Chapter 30

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I follow Riker down the stairs and into the kitchen. Riker notices that i'm following him and turns around, "go sit down i'll make breakfast." I smile greatfully then yawn. I stumble into the living room and collapse on the couch. I'm half asleep when Riker walks into the living room to tell me that breakfast is ready.

After we eat breakfast we get dressed and drive over the the Lynch's. Once we get there and walk inside I immediately wish we had done something else. "pst! hey Riker why don't we go somewhere else." I whisper as we stand in the door way listening to Hannah and Ross argue over bathroom rights, and Ryland and Katie arguing over which sport is better, soccer or football. Riker snorts then nods, "lets get outta hear."

We turn around and try to walk back out of the house but Stormie spots us, "Thank goodness you guys are hear! Its been yelling since they woke up, and i really need a brake!"  Riker sighs and looks at me, "can you think of some insane way to get them to stop arguing?" I think for a second then nod, "yeah but you need to know that everything i say right now, I don't mean it!" Riker looks confused but nods anyway.

I pull Riker into the living room so the others can hear us up the stair way. I look at Riker and grin then before Ross can start yelling back at the yelling Hannah i scream, "YOU ARE SO ANNOYING I CAN'T STAND YOU ANYMORE!" immediately it goes quiet upstairs, Riker looks slightly taken a back but he yells back, "HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL! YOU JUST BOSS ME AROUND AND TEASE ME ALL DAY!!" I reply with, "I DON'T KNOW WHY I EVEN MARRIED YOU! i CAN'T STAND YOU AND NEVER HAVE!" I hear a thundering upstairs and hear people shoving as they run down the stairs.

Riker retaliates by yelling, "IF YOU DIDN'T WANT TO MARRY ME THEN WHY'D YOU ACCEPT MY PROPOSAL!?" "I FELT SORRY FOR YOU TH ATS WHY! BUT NOW I WANT OUT! I DON'T LOVE YOU AND NEVER HAVE, I WANT A DIVORCE!" all of a sudden the living room is filled with people.

"whats going on?" Hannah asks. I look at Riker and he grins, i turn back to Hannah, "we where sick of hearing you yell." Katie and Rylands eyebrows shoot WAY up, "wait you staged that?!" Katie exclaims. Riker nods and puts an arm around me, "yup we still love each other very much, or at least i love Nova." I laugh and rest my head on Rikers shoulder, "trust me i still love you."

Ross shakes his head and says, "i can't believe you guys did that! I was scared!" I laugh and so does Riker, "that's what was fun about it! Now come on lets go do something besides yell at each other!" The others get ready to go while i run over to Rocky and Tiffanys house. I knock on the door because i'm not sure what they're doing and i don't want to disrupt anything.

An extremely tired Tiffany answers the door with Grace. "ih hey Nova, long time no see." "I saw you two days ago." "oh yeah, hahaha." I walk inside and see Rocky teaching Trevor how to play Call of Duty. "Rocky you're going to rot that kids brains out before they're even developed!" I say as i watch Trevor shoot at Rocky. Rocky looks over at me and Trevor kills him, "YES! FINALLY!" Trevor cries jumping up and down.

He sees me and gives me a hug then he says, "I've been trying all day to beat daddy, i finally did! Thanks Nova!" I laugh and watch as Trevor and Rocky go back to their game. I look over at the smiling Tiffany, then Grace starts wailing, and I mean wailing! Tiffany starts to bounce Grace up and down lightly while making little shushing noises.

Grace finally settles down and Tiffany sits down on the couch, "so whats up Nova?" I sit down next to her and hold out my arms offering to take Grace, she gladly hands her over. I look down at Grace who is staring intently up at me and say, "Well the others where wondering if you guys wanted to go somewhere with us, we don't know where yet." Tiffany smiles weakly, "i'd love to but i need to watch after Grace and Trevor, Rocky can go though." Rocky looks over at us and says, "there is no way I would leave you hear with two kids! I'm not leaving you!"

