Chapter 60

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"Ross stop pacing you're making me dizzy!" I snap as Ross paces back and forth along his living room. Ross looks at me and sits down, "sorry." he mutters but his feet are twitching. I hear muffled thumps upstairs and know its Hannah packing her bags. Rockys up their to trying to talk her out of it, we would have sent Ross but i doubt thats gonna work. "Oh alright go back to pacing." I give in and Ross gladly jumps off the couch and start walking back and forth again. 

I hear some thumps then Rocky walks into the room something dripping out of his hair a disgusted look on his face. "what is that?" Ross asks. Rocky wrinkles his nose, "Egg." "EGG!" Ross and I cry. Rocky nods and his hand goes to the mess on his head, "She has eggs in her room, and apparently now i we now what they're for. My poor hair it got egged." "Omigod Rocky, come on lets go you up." I say pulling Rocky into the kitchen. I push his head into the sink and turn the water on, he jumps slightly at the temperature as i try to rub egg from his forehead and hair. 

Ross follows us and looks at me trying to scrub egg off Rocky. Finally i remove most of the egg from Rockys forehead and i now have to work on his hair. I run my hands through his hair as Rocky curses Hannah under his breath, "Dumb pregnant chick! Just cuz she's pissed at Ross does NOT mean she can take this out on me and my hair!" I snort and tell Ross to go get a hair brush so i can try and brush it out. Ross leaves the room and i flick Rockys forehead, "Dude! Ross is depressed enough you don't have to make it worse!" Rocky rolls his eyes, "whatever." "Say something like that again and i'll get Hannah and her eggs." Rocky snorts and i roll my eyes, "Oh grow up." 

Ross comes back with the hair brush and i force it through Rockys hair getting more of the egg out. Finally when i think most of the egg is gone i grab a towel and wrap it around Rockys hair, "let it dry and we'll see what needs to be done then." Rocky nods, "Ok." and walks into the living room looking silly with his towel turban. Ross stops me before i can walk into the living room, "Nova do you really think Hannah is going to leave?" he asks. I look at his pleading, hurt, and hopeful eyes. I hate to say what i'm about to say to him but i can't lie, "Ross you really hurt her, i think she really is leaving." 

I hear someone stomping down the stairs while dragging something behind them. Ross and I quickly walk into the living room, Hannahs standing there with two giant suitcases in her hands. "Hannah." Ross whimpers. Hannah looks at him and i can see the hurt in her eyes, "My flight leaves in and hour, bye guys." I walk over to Hannah and she hugs me. "Hannah don't do this please." I murmur in her ear. "I need to." she whispers back. Rocky hugs her next and she even gives Ross a fleeting hug. 

"wait what are we going to tell the others?" I ask. "Say my dad got sick and i had to go back but i demanded Ross stay here." Hannah says quickly before dragging her stuff outside and throwing them into the trunk of her car. "Can you ship my car to me?" she asks. I nod and she smiles, "cool bye guys." she says her eyes lingering on Ross who's staring at her pleading with her to stay. Hannah sighs and gets in her car, "I'll send you pictures Nova." she calls before driving off. 

Ross stands there a moment before swaying violently and collapsing. "Did he just faint?" Rocky asks as we rush over to Ross. "I think so." I mutter. Rocky snorts, "he is so not living this up." "Oh shut up egg head," I snap. Rocky glares at me before leaning over Ross. I shake him a few times before he opens his eyes, "what?" he asks. "You fainted." Rocky says. Ross sits up and rubs his head, "owww, Hannahs gone isn't she?" I nod and Ross sighs before resting his head on his knees, "What am i going to do?" he asks. "I don't know but lets go inside. Sitting out here isn't going to help anyone." 

We walk inside and sit there in silence, suddenly the door bell rings making us all jump. "Could it be Hannah?" Ross asks eagerly. I shake my head, "why would she knock?" "oh." Ross mumbles sadly. We all get up and answer the door standing there looking embarrassed is the one and only Louis Tomlinson. "Hi um is Hannah here?" he asks. Ross stands there frozen so i answer, "No she isn't she's on a plane to Florida." "why?" "because she's going to live with her parents." "why?" "because she is." "how do you know were i live?" Ross asks. "Because i drove her back here the day after- never mind." 

Suddenly Ross launches himself forward and punches Louis across the face. Louis falls to the ground with Ross on top of him. Ross punches him over and over again yelling someone the worst things i've ever heard at him while Louis huddles into a ball and tries not to get killed. Rocky and I rush forward and  grab Ross' arms and drag him back. He thrashes around trying to free himself but we hold on, finally Ross goes limp and just lays there. Louis sits up and holds his hand to his nose to staunch the bleeding while prodding his face and his already blackening eye. 

