Chapter 47: Good Things End

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POV: Savannah

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It'd been almost a month since the argument between me, Colin, and Reece. I had just recently started talking to Reece again, but it was only because when we would do group work in class, the teachers would always pair us together and it'd be awkward if I didn't get over it at least a little.

It was now February and Reece still hadn't gotten married to Jen. They moved it back to the fourteenth, which was Valentine's day. He vowed not to marry her until I agreed to come to their wedding, which she was surprisingly ok with... I guess that's what true love was like, not that I'd know...

Colin and I hadn't really conversated much since he broke my heart, unless you count me asking him the basic questions such as, 'can you hand me the remote,' or 'when are you moving out.'

He claimed to still be looking for a place, which I didn't buy, but I decided to let him stay anyway. I had never lived alone before, and I didn't know how to feel about him going. It was like if he left then the reality of this whole thing would hit me hard, and I didn't think I was ready to face that, especially without my best friend.

The only person I had left in my life was Ryan. His attendance at school had been sorta sketchy ever since he admitted to me that he was using again. Apparently, he was going to meetings and actually getting his life together... or so he said. I hoped he was being honest with me because when you're 31... you should already have your life together... Once again, it had come down to Ryan to make me feel better. The pathological lying, bipolar, moody drug addict was the only friend I had...

I went downstairs to grab a drink, when I saw colin walk through the front door.

"Hey, any mail?"

"Yeah, here," he said, handing me an envelope, "I got one too... I think It's Reece and Jen's wedding invitation"

"Oh, cool"

The awkwardness still lingered between us and I couldn't think of anything to say to him. All I wanted to do was get away.

"Yup," he nodded

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door. I was so thankful that it interrupted that weird moment.

"I've got it," Colin said

I sat on the couch In the living room, turned the TV to low volume, and eavesdropped on the muffled voices coming from down the hall.

POV: Ryan

"Ryan? What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to talk to Savannah... I don't mean to cause any—"

"It's fine. We don't date anymore"

"Aw man, sorry to hear. How'd that happen?"

"I broke up with her because I was jealous... Biggest mistake I've ever made"

I looked down at the ground below. I knew what he really meant was 'we broke up because of you', but I didn't say anything.

"Savannah is in the living room if you wanna go see her," he insisted, pointing me in the general direction.

"Thanks Colin"

"No problem... Hey— are you ok?"

He stopped me as I was walking inside.

"Yeah, why?"

"I don't know, you just seem different Ryan... In a good way."

"Thanks," I laughed, "I've been working on that..."

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