Chapter 10

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Everyone just stares at Rocky in absolute shock. Mark walks into the room, "did someone say dad?" He asks looking around. Riker looks at Rocky and says, "yeah, dad Rocky is gonna be a dad." Marks eyebrows shoot WAY up, "how'd this happen?" He asks looking at Rocky. "uhh dad you had 5 kids i'm pretty sure you know how this happened. " Rocky says.

Ryland and Ross snort while Rydel turns red with concealed laughter. Mark shakes his head, "well uhh congratulations Tiffany and uhh good luck." With that Mark turns around and walks out of the room. Ryland, Ross, and Rydel burst out laughing. Not even five minutes later Stormie comes running into the room, "ROCKY!!"

Rocky steps behind Tiffany trying to hide. Stormie walks over to him and pulls him away from Tiffany by his ear, "ow ow mom stop! ow" Rocky cries. Stormie finally lets go of Rocky and he backs away rubbing his head. "Rocky all can say is you better be a good dad! You better be responsible!..." Stormie goes on and on but the rest of us decide to leave the room.

"wow a baby." I mutter as we climb the stairs. Riker nods, "that's kinda crazy! I mean they arn't even married! If they are gonna get married." I look at Riker, "all i can say is they better get married!" Riker nods, "yeah." "I wonder who the baby's gonna look like?" Rydel says walking into her room and sitting on her bed. We all follow her and take places on the bed and floor.

"Hmmm i think he/she is gonna have Rockys ego and Tiffanys looks." Ross says. Ryland laughs, "look i'm the baby in 10 years, I am gorgeous! and amazing!" Ryland says flipping his hair (or trying to anyway) and walking around with his hands on his hips.

Rydel and Ross crack up while Riker looks at them like they're insane, which is weird because that's how people usually look at us. I shake my head, "who wants to bet on boy or girl?" I ask looking around. "10 bucks says it's a guy." Ross says. "No chance it's a girl!" Rydel says.

"I'm with Ross it's a guy!" Rylan says and Riker nods. "It is so a girl!" I exclaim. "Fine 10 dollars from each of us if it's a guy 10 from you guys if it's a girl!" Ryland says. "deal!" Tiffany walks in the room just then closely followed by Rocky and Trevor, "why are you guys betting on the gender of my child to be?"

Ryland and Ross go red, "uhh we were just uhhh." Ross starts before Rocky cuts in, "10 dollars its a guy!" Tiffany glares at Rocky, "not helping! but hey Rydel put me down for a girl!" Rydel laughs and writes down all the people betting. "so we have the guys betting 10 dollars on a guy and the girls betting 10 dollars on a girl? Correct" everyone nods.

Rocky sits down on Rydels bed and pulls Tiffany down onto his lap. "AWWW you guys are so cute!" Rydel squeals. Rocky rolls his eyes, "really Rydel? I thought you were over that kinda thing." Rydel shakes her head, "nope."

We laugh and joke around for the rest of the afternoon and Riker and I finally head downstairs to unpack all our junk from the camping trip. "You know we should probably start planning our wedding." Riker comments. "yeah we should." Suddenly an idea hits me, "RIKER! you know what we should do? Instead of a classical wedding all boring we should have a neon wedding!"

Riker stops walking and looks at me, "a what?" "A neon wedding! You know bright colors, neon actually, no boring dull colors just bright crazy colors. It can even be at the beach if you want! cuz if we do that there is no way i'm wearing a normal dress!" I cry. Then Riker does something he's never done before. He picks me up and spins me around, "that is the greatest idea ever!" I laugh, "isn't it! Plus i think it's more us." Riker laughs, "definitely!"

We unpack while talking nonstop about our wedding. "Can we have a chocolate fountain?" I ask. "only if we can have a balloon animaler." "A balloon animaler?" I ask. "You know a guy that makes balloon animals!" "really Riker really?" "what? Just think about it you walk down the isle and look up to see me wearing a top hat made of balloons!" I laugh, "that would be pretty cool."

"How about a candy bar? Cuz there are going to be kids there." Riker says. "Totally! even i would enjoy that!" Riker laughs, "we really are kids at heart." "no duh! Would it not be amazing if i wore a neon wedding dress?" I ask grinning at Riker. "that would be beautiful!" I blush and Riker kisses me. Finally Stormie yells at us that dinner is ready and we go downstairs.

