Chapter 53

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"Tiffany, was a great friend, a great family member, a great mother, a great person." The preacher guy says. I stare down a the 6 foot hole in the ground, the one they would soon be lowering Tiffany into. It seems so easy, I could easily slip back into my frozen state. My fingernails dig into my wrist keeping myself from slipping back into that trance. Finally the guy stops talking and he asks if anyone wants to say something. I raise my hand and he beckons me forward. I step forward and look out at all the sad faces in the crowd.

"Tiffany, she was my best friend, she was practically my sister. We were as close as, well, sisters. I remember way, way back when. We would do everything together, we had our first argument that involved the Lynchs'. We had our last boyfriends together, again the Lynchs'. We had arguments WITH our boyfriends together, and once again I must mention the Lynchs'. I remember once almost a year ago Katie, Hannah, Rydel, Tiffany, and I all played a prank. We walked around the mall with bottles of stuff you wouldn't normally eat raw, but they were filled with other stuff. That was probably one of the funniest moments of my life. Then we tricked the Lynch boys, that was beyond hilarious." I hear Rocky sniff in the background and mutter, "that was so not funny!" There are scattered giggles at that.

"Tiffany and I got married to the same family, the Lynchs'. We had or are going to have kids with the same family, once again the Lynchs'. Wow this whole speech seems to revolve around the Lynchs'." There is laughter at that statement and it's funny. After all the crying here we are laughing, at a funeral. "ok well um Tiffany will be missed but we also have many great memories to remember her by. She will be remember as a hero, my hero, after all she did save my life." "mine to!" Rydel pipes up from somewhere in the sea of black.

I smile, "hey Rydel why don't you come up here and show everyone what you really wore here." I call. I hear confused murmuring as Rydel pushes her way to the front. She stands up next to me and smiles, "well I was thinking, I thought that if Tiffany was here watching us, she would be disappointed. I mean we're talking about a girl who ran off to get married in LAS VEGAS! She would be sad that we're all wearing black like they do for normal people. Tiffany was beyond normal, so I got Hannah, Katie, and Nova to dress up with me. Guys come up here."

Hannah and Katie make their way to the front and we all stand there in our black trench coats (don't ask me were Rydel got them because I don't know) Rydel looks down the row at us, "ready? Set? Show!" we all pull our trench coats open and there is a collective gasp.

Hannah is wearing neon green, all green. She had bright neon tights and an even brighter neon green tutu. She's wearing a striped not so bright and bright neon green tank top with a dark green shawl thingy over it. She has on ridiculous green eye shadow (every one say that but just thought she was crazy, they weren't wrong actually) and green lipstick. She even has neon green high tops on.

Katie is wearing neon orange, she had a neon orange pair of skinny jeans on and an even brighter neon orange T- shirt that says in normal orange: BE WEIRD!. She has on a orange orange pair of combat boots (don't even ask were she got those) along with neon orange eye shadow and lipstick. She even dyed neon orange streaks in her hair.

I'm wearing neon yellow, I look like a banana, seriously! I'm wearing bright yellow (not quite neon) shorts and a neon yellow over the shoulder shirt. I have neon yellow knee high socks and neon yellow high tops like Hannahs. The craziest thing of all (besides my lipstick and eyeshadow) is that I have tattooed with yellow sharpie all up my arms swirls and stars and hearts and flowers.

Rydel, well Rydel takes the cake. Not only is she wearing an assortment of neon pink and hot pink and even baby pink. She's also decked out in Hello Kitty gear from her neck to her shoes. She's has a hot pink crop top with the Hello Kitty symbol under that she has a baby pink tank top. She then has a Hello Kitty home maid tutu that's neon pink. Under that she has hot pink jeans on as well as knee high high tops also neon pink with baby pink laces. She has the Hello Kitty head dangling from both shoe laces on either shoe. She has pink Hello Kitty necklaces and her bangs are dyed hot pink. Her eye shadow is hot pink and she has shiny little stick on rhinestones on them. Her lips stick is truly a work of art though.

Her lips are painted in a neon hot pink but on that she as taken those little ball sprinkles you put on cupcakes and stuck them to her lips. It's probably the coolest thing I've ever seen. Suddenly I hear laughter, way in the back I spot Riker just laughing. Everyone turns and stares at him, Riker suddenly realizes he's being watched and he walks up to the front. He stops and stands in between me and Katie.

He looks out at the crowd, "Don't you guys think it's weird, here we are. So serious, so heartbroken, and then we have these girls. Here they are channeling the essence of Tiffany, the girl who didn't care what people thought of her. The girl who did stuff because she wanted to not because people told her to!" Riker laughs. "here we are dressed in black for the funeral of a girl, who if she could attend her own funeral, she wouldn't wear black. She would wear every color she could, that's the kind of girl we will be remembering." Riker stops and looks at me, "I have a feeling Tiffany would say the exact same thing!" I tell him and Riker smiles.

He takes my hand in his and together we walk over to the other Lynchs' Rydel, Hannah. and Katie close behind, trench coats lay forgotten. We watch other people say dumb sappy stuff about Tiffany, and finally we're watching them lower the coffin into the whole. I dig my nails deeper into my arm so the pain overrides the numbness threatening to spread through my body.

Finally its over, Tiffanys six feet under and we're standing there looking at a hole. We all go stand next to it and look down. I stare at the coffin and whisper my last goodbye. Finally we all turn away and head towards the car. As we climb in i ask, "hey what does Tiffanys tombstone say?" I ask. "well its got her name, date of birth and date of death, we have the words wife, friend, mother, then we put a quote that Tiffany said." Riker tells me. "which is?" I prompt. "Rocky shut up!" I laugh, "that sounds like Tiffany." we drive back to the Lynchs' and once we get out and walk inside. Trevor looks at me, "will you be my mommy from now on?"

I crouch down next to him, "you know what how about you have 4 mommies. Me, Rydel, Hannah, and Katie?" Trevor thinks about it and smiles, "ok!" I stand up and grimace, there's a sudden pain you know down below. Suddenly i have the weird sensation of breaking and my shorts are suddenly soaked. I gasp, it hurts a lot. It's like my insides are being pushed out. "Nova?" Trevor asks. I look up at him, "get Riker." I gasp.

I grasp on to a chair and clutch onto it until my knuckles are white. Riker comes running into the room, "Nova what's wrong?" he asks taking in the scene. Me clutching my stomach and holding onto the chair for dear life. Then his eyes go to my soaked shorts and pained expression. "Riker," I gasp. I grit my teeth against the pain and look up at his concerned eyes, "Riker, I'm having a baby."


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