Chapter 24

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"Riker?' I mumble not opening my eyes. Why does my head hurt and why is my throat so dry? I hear movement, "Nova! Are you ok?" I hear Riker ask. "yeah i'm fine i just had a crazy dream that we were flying to Tahiti and our plane crashed and were stranded," I open my eyes, "never mind, not a dream." I mumble taking a breath.

I'm lying in the sand Riker sitting up next to me, water is lapping at my feet and i'm still wearing the flashy orange life vest. "what happened how'd we get to shore?" I ask sitting up and rubbing my head. "well i woke up to you unconscious, we were floating in the middle of the ocean but i could see an island so i float swam over here, after i coughed up a bucket full of water of course."

"oh." Is all i can say as i remember what happened. "Nova i would have drowned, you saved my life." Riker whispers. "Riker please tell me there ae other people on this island, survivors?" I ask. Riker shakes his head and there's a sudden sinking feeling in my stomach. "no....we were the only ones."

Even though i was expecting this i gasp, "there was over 50 people on that plane." I murmur. Riker nods, "and now there's two." Riker puts an arm around me and i lean into him. "so what now?" I ask looking around the island.

The outside of it is covered in sand and rocks but farther in it becomes lush and green, palm trees and ferns everywhere. I hear the squawk of some sort of exotic bird and i shiver who know what else is in there. "i dunno i'm not exactly prepared for this, find fresh water i suppose. We can live without food but not water." I nod and stand up my knees are weak and threaten to give way but they don't.

"lets go." I say pointing to the green part of the island. Riker stands up and brushes sand from his shorts, "if we see any sort of threat come straight back to the back right away." he says, i nod, "ok." and in we go.

Atfte maybe five minutes of tripping through the under brush we finally get the hang of walking on roots and we make a faster pace. After another 20 minutes i'm getting tired, thirsty, and my knees might actually give way. "Riker i need to stop." I mumble then sink down to the bottom of a tree. Riker walks a little ways ahead then suddenly yells.

"Nova i think i found fresh water!" Riker yells. Well that got me to my feet fast, i stumble over and see Riker standing over a clear pool of water. It's so clear i can see the bottom, there's no fish in it either. I walk over to it and stick my hand in it, right away i can tell its fresh water.

It feels clearer and not as sticky as salt water. "its fresh!' I yell at Riker. He runs over then stops, "but is it safe to drink?" he asks. "I honestly don't think we have any other choice!" I snap. Then scoop up and hand full of the water. i slurp it down and it tastes like any other water. "just drink it." I say to Riker who after a moments hesitation copies me.

After we drink our fill i ask, "what about food, or maybe finding help, or shelter." Riker looks up from the pool, "well i think one of us should look for food while another builds a shelter, because even if we try to find help we don't know how long that will take, we need to be ready to stay here awhile." I nod and say, "i call food collector."

Riker scowls at me, "dang it!" I laugh slightly and Riker says, "uhh this might sound kind of weird but i carried a pocket knife onto the plane, i don't know how it got past security but it did and i felt like i was going to need it." Riker pulls out a handle and flips the switch a blade at least 10 inches long flicks up.

"Holy crap Riker that's a serious knife! were'd you get that?" I ask shocked and kind of scared at were Riker was going to say he got the knife. "dad gave it to me on my 20th birthday, he said it would come in handy one day. He was right." I take the knife fro him and feel the weight of the the sliver handle and blade. I rub the blade against my arm and were i rubbed it my hair got cut off.

"this is a REALLY sharp knife Riker." I tell him trying to imagine Mark giving Riker this for his birthday, i can't. Riker nods, "yeah i've never used it but i've always kept it sharp, in case." "in case of what?" "I dunno a time i would need it" I flip the blade back into the handle and try to give the knife back to Riker.

"no you take it, you might be able to kill something with it for food, or self protection." Riker says not taking the knife. I stick it in my pocket, "what about you what if something attacks you?" Riker shrugs, "i dunno but i do have more arm power then you."

Now it bugs me the way he says that  but it is true. "ok well you start the shelter i'll go food hunting." Riker stands up then helps me up, "just remember don't pick any berries unless you're absolutely certain they arn't poisonous." I nod, "gotcha" Then i turn and walk into the trees.

Immediately i notice coconuts in the palm trees, but i can't reach them and i'm definitely not going to climb up one of the palm trees. I grab a rock and chuck it at the coconuts my aim is right on and i hit all three of them at once. What i wasn't expecting was for the coconuts to come raining down towards me.

I jump around and dodge the coconuts. Finally they've all hit the ground an i've luckily not gotten hit. I pick the coconuts up and start walking again. I throw some more rocks at other coconut bunches but non of them fall. Finally i just give up and walk back the way I came.

Finally I get to the pool of water and see that Rikers built a really cool lean to against a big rock. "That is so cool Riker!" I exclaim walking over to him. Riker blushes slightly, "i tried. What did you get for food?" I drop the 3 coconuts at his feet and Riker picks one up. "well we can eat these, but how do we open it?" I shrug, "I dunno maybe the knife or a rock?"

Riker grabs a big rock and holds the coconut against another rock, he brings the rock crashing down on the coconut but nothing happens except the coconut rolls away. "well that didn't work." I say and Riker rolls his eyes. "can you give me the knife we can try that." I hand Riker the knife and he flicks the blade up.

He grasps the coconut so it doesn't roll away and brings the knife down on it. The knife lodges itself in the coconut and Riker wriggles it around until the coconut splits in half. "look there's milk in it." Riker says holding up his half. He takes a drink and gags, "this stuff is disgusting!" I take his half and drink some of the coconut milk, "it tastes fine what are you talking about?" I ask.

I drink the rest of it and Riker and i take turns with the knife to cut chunks of the white stuff on the inside of the coconut off the coconut and eat it. It doesn't taste that bad actually.


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