During dinner we tell the others about our incredible wedding plans. "sounds like fun!" Ross says. "I especially like the sound of the candy bar." Ryland says I laugh and Riker says, "doesn't it!" Suddenly i remember something important, "Rydel do you want to be my one if my bridesmaids?" i ask. Rydel squeals, "yes that would be amazing!" "You to Tiffany!" Tiffany looks up, "really me?" "of course you're my best friend!" "then of course i will!" "good! Now i just need to ask Hannah and Katie!"

Riker looks at Rocky, Ross, and Ryland, "you guys are gonna be my best men of whatever you call them." "Riker there is usually only 1 best man." Stormie says. Riker throws his hands in the air, "I'm having a neon wedding I don't care! I'm doing it how i want it!" Stormie shakes her head, "ok ok calm down."

I laugh, "yep i'm getting married to a psycho." "hey at least i'm a hot psycho!" "you sound like Rocky!" Rocky nods, "yeah that's something I would say!" We all laugh and continue talking about the wedding. "Hey Riker what about Ratliff? Is he gonna be the only on not in the wedding?" I ask. Riker shakes his head, "no way! He is going to be one of those groomsmen/best man people!" I laugh, "good to know."

"hey how do you feel about Trevor being the ring bearer?" Riker asks. I nod, "that would be awesome!" I turn to Tiffany, "were's Trevor?" "Sleeping, it's his bedtime you know." "oh ok, do you think he'll want to be the ring bearer?" Tiffany nods, "he would love that!" "how about Maya my sister as flower girl?" I ask. Riker nods, "cool."

We eventually go into the living room and start talking there. "What should the dress code be?" Riker asks. "uhh for girls how bout sundresses and stuff, and guys Hawaiian shirts and swim trunks?" Riker grins, "this is gonna be amazing!" "I have no doubt!" I laugh. "Hey Nova how about this dress for your wedding dress?" Ryel asks showing me a dress that is tight until the bottom were it flairs out, it has neon patches all over it and is really cool looking.

"ehhh i don't think so it just doesn't pop for me, ya know?" Rydel nods, "totally." She goes back to looking through her phone and I turn back to Riker. "hey were are Ross, Rocky, Ryland, and Tiffany?" I ask looking around the almost empty living room.

Riker shrugs, "I have no idea." Suddenly there's a thump from upstairs. "one sec." I tell Riker. I walk up the stairs and into Ross and Rylands room. On the floor is a heap of bodies (LIVING! NOT DEAD!) Ross, Ryland, Rocky, and Tiffany are all tangled together fast asleep. What they were doing I have no clue, but they were snoring soundly.

I walk back down the stairs and sit next to Riker, "they're fast asleep on the floor in Ross and Rylands room." I tell him. "really?" I nod, "yeah go look." Riker stands up and leaves the room. He comes back down the stairs a few minutes later laughing. "They remind me of little kids, the way Rocky is holding Tiffany so protectively in his sleep and the fact that Ross is sucking his thumb."

I choke, "really! Ross is sucking his thumb!" Riker nods, "yup." Rydel and i crack up. I roll over and fall off the couch, right onto Rydel. "hey!" Rydel cries as i look up at her from her lap. I laugh and roll off her, "sorry." Riker walks over and picks me up then sits me on his lap as he sits on the couch.

"you know i really hate when you pick me up!" I tell him. Riker laughs and kisses me cheek, "to bad." "hey! you're supposed to say, oh i'm sorry Nova i won't do that anymore!" Riker shrugs, "oops?" I hit his arm, "you're a jerk" Riker laughs, "The jerk that you're in love with." I feel myself go red, "yeah i guess that's true."

"hey hey hey hey Nova what about this dress?" Rydel asks me showing me dress after dress after dress. "Rydel! Enough! I'm exhausted!" "ok ok sorry." Rydel laughs putting her phone away. Rikers head suddenly falls onto my shoulder scaring me. "how did he manage to fall asleep?" I ask astonished. Rydel shrugs, "he is a boy." I nod, "yeah good point."

Rydel and i stand up and walk up the stairs leaving Riker on the couch. I walk into Riker and Rockys empty room and get into Rikers bed. It feels cold and lonely without him and i can't fall asleep! Right then Riker stumbles into the room and falls into the bed next to me, "thanks for waking me up." He says coldly. "oops sorry.' I mutter. Riker laughs, "it's fine." After that I quickly fall asleep.


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