"Damn getting punched with a cast hurts." Louis mutters. "You, you should be ashamed!" "i know." Louis replies to Ross who has decided to start screaming at him instead of punching him. "You got my wife pregnant and you KNEW she was married!! That's sick!!" "I know." "She was drunk and you still did it! You basically took advantage of her!" "I know!" "You should just die!" "I know" "You should- wait what?" Ross asks confused as he realizes that Louis just agreed to everything he said. Louis stands up and walks towards us, Ross strains against Rocky and I but we don't let go, "I know, I deserved everything you just did and said. Every single thing, what i did was sick and twisted. I too k advantage of a married drunk girl, i got her pregnant. I am ashamed i feel so bad you don't even know. It's killing me inside out knowing what i did to her, knowing that it ruined her relationship with you. I should die." 

Ross stares at Louis astounded at what he just said. "I'm so so sorry, you don't even know how sorry i am. I feel so bad and i know i shouldn't have done it but i couldn't help it she was just so beautiful and i was wrong. Although i heard you didn't quiet help either, you wouldn't even let her explain." Louis sneers. Ross rips himself from Rocky and I's grip and launches himself at Louis again. "Don't. You. Dare. Say. That. Ever. AGAIN!!" Ross roars with each word he punches Louis again. Rocky and I try to pull Ross of Louis who's covering his face moaning but it's not working. "Why does my brother have to have bigger abs then i do!" Rocky moans as we fail once again to pull Ross from Louis. 

Finally Rocky and I just sit on the step and watch Ross beat the crap outta Louis. Ross slows down eventually and Louis manages to push Ross off him. "Well i'm pretty sure my nose is now broken, if not then my jaw is." Louis says getting to his feet. He backs slowly to his car, "well this was fun." he mutters before jumping in his car and driving off. Rocky and I walk forward and help Ross to his feet, "Ross you can't just beat up the people you don't like, especially with a cast on your arm." "why not?" Ross asks in between breaths, he's winded from his little punching match. 

"Because i'm pretty sure it's illegal and with a cast you can do more damage to your arm and the person." Ross shrugs, "whatever." We walk inside and Ross heads up the stairs, "we're you going?" Rocky asks. "To Florida." is his reply. Rocky and I look at each other and he shrugs, "this could be interesting." I snort and Rocky grins. Suddenly there's a pounding on the door and i walk over to it, "yeah?" I ask pulling it open. Riker is standing there looking angry and confused, "Ryders in the car sleeping, and the windows are partially down so he won't over heat or get stolen now tell me WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!!"  he yells. 

I take a few steps back, "what do you mean?" i ask nervously. Riker takes a step forward, "well for one Hannah was crying earlier, two Ross left because he was "sick" earlier today, three Hannah is not here even though that's were she said she was going, four Ross was really nervous earlier when i came over, and five Louis Tomlinson just drove off with a bloody face." I gulp and open my mouth just as Rocky walks into the room. "Hey Riker what are you doing here?" Rocky asks lightly. "You know why i'm hear i want to know what's going on!" Riker snaps. 

"Should i just tell him?" I ask Rocky. "He nods yeah other wise he isn't gonna stop bugging us." "ok." I turn back to Riker, "You know how i said Hannah was preggers?" Riker nods, "It's not Ross' kid is it?" he asks. "How'd you know." "well one Ross doesn't just change his mind, two he was really nervous when i asked him about it earlier, and three it would explain a lot." "oh well yeah, its not Ross' it's Louis Tominsons. That's why he was all beat up, Ross beat him up cuz he was mad. Hannah had gone and hung out with Louis, she got drunk and they did it. She freaked in the morning and was so scared, she hadn't meant to she was drunk she didn't know what was going on. Ross got really mad because he hadn't been told the whole story and called Hannah some bad things. Hannah got really mad with Ross after he learned the story and tried to apologize and she decided to move out to Florida and live with her parents, while raising her baby." 

I finish talking and Riker raises an eyebrow, "whoa." I nod, "yeah." "so whats happening now?" he asks. Ross must have come down the stairs without me hearing because his voice comes from behind me, "I go to Florida." "by yourself?" Riker asks. Ross shakes his head, "Nope, I'm making Nova go with me." I flip around and stare at Ross, "Say waa?" 

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