Grace grabs my thumb and starts sucking on it intently i laugh and say, "so you guys arn't coming?" Rocky and Tiffany both shake their head and Tiffany say, "nope, maybe in awhile when they grow up more but definitely not now." I nod, "ok understandable, and remember i can always babysit them if you want some alone time." Tiffany takes Grace back from me and says, "ok thanks for the offer see ya." I say bye to them and head back to the Lynch's house.

"they can't come." I tell Riker. He nods like he was expecting it even though he was the one that sent me over there, "ok, and Rydel and Ratliff are coming and the others decided to go miniature golfing, sound good?" I laugh, "great! I'm a pro miniature golfer!" "is that even a thing?" Riker asks. I shrug,"dunno." Riker laughs and everyone piles into the car.

We drive to the miniature golf course (Rydel and Ratliff are meeting us there) we get out and see Rydel and Ratliff waiting for us at the entrance. We buy our tickets and head inside. we get our balls and golf clubs then head to the first hole.

Riker makes me go first because i said that i was really good. After i've missed the hole for the 13th time Riker asks, "I thought you said you where good at this?" I shrug, "I usually am" "when was the last time you played?" I shrugs again, "dunno awhile." "where did you last play?" I laugh, "my living room." Riker shakes his head and i finally make the hole. "15 shots!" I call to Rydel who writes it down on the piece of paper.

After that Riker goes it takes him 5 shots, then Ross it takes him 10 shots, then Hannah it takes her 7 shots, then Rydel it takes her 3 shots, the Katie it takes her 9 shots, then Ryland it takes him 6 shots, then Ratliff. He takes about 10 minutes setting up the ball and "getting the correct angle". After that he takes another 10 minutes to get "his form perfect" which involves A LOT of butt wiggling and arm stretching.

Finally he gets it all ready and he says, "by the way i'm amazing at miniature golf." Riker snorts and Ross rolls his eyes. Rydel just puts her head in her hands and stays like that. Ratliff winds up and hits the ball as hard as he possibly can and its almost like in the cartoons.

The ball flies all the way past the hole and hits the wall, it bounces off and hits the railing bounces straight up in the air then while it falls back down some kid runs past and it bounces off his head, the ball then flies at an angle (making Hannah, Rydel, and Ross duck) towards the ground, it hits a curb and rolls into the hole.

"HOLE IN ONE!!" Ratliff yells jumping up and down a huge grin on his face. Riker, Ryland, and Katie stare at Ratliff in shock as he dances around chanting, "Hole in one!" repeatedly. Ross and Hannah look at each other and crack up while Rydel writes it down then looks at me, "is there anyway he cheated?" she asks. I shake my head because either Ratliff really is good, or he has REALLY good luck.

We continue golfing and somehow Ratliff sinks every hole, EVERY SINGLE ONE! I suck, my least amount of hits is 15 and my other tries are no where close to that. By the time we finish i'm sick of golfing, never again will i go golfing!" I exclaim as we turn our clubs in. "but this is just miniature golfing." Riker says. "yeah so that means that real golfing i'll be even worse!" Rikers eyes widen and he tries to hold back laughter. After a minutes of that he gives up and bursts out laughing while I glare at him.

"guys come here! I'll tell you what place everyone came in!" Rydel calls. Everyone crowds around her and she starts reading off the names, "ok so first is somehow Ratliff, then Ross, then Ryland, then Hannah, then me, then Katie and Riker tie, then Nova." everyone stares at me in the 'i'm-about-to-start-laughing' sort of way and i just turn around and walk back to the van.

We drive back to the Lynch's house and the whole time i'm listening to teasing about my bad score and boasting from Ratliff. we get back to the Lynch's house and Ratliffs in mid boast when Stormie comes running out of the house looking EXTREMELY panicked. "Mom whats going on?" Riker asks worriedly.

Stormie looks at us and looks even more scared, "Rocky and Tiffany disappeared!" she exclaims.


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