Chapter 52

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Everything happened so fast, the police came and arrested Elinore, she's in a mental hospital, the paramedics came and carted Tiffany off even though we al know it's to late. Rocky and I were helped inside by the others, I was frozen. I couldn't move or talk, I wouldn't eat or drink, I didn't see the need. My best friends gone, forever. She's never coming back and its my fault, all my fault.

If I hadn't gone out there, if I hadn't let Elinore trick me, if I had only been able to move when Elinore threw the knife everything would be fine, would be normal, but its not, its not normal and it never will be ever again. Tiffany's gone, she died trying to save my life, but why? She is needed so much more then I am, she had kids. I don't, well not yet anyway.

I don't see the point in living anymore, she's gone really gone. I will never hear her talk or laugh again, I will never see her dance around the room or sing loud and off key to the radio. I will never feel her hugs or hear her reassuring hugs telling me every things going to be all right, because everything isn't all right.

Tiffanys dead.

I just sit there on the couch, numb. Not crying, not talking, not moving, not doing anything but sit there. After a few hours they drive me to the hospital to see if i'm ok, the nurses and doctors set me in a bed and hook me up to a bunch of tubes. I don't care, I don't care anymore nothing matters but the fact that I will never see Tiffany again, ever.

I watch the others sitting in my hospital room crying over their loss, but I can't even do that. I watch a doctor walk into the room and tell them that I've gone into a state of shock, something like a conscious coma. I can hear and see, I just can't respond, move, or eat. More like I won't do that.

It's my fault she's dead, its all my fault. So why should I eat, why should I continue living? Tiffany can't, so why should I? I watch Rocky sob, then be comforted by Trevor who doesn't know what's going on. Just that his moms gone and his dads sad. Grace won't even remember her mom, the most she'll remember is her arms wrapped around her and the sound of her laugh. Trevor will remember little to but at least he had some time with her.

Days pass and I still don't talk or move, the only way I don't starve is because they hook my up to some sort of nutreints pack that injects vitamins into my blood stream. That doesn't stop me from loosing weight though, before I was a full shape, now I could be anorexic. One day Rocky comes into my room, he's stopped crying but the look of grief on his face makes me want to curl up into a ball and die, but I can't. I watch Rocky stand over my bed and look down at me.

He takes my hand and sits down in a chair, "Her funerals in a week, we all want you to attend so you know start moving again. Come back, Tiffany would have wanted it. We actually found a note from her, it seems like she knew what she was doing before she even did it. Here it is." Rocky says pulling a piece of paper from his pocket. He opens it up and starts to read it:

"Nova, Rocky, Trevor, Grace, and the others.

I know if you read this it means i'm gone. Well let me say I wrote this while Nova was out talking to Elinore. I know that somethings going to happen and I know that i'm going to save her life with mine. Rocky I don't want you to blame Nova, because its not her fault, I choose this. Nova it isn't your fault, so DON'T BLAME YOURSELF! Nova don't kill yourself, yes I know that's what you're thinking. I want you to help Rocky raise Trevor and Grace, I want them to know exactly what happened to their mom. Don't get stuck dwelling in the past, don't hold on to me. Move on, let go. Don't forget me exactly, just don't hold on to hard. Move on with your life, keep me in your heart but continue living. Don't dwell in sadness it will only destroy you. Trevor, Grace, if you ever read this that means you are old enough to understand this, just let me tell you now because I wasn't able to tell you in person. I love you both so much, I love you more then anything in the world and I hope you have a happy life. Don't forget to visit me every once and awhile, tell me about your life. I'll listen. I'm forever in your hearts, I love you guys.

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