Chapter 65

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I open my eyes and roll over, I silently watch Riker sleep while reliving everything that happened last night, it was.......interesting. Hehe, if you know what I mean. Riker must have woken up because he kissed my forehead and whispers, "hello beautiful, how do you feel?" I make a face, "sore." Riker snorts and I grin. "and that is why you are my wife." I laugh before sitting up, the blankets fall down and I realize i'm not wearing anything up top. I quickly pull the covers back up to hide my chest and Riker burst out laughing, "you're embarrassed about that? After last night?" I feel myself blush as Riker throws a shirt to me, "here put this on, it's mine so don't ruin it." I pull it on and smile, "what me? Why would I ever ruin your stuff."

Riker raises an eyebrow, "I seem to recall a while ago, you got shaving cream allllll over one of my shirts." "hey you gave it to me, it wasn't yours." "still." I get out of bed and look down at Rikers shirt which goes to maybe mid thigh. I look over at shirtless Riker and shake my head, "you just can't resist can you?" Riker shrugs, "hey ita fun not wearing a shirt, of course you're a girl so you wouldn't know." I roll my eyes and turn and walk out of the room and down the stairs.

I walk into the kitchen and stop dead, standing there is Ryland and Katie, Rylands making what looks like waffles while Katie holds Ryder. "umm not to sound rude but WHY THE HECK ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE!" Katie shoots a look at Ryland, "I TOLD you she would freak!" Ryland rolls his eyes, "whatever, I wanted to say hello." Ryland looks at me and I frown, "but why couldn't you have waited until I had woken up!" Ryland shrugs, "well considering the noises coming from upstairs last night I figured you guys would be asleep for awhile."

My eyes bulge and Katie burst out laughing, "h- how exactly do you know that?" "I came over last night cuz I needed to ask Riker something, and I could hear you through the window out front." Ryland mutters peevishly. "WHAT!" "hey Nova quiet i'm still tired." Riker mumbles walking into the room, still shirtless. He freezes and takes in the scene, "umm why are you guys here?" he asks. "I need to put pants on, Ryland explain!" I order before rushing back up the stairs.

I quickly change into a pair of yoga pants before rushing back downstairs. I walk in and see Riker with Ryland in a head lock, Ryland looks over at me, "Nova help!" he cries. I rush over and jump on Rikers back. Riker drops Ryland and tries to get me off him, "Nova, get off!" "No!" "get off!" "no!" "I'll have to punish you again tonight." I snort as Ryland and Katie look at each other uncomfortably, "nopedy nope nope nope." Riker suddenly stops and just stands there, finally he sighs, "I didn't want to have to do this." he turns and walks into the living room then into the backyard.

"Riker....what are you doing?"  I ask nervously. Riker walks towards the pool and I get it, "no! No way you are so not throwing me into the pool!" "get off then!" "fine i'm off." I reply jumping down. Riker turns around and grins, "by the way nice choice of pants." I slap is arm and Riker puts an arm around me and we start walking back to the house. "Dude, when did you get so perverted?" I ask. "dude?" Riker asks I nod and he shakes his head, "ok then. Please I've always been like this, i'm just good at hiding it." "until now." "yep until now." It's my turn to shake my head as we walk back into the house.

We walk into the kitchen and its like Ryland and Katie decided to have a party, Rocky, Trevor, Grace, Ross, Hannah, Rydel, and Ratliff are all standing in Riker and i's living room talking. "Ok what is everyone doing here?" I ask. Rydel hugs me then laughs, "nice to see you to, Ryland invited us." "wait, so Ryland invited us to MY house?" I ask. Rydel nods and Ryland looks sheepish, "oops? I accidently butt dialed all of them and told them to come here, my bad?" I roll my eyes and flick his forehead.

"Well since every ones here Ryland volunteered to make EVERYONE breakfast." "what!" Ryland exclaims. "oops? you guys accidentally showed up at my house so I accidentally volunteered you for breakfast duty, GET TO WORK!" Ryland glares at me as we all make our way to the living room to wait for breakfast. Katie hands me a screaming Ryder and I pull my shirt down to nurse him. Rocky sets Grace down on the floor and Trevor starts to play with her. I look at everyone sitting on the couch and grin, "so what's been going on when I was off in Florida?" Ross and I exchange a weird glance but I ignore it.

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