Chapter 56

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"RIKER TURN THE DARN ELECTRIC SAW OFF!" I yell from the kitchen, its 6 in the morning and Rikers up and trying to make a water proof, floating pool table. I finish my cereal and pick up Ryder from his roller crib. It's basically a crib that has wheels so it goes places. I walk into the backyard and look at Riker, shirt off, sweat on his face, electric saw in his hand, an up side down pool table on the ground. He looks incredibly hot actually and i'd hate to have to make him stop but the saws making Ryder cry.

I walk over and yank the plug from the socket. The saws roar dies down and Riker looks up, "hey!" "sorry, but its scaring Ryder. Use a hand saw or something." Riker sighs, "fine." I smile, "good, by the way you look really hot like that." Riker laughs and strikes a pose, "does this," strikes another pose, "turn you on?" I snort, "you are so like Rocky at times." Riker laughs, "he is my brother." I grin at him, "I know," I turn around and before I walk in the house I call, "yes, by the way, it does." I hear Riker jump up and cry, "yes!" as I walk back into the house.

I look at Ryder who's just staring at me, "your parents are crazy Ryder, the sooner you get used to it the better." Ryder looks at me before breaking into a toothless smile. He waves his arms around and I laugh, "looks like you're going to fit right in." Ryder lets out a garbled giggle and I hear a knock at the door. I make a face at Ryder and ask, "I wonder who that is?"

I open the door and see EVERYONE standing there (well besides Stormie and Mark). Hannah strikes a pose, "We're here!" she cries. I laugh, "come on in." They all walk in and Rydel takes Ryder from me, "aww he's so cute!" she says to me before she turns to him, "yes you are, you are adorable, Ryder is the cutest little baby ever! Yes you are, yes you are!" I laugh and we all walk into  the living room. Rydel sits down on the couch and starts cooing at Ryder. I laugh and look at Rocky who's holding Grace and has Trevor in hand. He lets Trevor go and he sits down next to Rydel and starts to play with Ryder.

Rocky sets Grace down on the carpeted floor. She lays on her back for a moment before turning over and getting up on her hands and knees. "She's learning how to crawl, so uh I hope you don't have any breakable stuff within reach." "nope, nothing." I say and Rocky smiles, "good." I laugh, "so whats everyone doing here?" I ask. Ross looks hurt, "what you don't want us?" I shake my head, "no its great, its just Riker and I were planning on going over there." Ross nods, "oh well ta-da you don't have to do that! Oh by the way Hannah and I have bought a house and its like a block from here." "that's great! Congrats you guys!"

Hannah grins proudly and Ross does to, "yeah its pretty cool and finally all our stuff isn't crammed into one room!" Ross says. Hannah grins, "yeah now its crammed into multiple rooms!" I laugh, "well that's good, have fun with that." Hannah raises and eyebrow, "oh we will." I frown and look around, "so anyone want anything to eat or drink?" Ratliff laughs, "Nova, its 6:30 in the morning." "oh yeah, wait why are you guys here so early?" I ask. Ratliff shrugs but Ryland says, "mom kicked us out." I snort, "wait Ratliff and Rydel and Rocky don't even live with you." Ryland laughs, "yeah so we went and kidnapped them." Katie shakes her head and with a smile she says, "that was probably the most fun I've had at 6 in the morning." I laugh, "I would think so."

"So Nova, why exactly is Riker outside sawing the legs off a pool table?" Katie asks looking out the sliding glass door. I laugh, "he's trying to make a pool table for the pool, so that means make it water proof and able to float, that would be kind of hard with legs on it." Katie nods, "oh, ok. Well you need to invite us over when he's done because that sounds amazing!" I nod, "definitely." "Wait so Rikers making a pool table for the pool? So you can play pool while in the pool?" Hannah asks. I nod, "wow, that's a lot of pool." she mutters before walking over to the TV and turning it on. "Really Hannah you need to watch TV when there are people here to interact with?" Ratliff asks. Hannah shrugs, "I got kidnapped before I could watch TV don't blame me, blame Ryland and Katie."

