riker and he grins, "prefect."

"You want to hold him?" I ask. Riker nods and leans down he gently lifts Ryder up and smiles down at his sleeping face, and tiny body." The doctor looks at us and says, "Well he's a little small because he wasn't due for another month but he'll be fine. would you like him to take him to the nursery so you can sleep." I stare at the doctor until he backs out of the room saying, "just thought i'd ask."

Riker hands Ryder back to me and I look down at him. I take in the small tufts of blond hair on his tiny head and his tiny hands. I look up at Riker and ask, "why is his hair blond? both of us have brown hair." "Well my hair was blond when I was little." Riker says. "oh makes sense." I stare down at our baby again and smile. "He looks like you." Riker says. "Except for his hair, oh and his mouth. You know his lips they look exactly like yours. He's gonna have your smile." I mutter before settling down in the hospital bed and falling asleep with Ryder in my arms.


I wake up to a whimpering Ryder, "shh, shh baby. What do you need?" I coo. A nurse walks into the room, "he's probably hungry." she tells me. "What do I do?" I ask. "well are you going to use formula or breast feed him." "what?" I ask. "are you going to use the powder stuff or feed him milk from your breasts?" the nurse says. "oh, uh breast feed I guess." "Well then you just pull up your shirt and let him feed himself." the nurse says awkwardly. I laugh and do what she says and soon Ryders eating breakfast. "So that's why they've gotten so big lately." I mutter to myself.

I hear Riker laugh from a hospital chair he must have fallen asleep in. "did you sleep in that?" I ask. Riker nods, "yeah I couldn't leave you guys." I shake my head and laugh, "you could have joined us." I say. Riker laughs, "i don't think there's enough room for that." he says walking over to us after cracking his back. He smiles down at Ryder, "so your that kind of mom." "hey! You should be lucky i didn't want to have him at home. Some people actually do that!" Riker wrinkles his nose, "yeah i guess i am lucky. So how do you feel about another?" Riker asks.

I snort, "lets deal with this little guy first, an remember you're on diaper duty." Riker groans, "right i forgot about that." I laugh and we are interrupted by the door opening and all the Lynchs' and Katie and Ratliff walks in (Hannahs technically a Lynch now). "hey guys on a scale of one to ten how painful was it?" Hannah asks.

I shake my head, "I am not answering that." "dang it looks like i'm gonna have to find out myself!" Hannah mutters. "what?" I ask. "what?" Hannah replies. "what did you just say?" I ask. "what are you talking about?" Hannah asks glancing around nervously. "Hannah, what did you just say?" Rydel prompts. "I didn't say anything, geez stop grilling me!" Hannah exclaims. "Hannah you said you were going to have to find out yourself, does that mean you're having a baby?" Rydel asks. "See you did know what i said!" Hannah cries. "Hannah answer the question!" I call from my bed. "what question?" Hannah asks.

"Hannah Lynch!-" "I love the sound of that." Hannah sighs. Katie shakes her head, "Hannah are you pregnant?" Hannah shrugs, "dunno." "how do you not know?" Rocky asks. "I don't know, maybe." Hannah says glancing at Ross who is shaking his head. "So you might be pregnant?" Rydel squeals. Hannah shrugs, "dunno." "omigosh that's so exciting!" Rydel  squeals. Hannah looks annoyed then she spots Ryder eating away, i blush and quickly pull my shirt back up.

Hannah walks over and looks down at Ryder, "omigod! he's so adorable!" The others forget about the Hannah stuff (which i can tell she did on purpose) and crowd around my bed. "he's so cute!" Rydel gushes. "whats his name?" Stormie asks. "Ryder Tiffany Lynch." I say. Rocky smiles at me, "thanks."


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