Chapter 20

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***5 Months Later***

So my wedding with Riker got pushed back like 2 months because, well i don't really know something about the balloon animaler being busy. The wedding is tomorrow!

"Tiffany do you think we can go dress shopping now?" I ask looking at the very big stomached Tiffany. She groans, "I seriously cannot get up right now." "COME ON!! or do you not want to be in wedding?" "ok ok i'm getting up." She says then stands up (making a lot of noise to). "lets go get me a red dress!" (Rocky and Ryland switched colors cuz Rocky kept complaining).

Tiffany waddles out of the house and gets into the van, I yell where we are going to the others and take off. "I hate being so fat!" Tiffany moans. "you're not fat you're pregnant." "fine but i'm still fat and lazy." "i'm not denying the lazy part." I mutter. Tiffany laughs then groans, "oww stupid contractions." "you better not have that baby now, or tomorrow!" I warn. "well i am due soon and i can't really help when you have a baby." I snort, "don't i know that." When Tiffany had Trevor, he came at 3 in the morning, not the greatest wake up call i'd ever had.

We get to Davids Bridal and walk in the lady greets us and starts measuring Tiffany, "so hows the neon wedding going?" she asks. "great it's planned for tomorrow!" Yes the lady knows about me wedding, how many other neon weddings have you heard off? "that's great! Ok so a red dress?" she asks Tiffany, who nods, "a stretchy one if possible" Tiffany mumbles rubbing her stomach. We walk around Tiffany turning down every dress we see saying it's to itchy, or feels bad, or ugly.

Finally the lady pulls out a dress that's a deep red and it layered, it goes to maybe the knees and is a tight kind of stretchy. i expect Tiffany to say no but she shrugs, "ok." We go and try it on and I have to help her zip it up cuz she can't reach. When she finally gets the dress on she looks stunning, even for a pregnant women!

The layers of dress make her look thinner and not quiet, well pregnant. The color also goes great with her black with red tips hair. "that's the dress." I say. "i dunno." Tiffany says looking in the mirror. "yes it it thats the dress for you!" Tiffany shrugs, "ok." We buy the dress and get out of there.

When we get back to the Lynches, Stormie tells me that we have a dress rehearsal tonight. "ok" I say then make myself a sandwich while Tiffany takes a nap. I walk into the living room with my sandwich and see Riker watching TV.

"hello husband to be." i say sitting down next to him. "and hello to you to future wife." I laugh and bite into my sandwich. "hey you wanna make me one?" Riker asks. I glare at him, "why would I do that?" Riker shrugs, "because you love me?" I laugh again and shake my head, "nope not good enough." "dang it! will you ever make me a sandwich?" "nope you're the one that's gonna be making me a sandwich!" Riker laughs, "you're probably right."

"we have a wedding rehearsal tonight." I tell him. Riker nods, "sounds good. I can't wait!" "for the rehearsal?" "no for the actual wedding." Riker says leaning towards me, when his face is an inch from mine i open my mouth giving him a great view of the food in my mouth. "ewww!" Riker cries pulling back. I laugh and choke on my food.

"*cough cough* you should have seen you're face! Priceless *cough cough*" Riker glares at me, "not cool." Right then Ross walks into the room, "what do you wear to a rehearsal?" he asks. "uhhh its at the beach so a Hawaiian shirt and swim trunks." Riker says. "isn't that the dress code for guys at the actual wedding?" I ask Riker. He nods, "yep" "cool! But isn't a wedding supposed to be formal?" Ross asks. "that's why you're wearing bow-ties." I tell him. "ohhhh cool thanks!" Ross says leaving the room.

Time for the rehearsal,  we drive out to the beach were everything is already set up and the preacher lady tells everyone whats gonna happen and were we walk on and when we exit. "ok lets try it!" She says. There's a yell from behind me, "Nova sorry we're late! Wait for us!" I turn around and see my mom, Maya (my sister), and John running across the beach towards us. "hi mom!" I yell.

