Chapter 29

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I was absolutley dragging the next morning and it took all of my willpower to get out of bed at 5:30 so I would have enough time to get everything together. I stayed as quiet as I could so Ashton could sleep and got back into my regular morning routine.

A shower was first on my list and I made sure to save hot water for Ender before getting out and getting dressed for the day.

I let my hair air dry and didn't put on any makeup because I would only be working today.

At 6:00 I woke up the tiny sleeping monster and made him get into the shower which he was not happy about.

"Ender just do it, I don't have time for this." I sighed and closed the bathroom door on him.

He groaned loudly and seconds later I heard the shower start.

He was lucky I didn't start the washing machine to steal his hot water but instead I went down to make breakfast.

I started the coffee pot first since that was obviously most important.

Fifteen minutes later Ender was still in the shower and I figured he had done what he normally did in the morning when he didn't want to go to school and sat on the shower floor.

Annoyed now I threw a load of towels into the washer and started it. Two minutes later the shower upstairs stopped and a few moments later the door slammed open.

"Carter, stop!" Ender yelled down the stairs and I rolled my eyes.

"Then get up and that won't happen!" I shouted back and then remembered Ashton was still asleep.

I continued making breakfast and Ender came down dressed and his backpack slung on his shoulders.

"Ashton's still asleep so don't yell." I told him and he nodded before grabbing some orange juice from the fridge.

"Cereal and toast." I set the boxes of frosted flakes and coco puffs on the counter and snatched a pice of toast from the toaster and tossed it on a plate.

Ender and I ate breakfast quickly since we had to leave.

Ashton was still asleep so I left a note on the kitchen counter telling him I would be back and to help himself  to breakfast.

"Come on End, let's go." I ushered him out the door and we grabbed our bikes from the storage area and began the ride to school.

We passed Ashton's jeep in the car lot and then made it to the main road. Surprisingly we made it there a few minutes before the bell rang and I watched to make sure he got into the school okay before I left.

Ashton was sitting at the kitchen counter when I got back, scrolling through his phone with one hand and shovelling cereal into his mouth with the other.

"Morning." I chirped as I walked in.

"Morning." He smiled back and slid his phone into his pocket.

"Sleep well?" I asked as I poured myself another cup of coffee.

"Mhmm. Very well." He got up and walked to wash out his bowl giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I took my coffee cup with me and walked out to the shop to which Ashton followed.

"Woah what happened in here?" He asked at the boxes and supply items everywhere.

"Im cleaning out this place." I laughed.

I booted up the main computer and then went to the closet to grab a rag and a bottle of all-purpose cleaning spray.

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