Chapter 46

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The rest of the week with Gracie had gone by fairly smoothly. She was adjusting to life here fairly well it seemed, and I was adjusting to her being here at the same time.

Every morning when I would wake up to make coffee she would wake up at the same time, having me carry her around the kitchen where she would half way sleep a little more until it was time to wake up Ender.

Ashton would then take over carrying her around until it was time for me to get her dressed and ready for the day.

It was almost as if someone was carrying her at all times and I think that was her point. She didn't want anyone to leave her alone for even a second. That's probably also the reason why she had me stay with her until she fell asleep and Ashton would eventually wander downstairs looking for me and would then carry me back up to bed with him.

My fear was that Gracie had developed abandonment issues and I was very adamant about discussing them with Ashton.

"I just don't think it's normal for her to be that clingy. I mean Ender wasn't that way when he was that age, but then again girls and boys are different. But I don't think I was that way either." I thought aloud to him as we sat at the bar, compiling a grocery list for the following week.

"I don't know, Car." He shrugged. "It could just be a phase? But then again that could explain why she is so clingy and calls us Mommy and Daddy." He almost laughed.

She'd only called us Mommy and Daddy a few times after the ice cream shop incident and every time she did it broke my heart a little bit more.

"I think she does that because it's comforting to her to feel like she has a mom and dad, even though that's not really us." I leaned my head onto my hand.

"If that's what makes her feel better than I think we should let her do it." He answered.

"I'm okay with her calling me her mom, I mean that's basically what I am now though I didn't actually have her, but how long do you think it will be until she gets over it?"

"I don't know, babe, we're just gonna have to wait and see."

"How do you think she's going to handle you leaving tomorrow?" I said and he frowned.

He and Gracie had become incredibly close since she had arrived, which was apparent since she called him Dad. But she liked having male attention since she'd never had a father of her own before.

Ashton, I felt, liked that he was considered part of the family, even though I saw him that way already (though I wouldn't tell him that yet). I felt like he wanted to be that father figure to her that she never had, and honestly I was okay with that.

I had been so adamant before about taking this entire relationship slow, but now I felt like there was no point. So much had happened in this short time that I felt like nothing could surprise me anymore.

Sure, Ashton and I had only been together maybe four or five months at the most, but was it really that bad if Gracie considered him her father? He was practically that to Ender anyways.

"I don't know, I mean I'm leaving in the morning and I'll be back that night. Will she be okay?" He replied.

"Well it's your first time leaving with her here. Ender and I are used to it but she might freak out, she's like wrapped around your finger."

"Okay don't ever say that you are used to me leaving, because that breaks my heart." His frown went even deeper.

"Sorry." I bit my lip.

"You know I hate leaving you."

"I know I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out that way." I apologised and he just reached out and took my hand in his, intertwining the fingers.

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