They finally get over o us and my mom gives me a hug, John and I just  eye each other. "Sissy!" Maya yells jumping into my arms. "hey long time no see huh?" I laugh giving her a hug then putting her down. "I can't believe you and the mismatched haiw boy awe getting mawwied!" she says and i laugh because she can't pronounce her R's. Riker walks over, "my hair is not that mismatched!" he cries.

Maya laughs and i nod, "yeah it is!" "ok ok lets get started!" the preacher lady says getting all the  attention back to her. Then a thought occurs to me, "hey uhh isn't my dad supposed to give me away at the wedding?" The lady nods, "yeah isn't he going to do that?" she asks looking at John. "no no no no no no!" John and i say in unison. "he's not my dad, my dads still in jail or trying to kidnap me." I tell her. "oh then your mom can do it." "oh ok thanks."

We get into places, Riker standing at the right of the alter with Rocky, Ross, Ryland, and Ratliff standing in that order next to him. The girls and i are standing at the end of the isle. First Trevor walks down the isle holding pretend rings on a pretend pillow (yes the rings are going to be on a pillow!) he goes and stands in front of Rocky, the Maya walks down sprinkling pretend flowers everywhere, she sits down next to John after that.

Then Rydel walks down the eisle, then Katie, then Hannah, and finally Tiffany. When they are all standing there my mom slips her arm through mine and we walk down the isle, i'm having trouble finding something to look at because everyone is staring at me the Riker mouth, "look at me." That helps because i'm not just looking around aimlessly. Except when Riker gives me a goofy grin and I almost start laughing.

Finally I make it down the isle and the minister (that's the word minister!) starts talking and Trevor gives her the pretend rings and bla bla bla. Then the whole, "you may kiss the bride thing." Riker and I start giggling then suddenly i just burst out laughing and so does Riker. i end up grabbing Rikers hand to stop my laughing but he falls over pulling me with him and we start laughing all over again.

When we finish laughing i look down at Riker, "why were we laughing?" i ask. Riker shrugs, "no idea." We stand back up and Riker kisses me on the cheek, "there i kissed here lets continue shall we? Geez you guys are such time wasters!" The minister looks amused and Riker and I walk down the isle, then Tiffany and Rocky, then Hannah and Ross,  Katie and Ryland, and finally Rydel and Ratliff.

We run through this again then we all decide to go out to dinner.

***The Next Day***

"I'm getting married today! Omigod I'm actually getting married today!" I hyperventilate. "Nova, Nova calm down!" Stormie says. I try to breath normally but honestly i'm freaking out inside, my breakfast feels like it's about to come back up and I have a bajillion butterflies in my stomach. "Ok ok I'm calm." I mumble. "good." Stormie says.

We drive to the beach side building that we rented to get ready for the wedding and for the after party and I start freaking out today. I meet my mom and Maya there already dressed up. "You ready Nova, you're getting married today!" My mom says. I nod listlessly thinking that in less then 4 hours i'm going to get married to Riker.

"Lets get ready!" Rydel cries carrying her dress inside, the others follow me at the back trying to control my beating heart. We get inside and start doing everyones make up, then we put the dresses on, then the hair. Now it's my turn.

Stormie, Rydel and everyone else crowd me and start powdering my nose and who know what else. Then they help me into the dress, by now there'e maybe and hour before the wedding and i'm really starting to freak out. They zip me in and start to do my hair, the back is put up in a tight bun and the front parts are curled up so they bounce around when I move.

My mom walks into the room right when they finish, "you guys ready?" I nod then I hear the sound of splashing and a low moan. I whip around my dress flying out and see Tiffany standing there a hand on her stomach the other clutching a table. Her eyes are squeezed shut and she lets out a scream.

"whats wrong?" I ask rushing over to her. Then i notice the puddle beneath her, "wait you're- you're?" Tiffany opens her eyes, they're full of pain, "I'm having a baby, NOW!" She says screaming the last part as another wave of whatever she was feeling swept through her. "now?"



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