Chapter 7

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I wake up to......absolutely nothing, well besides some birds......oh and Riker yelling, "NOVA GET OUT HERE NOW!!" When i hear that i crawl out of his sleeping bad and stumble outside barefoot. "what? woah!" I say as I look around. Our camp looks like a war zone.

Our table cloth is shredded, the random stuff that was on our table last night is now strewn all over the ground, most of it broken. The chairs are tipped over and Rikers is crushed, like something huge sat on it. The bear box is dented slightly and the handle (the thing were you put it in the notch and turn it, opening the bear box) is ripped off and about 20 feet from the bear box.

"What happened?" I ask looking around aghast. "I think that bear last night was not friendly." Riker says. I nod, "I agree with that! What are we going to do about all the broken stuff?" I ask leaning over and picking up the pulverized box of matches. Riker shrugs, "I don't really know just put it in the van and we'll make do as best we can." I nod, "Ok." I turn around to walk to the van and shriek, "Riker the van!" "what about- oh no!"

Along the length of the van is a HUGE scratch! Its black and about the width of my thumb, and it goes down the whole van. From top to bottom! "I am so screwed! Omigod! Mom and dad are going KILL ME!!" Riker moans as he stares at the van. "no they arn't going to kill you! It wasnt your fault! Just tell them what happened!" Riker walks over and runs his hand along the scratch down the side of the van. "This is a bad scratch to! Like seriously ridiculous!!" Riker mumbles. "It'll be fine." I say wrapping my arms around his waist.

"now come on we need to clean up." I say and Riker nods, "yeah." He mutters. We start working our way along the campsite picking up stuff and throwing it into the van. Finally everything is picked up and our campsite is a lot more plain! "wow we have one chair and a stove in our campsite now." I say as I look around.

"what about the bear box? The things dented will it still open?" Riker asks walking over to it. He picks up the handle/key thing and tries to open it. After a minute of trying the bear box creaks open slowly. Riker gasps, "that was like trying to open a box of graham crackers!" I laugh and Riker grins. "So do you think you could do that every time we need food?" I ask. Riker shakes his head, "no way." "So what do we do? Ask the ranger person if we can have a new bear box?" Riker shrugs, "I guess."

As if on cue a ranger drives up in one if those beefed up golf carts, "what happened here?" He asks looking at the scratch in the van, the broken chair leaning against the van, and the broken bear box. "We had a visitor last night," I say. He laughs and  says, "a bear?" I nod."Do you need a new bear box because that one looks pretty busted!" I nod, "yeah we do, can you get one." The ranger nods, "it'll be here by the afternoon."

Riker looks at the guy, "do you think we can go on a hike and leave the food here?" The ranger nods, "Just shut the bear box and when the new one gets here we'll put your food in it." I smile, "great thanks!" The ranger smiles and holds out his hand to shake, "I'm Ranger Jones, if you need anymore help." He says and winks at me (he's young). I shake his hand and say, "I'm Nova and this is my fiance Riker." I wrap my arm around the extremely stiff Riker. "calm down, i like you not him." I whisper in his ear.

Riker relaxes slightly but is still glaring at the guy. "ok well good day." Ranger Jones says and gets back in his golf cart and drives off. I look at Riker once the ranger drives off, "I can't believe he did that! I mean seriously, who does he think I am! Your cousin!?" Riker explodes. "Riker calm down! I don't like him... what so ever! He's ugly and not my type! Besides i love you!" Riker nods, "yeah i know sorry, i just couldn't help it!"

I nod, "yeah and to think to do that in front of you, because if he thought we're related he needs to get his eyes checked!" Riker laughs. "So are we still going on that hike?" I ask because I kinda want to get away from the campsite at the moment. Riker nods, "yeah we are. Fill up your water bottle, grab some snacks, and get ready to go." 

I nod and grab some trail mix and beef jerky from the bear box and stuff them in my backpack. "help me shut this!" I call to Riker as i struggle to shut the busted box. He walks over and we push at the door for the next 5 minutes until finally we give it one final heave and it slams shut. "That was way harder then it had to be." Riker huffs and I laugh. 

We get all our stuff ready and then get in the van, "so were are we going?" I ask as i sit in the front seat. "We're going to the trail head, its maybe 15 minutes away." Riker explains. I nod, "ok" We start driving and there are people walking along the side of the road, and we get A LOT of weird looks because of the scratch on the van. 

We get to the trail head and I get out and see a little girl with her parents. She looks at our van and turns to her mom, "Mommy what happened to that ladies car?" I snort and the women blushes, "Jessica that's not polite!" I walk towards them slightly, "its fine its fine." I lean over and look at the girl," there was a bear in our campsite last night." I tell her. Her eyes get wide and so do her parents, "really?" The man asks. I nod, "yup freaked me out for sure!" The man laughs and him and his family walk off. 

I turn back to our car to see Riker standing there grinning at me, "you ready?" He asks and I nod grabbing my backpack, "lets go." It takes Riker another, i dunno, 20 minutes to figure our which trail head is the one we need to take, and another 10 to get the map back into his backpack.

"Ok now lets go!" Riker says taking off down the trail. I laugh and follow him, "Riker wait up!" I call running to catch up with him. We eventually set a pace and are walking side by side. "This is really cool." I mutter as i look around. The trees are huge and really pretty, and there is gorgeous green undergrowth with a squirrel running out every once and awhile. 

The sun filters through the trees and makes it the perfect temperature not to hot and not to cold, perfect. Riker nods, "yeah it is." Riker puts his arm around me and I lean into him. "Its really romantic to." Riker mutters and I smile, "yeah i guess so." Riker grins at me and says, "I should have waited and proposed to you here." "Naa! I like the way you proposed to me, it was original and amazing." I tell him and I hear Riker laugh, "I just googled weird ways to propose and it popped up and said 'hide ring in bread' and i got the rice idea." 

My smile fades slightly when i hear that the idea wasn't solely Rikers, "oh" I murmur. We walk in silence for awhile, until we come to a really steep part of the trail and Riker has to stop half way up. "come on Riker just make it to the top and we can rest!" I coax from the top of the hill. "Just give me a second! My backpack is heavy!" Riker calls back. 

I shrug and walk a little way down the trail looking around, a few yards ahead of me is a huge meadow with super green grass that would go up to my waist, its surrounded by trees, I even see a deer and her fawn in the meadow! It's gorgeous! 

I finally stop and look around, I must have strayed off the trail because i cant see the trail and  don't know were i am. I turn around and stop, everything looks the same! I flip around again and my breath hitches slightly, i have no idea were i am! I walk in a random direction for maybe 5 minutes until I sink down onto a fallen tree. 

"Were am I?" I ask myself. I look around again and just see trees, even the meadow is gone now! My mind starts to panic a little bit and my breath comes out fast and shallow. "calm down, just calm down." I tell myself trying to slow my breathing down even though i'm freaking out. 

"Riker!!" I call from my spot on my tree not wanting to move. "RIKER" I scream hoping if not Riker, then someone will hear me. Suddenly the bushes behind me rustle and I flip around. I can't see what it is but its loud and big. The bushes rustle again and I climb off the tree and start to back up. 

I yelp slightly when my back hits a tree behind me and the rustling becomes louder. Am I going to die? 


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