Ratliff turns around and glares at Ryland and Katie who laugh. Ross walks over to turn the TV off but Hannah like totally tackles him, "NO! Do NOT touch the TV, Psych is on!" Ross who has landed face down on the carpet sighs, "I don't think I have a choice." Hannah nods and sits on Ross while watching the show. I look at them then at the others, "Lets go outside and bug Riker." Rocky whispers finally. I snort and we all troop outside. Well except for Rydel and Trevor who are busy cooing over Ryder.

When we walk outside Riker looks up and wipes the sweat from his forehead, "hey guys- wait why are you hear so early?" he asks. "Katie and I got kicked out of the house so we kidnapped the others and came over here." Ryland says. "oh, how'd you get mom to kick you out?" Riker asks. Ryland goes red, "we uhh we, well we had woken up at 5 so we decided to go swimming, I guess we were really loud." Riker stares at Ryland trying to figure out if he's telling the truth, finally Riker shakes his head, "you have got to be joking right?" Ryland shakes his head and Riker starts laughing.

We watch Riker laugh for awhile, when he finally calms down he has to wipe tears from his face, "wow that is probably one of the dumbest things I've ever heard." Ryland blushes and shakes his head, "shut up." Riker laughs and start to work on his pool table project again. "so how long have you been working on that?" Rocky asks shifting Grace in his arms. Riker looks up but continues working, "a few days ago, I ordered the table a while ago but it only came then." Rocky nods, "ok i'm not trying to tell you how to do that but wouldn't and electric saw work better?" Riker stops working and stares pointedly at me. "I WAS using an electric saw, but Nova said it was making Ryder cry so I had to stop." Rocky laughs, "good job Nova."

I laugh, "My pleasure." Rocky hands Grace to me, "Hey Riker want any help?" Riker nods, "that would be great, hey Ryland, Ratliff get over here and help me!" Rocky walks over and pulls his shirt off, Ryland and Ratliff follow only more reluctantly. Katie and I watch them work until Katie leans over and whispers, "day-um the Lynch boys + Ratliff are so freaking hot without shirts on!" I laugh, "to true, we just need Ross to complete our little shirtless fest." "You need me for what?" Ross asks walking out of the house. "hey look you escaped Hannahs grasp." Ross laughs, "yeah but she's still in there watching some show, but what were you saying you need me for what?"

Katie grabs Ross' arm and starts pushing him towards the other boys, "go! help them, oh and take your shirt off!" she orders. I snort and Ross looks confused, "take my shirt off?" he asks. Katie nods, "do it! Now!" Ross shrugs and does what she says, then he walks over and offers his help. Katie and I stare at them for awhile and I finally say, "why is Ross so freaking buff?" Katie laughs, "I have no idea I just know I am greatly enjoying the view. Like seriously look at the 6 pack! Look at it!" I laugh, "don't forget the V- line." Katie sighs, "holy crap." I snort and Hannah just then walks out of the house.

She stops dead when she sees the shirtless work fest. Then she looks at us ogling the work fest and she grins. She walks over to us and whispers, "You guys are so staring at my husband aren't you?" Katie and I look at each other and I feel my face heating up, Katies face turns red as well, "no, why do you ask that?" she says. Hannah laughs, "because Ross is the one with the best abs." Ross must have heard us because he walks over and looks down at himself, "I do don't I?" Hannah looks at us eyebrows raise and Katie and I burst out laughing.

Hannah eventually has to drag us inside because every time we look at Ross we burst out laughing again. Once Katie and I stop laughing I set Grace on the ground so she can crawl around and Rydel gives a crying Ryder back to me and goes off to play with Katie an Trevor and Grace. I pull my shirt down and start to feed Ryder. Hannah stares at me before shaking her head, "Is that the only way to feed kids?" she asks. I shake my head, "you can use formula, but I think this is the best." Hannah nods, "ok interesting."

I squint at Hannah for a second, "Hannah why do you want to know?" Hannah shrugs and looks nervous, "no reason, just curious." "Hannah, tell me the truth." I say. Hannah looks even more uncomfortable, "what are you talking about I am telling the tru-" Hannah stops mid sentence and jumps up, she bolts up the stairs and I follow her. I find her in the bathroom leaning over the toilet. "Hannah." I say. Hannah jumps and look up at me, she gives me a week smile, "surprise."


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