Chapter 33

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***3 Weeks Later***

I stretch and yawn then look over at the sleeping Riker, "wake up Rik-" I can't finish my sentence because i'm running for the bathroom to throw up. After awhile i rinse my mouth out and wander back into the bedroom, Rikers sitting up in bed and looking around, "were'd you go?" he asks.

I sit down next to him, "the bathroom." "for what?" "throwing up." Riker shakes his head, "maybe you should get that checked out." I shake my head, "i'm fine, besides that there's nothing wrong......" I drift off because an ideas popped into my head. "Nova? What's wrong?"

"I throw up, but feel fine. I want random foods at random times, i'm super lazy." "you're always super lazy." Riker interjects. I slap his arm and go back to thinking, "That's what happened to Tiffany when she was.." I drift off again and Riker catches his breath, "wait do you think that you're?" "pregnant." I breath. "but isn't it kind of soon to know." Riker asks. I shrug, "I dunno i've never had a kid." "well how do we find out?" I shrug again, "pregnancy test i guess." "were do we get those?" "Riker you arn't that stupid use your brain! The store!" Riker goes red, "oh yeah hehe, i knew that." I nod, "sure you did."

"well uh how about i go to the store and you make food." Riker suggests. "ok, anything you want specifically." Riker thinks for a second, "just nothing that involves a stove." "what? why?" "because i don't need to come back to find our house burned down." "shut up!" I snap but i'm laughing, he's probably right anyway. "so we're having cereal for breakfast?" I ask. Riker looks suspicious, "can you burn cereal?"

"well i have a friend who caught cereal on fire once." "how?" I shrug, "she was pouring the milk and it lit up." Riker squints at me, "are you joking?" "NO! I was there!" (A/N: THIS IS A TRUE STORY) Riker shakes his head, "how about we wait until i come back so i can cook?" "Ok whatever now hurry up because i'm hungry." "ok ok i'm gone." Riker says walking out of the room in his boxers. Seconds later he walks back in, "i need pants."

When Riker leaves i just lay on our bed thinking, am i really pregnant? Do i really want a baby? I mean Riker talked me into it earlier but do i really want it? A baby, that's kind of scary to think about, a child growing inside of me, that is if i was preggers. There are so many things that could go wrong, miscarriage, mental disability, mutations. There are so many things.

I'm really starting to scare myself when Riker comes back, he walks into the room and throws something at me, "here go do whatever you do, and don't even ask me how many looks i got at the store!" "why not?" "that cashier was an R5er." I burst out laughing as i grab the tests and head into the bathroom.

Riker got two just to make sure and i'm sitting there impatintly for the results. Soon both of them read positive. My eyes open wide and i carry them out of the bathroom were Riker is sitting on the bed twitching. He looks up at me as i walk out, i hold up the test and break into a smile, "boy or girl?" I ask.

Riker jumps up and hugs me, "you're serious right?" "would i really joke about this?" "good point" Riker says making me laugh. "we're having a baby, we're having a baby, Nova we're having a baby!" Riker repeats. I grin at him, "I know, and despite the fact that i'm scared out of my mind i'm really excited!"

We drive over to the Lynch's and walk inside. "mom i'm sorry ok?!" Rocky says apologizing for the billionth time (Stormies still really mad at the whole married in Vegas thing) Stormie just walks past him. "She's ignoring me now." Rocky huffs then walks into the living room. "tell them now or later?" I ask Riker. "lets do it now, but i want to tell Tiffany by myself first ok?" "ok go ahead."

I walk into the living room and see Tiffany nursing Grace, "Tiffany can i talk to you, um in private?" I ask. Tiffany stands up and hands Grace to Rocky, "sure, in here." she says walking into the bathroom i follow her and Tiffany shuts the door. "so what is it?" "well i'm going to tell the others this to but I wanted to tell you first." "umm ok?" "I'm pregnant." "really?" Tiffany asks shocked. I nod, "yup." Tiffany throws her arms into the air, "thank god! i'm not the only one!"

I laugh then what she said sinks in, "wait what did you just say?" Tiffany drops her arms and looks uncomfortable, "oops, wasn't supposed to say that." "you're pregnant, again?" i ask. Tiffany nods, "yeah." "does Rocky know?" "not yet i just found out yesterday." I shake my head, "hot about we tell the others together." Tiffany nods, "ok"

We walk out of the bathroom, Rikers already called the others and they're all sitting on the couch watching us. Riker walks over grins at me and wraps his arms around my waist resting his hands on my stomach. I look at Tiffany and count down from three with my fingers, on three Tiffany and I say in unison, "I'm pregnant."  

The reactions actually kind of funny. Rydel screams and starts dancing around, Rocky smiles at me then just stares at Tiffany, and Stormie well Stormie grabs Rockys arm pull him into the hallway and starts wailing at him. Like she's screaming her head off which makes the baby wake up and SHE starts wailing and then Trevor starts asking Ross and Katie what all the words mean that's Stormies saying, and Ross and Katie are looking at each other nervously trying to figure out a way to make Stormies bad language sound good. Then there's Hannah and Ryland just dying with laughter at Trevor, Ross, and Katie.

Mark has congratulated Riker and I and is in the hallway trying to calm Stormie down while Ratliff just sits there looking at everything going on. Finally he stands up and walks over to Riker and me, "i think we are the only not insane ones here." I look at Riker who's looking at Ratliff like he's, well, insane and i burst out laughing. I'm rolling around on the floor with Ryland and Hannah while Tiffany tries to shush Grace.

Finally Tiffany screams, "EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP!!" it goes quiet really quick until Trevor asks, "Mommy what does hell mean?" Tiffany goes red then says, "go ask Uncle Ross ok?" "ok." (even thought Trevors not related to the Lynchs' in any way they're still Uncle and Aunt because Rockys the "daddy") Ross glares at Tiffany then tries to answer Trevors question.

Tiffany settles Grace down and sets her back down in the portable crib the she walks into the hall to try and help Mark and Rocky calm Stormie down. Katie, Hannah, Ryland, Rydel, Riker, and I look at each other then quickly walk into the backyard. "i can't believe you're pregnant!" Rydel exclaims making me laugh, "neither do i for that matter!"

"so tell me do you feel any heavier?" Ratliff asks. I look at him and he shrugs, "what you're pregnant, pregnant people get fat i'm just curious! It's not like i'm ever going to know what that feels like!" I just continue staring at Ratliff until Hannah shoves him backwards into the pool. I laugh and Hannah say, "that was rude, he deserved it." I snort, "i wouldn't exactly call that rude more like Ratliffy." Rydel snorts then helps Ratliff out of the pool.

He walks over to us sopping wet then shakes his head like a dog spraying us with water. "Ratliff!" Rydel squeals. Hannah looks at her, "shall I?" Rydel nods, "you shall." Hannah walks over to Ratliff and shoves him back into the pool. Hannah dusts her hands off and walks back over to us, "you're welcome." Riker laughs and Ryland asks, "are you scared?" "ok what?" Riker and i ask simultaneously. "Of being a parent." "no" "yes" Riker and i answer.

Riker looks at me, "trust me you'll be a great mother." I blush at the sound of that and pat my stomach, "you think so?" "I know so."


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