Chapter 15

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I wake up to yelling and the pounding off feet. "ROSS GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK!" Hannah screams. "NO I"M LOOKING AT IT!!" Ross yell back. I stretch and roll out of Rikers bed; then stumble down the stairs. I find Riker sitting on the couch watching Hannah and Ross wrestle over her phone.

"whats going on?" I ask. Riker shrugs, "I don't know really i just know that Ross is going through Hannahs phone without her permission." "I could have figured that out myself!" I reply sitting down next to Riker. He puts an arm around me as Tiffany, Rocky, and Trevor walk down the stairs fully dressed. "we're off to the doctors to have a check up!" Tiffany calls her hand on her stomach. "ok bye!" Riker and I call.

They leave and a little while later Ryland and Katie walk down the stairs groggy and half asleep. "is Rydel still at Ratliffs house?" Ryland asks as they collapse on the couch. "yeah she is." Riker replies. "why do you miss you big sissy?" I ask in a baby voice. "never say that again!" Ryland cries. I laugh, "I can't promise anything."

Hannah must have finally gotten her phone back because Ross falls onto the floor and starts "dying" Hannah is stairing down at him roll around on the floor. "Die already!" She finally yells. "bla!" Ross says finally going still. Riker and Katie, and i laugh. I look over at Ryland to see that he has fallen asleep on the couch. "Katie what time is it?" I ask.

Kaite shrugs, "I dunno Hannah what time is it?" Hannah looks at her phone, "12" I stand up and walk over to Ryland, "Katie grab his feet." I tell her grabbing Rylands arms. She giggle and grabs his feet we pick him up and carry him outside. "on the count of three." I tell her. "one....two....three!" I yell and we launch Ryland into the pool.

He comes up coughing and sputtering, "what the hell was that for?" he gasps. Katie and I are laughing to hard to answer but after awhile i catch my breath, "its noon you need to wake up!" Ryland pulls himself out of the pool and starts walking towards Katie, "who wants a hug!" he yells. Katie screams and tries to run away but he scoops her up.

"no! This is a white shirt!" She yells. Ryland laughs, "Should have thought of that before you threw me into the pool!" Suddenly we hear another scream, a real scream. We all look at each other like, what? Then run inside, Ryland kind of hopping back and forth trying not to get anything wet.

We finally make it to the front door to see Hannah white as a sheet, frozen staring at some guy who is standing there grinning. "long time no see huh?" He asks Hannah. "Luke." Is all Hannah manages to say. "Luke? who's Luke?" Ross asks. The guy holds out his hand, "I'M Luke, Hannahs ex."

Everyone draws in a collective breath when we hear that. "b- boy- boyfriend." Ross spits out. "uh yeah, who are you?" Ross stands up a little straighter, "i'm here boyfriend now!" Lukes face goes kind of red but not in the blushing way, more an the angry way.

"L- Luke what are you doing here?" Hannah asks her voice just above a whisper, "how'd you find me?" Luke chuckles, "google will tell you anything." Hannah goes even whiter and the others give each other worried looks like, our address is on google!? Luke continues, "I came to get you back."

Suddenly Hannah turns and run back up the stairs, we hear a door slam and i turn to Ross, "stay here, i'll comfort her." "but..." Ross protests but with a look i shut him up. I turn and run up the stairs; i walk into Ross and Rylands room to see Hannah curled into a ball in the corner.

"Hannah?" i ask walking over to her. She looks over at me, "Nova" "whats wrong?" I ask. Hannah looks at me like my ex just came back to GET me! "besides the whole ex part, why did you run off when he said I came to get you back?" I ask. Hannah sighs, "I gave him everything, i poured my heart out to him and he treated me great. More then great actually, i was a princess. Then i found out he had been cheating on me for over  3 years."

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