Part 1

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Roger's POV
"Alright mate?" Brian said as I walked into the studio and he patted my back, "yeah... how's you?" I looked into his hazel eyes as he chattered. "Are you even listening?" He snapped his long fingers in front of my face, breaking my trance on him. "Yes, sorry... carry on..." I could feel my face going hot.

He started again, "like I said, I have a new thingy to show Fred..." I nodded and he stopped talking. "show me, show me!" I said, jumping about like a little kid whilst he smiled and shook his head, "I can't do that lil' Roggie... we have to wait for the other two..." he patted my head and I stopped jumping. I sighed and slumped in a chair by the wall, "fine... but you better show me a little bit..."

He weighed it up for a few seconds before he nodded and grabbed an acoustic guitar from the corner, "You don't tell them I've showed you, okay?" I nodded eagerly and he started strumming away on the guitar. "For god's sake! Why do I keep messing it up!" He mumbled and I stifled a smile, he was so cute when he got annoyed.

He tried once more and got a little bit right, "sorry... my hands don't want to work today. You like?" I laughed a little, "I like, I like... but i hope your hands want to work when Fred and John get here." He smiled, clicking his fingers one by one, "so do I, mate, so do I..."

We chatted for a little while about anything and everything until a voice echoed around the room that wasn't either of ours, "Hello, dears! How are you two?" Freddie strode in and plopped himself down in a chair between me and Bri. "Good, good. How are you two?" Brian said as he saw John poke his head round the door. The pair of them hummed in reply and Brian invited John to sit down.

John sat next to me on the floor and I patted him on the head playfully, making him smile, "thanks Rog... I really wanted to know how short I seem like this..." I laughed and looked over at Brian. "Sorry, go on, what did you want?" I said and he unfolded the paper that magically appeared in his hands.

"I had an idea... um, there you are" he handed the paper to Freddie who skimmed over it, "it's just a rough start but I thought to bring it along and see..." Freddie passed it to John and I read over his shoulder, pushing his hair out of the way a little when it got in the way. "I like it... um, you want to show us?" Freddie said and Brian grabbed the guitar again, playing the same part as he did for me without messing it up this time.

Freddie suggested that me and Bri go in and clean it up a little, 'oh god... it's just going to be me and him... I don't think I can do this!' I thought but it was too late, I was inside and the door was shut. "You still got that old thing?" I joked when Brian pulled out his guitar and he smiled, "I'm never getting rid of it so you'd better deal with it..." he said and a smile formed on my lips.

He sat on a stool with his guitar in his lap and I sat behind the drum kit. Brian moved his stool closer to the door of the drum room and I got a beautiful view of him. I zoned out a little with thoughts about the man sat just outside until there was a huge crash. Brian was stood in front of me and the cymbals were rocking back and forth.

"yes?" I asked and he sighed, "What is with you today? You keep zoning out on me..." I shrugged my shoulders a little. "Got a lot on my mind at the mo. Nothing huge but I can't stop thinking about it..." my head changed the last sentence to 'I can't stop thinking about you' but I ignored it, this was work.

"Alright, Fred wanted you by the way..." he walked away and sat back down on the stool as I turned to the box behind me. "Did you know what he wanted, Bri?" I shouted and he looked through the window, putting his finger to his lips and shaking his head. For some reason he wanted me to be quiet, Fred was probably saying something and he could never concentrate on two voices at once.

"Is he there yet?" Freddie's voice was clear as I stuck on a pair of headphones, "no Fred, he isn't..." I said and giggled when I heard him scoff. "Finally, Jesus... right, Brian, what're you wanting to do?" Freddie said and I leaned my elbows on the drums.

"I wanted to try out some stuff and hopefully work out the guitar parts... and I got Rog in here 'cause I'm really bad at keeping time myself..." he laughed and looked at me. "Okay then, Roger you may start if you like, and take as long as you like..." Freddie's voice echoed and my foot started tapping on the pedal, making a steady rhythm.

Every time me and Brian would play together, it was like we depended on each other, I depended on him for cues and he depended on me for his time. I liked it that he needed me...

My foot kept tapping but my head was in a completely different place, my eyes studying every one of Brian's features and my brain imagining how they would look in a different situation. My mind came out of the gutter when John's voice came through and both me and Brian stopped.

"Is it on?" John said, leaning forwards.
"Yes John, talk to them..." Freddie answered him
"Umm, okay... what do I say again?"
I heard Freddie sigh, "what you just said to me, stupid!" They both laughed and a grin spread across Brian's face.
"Alright, agh! Not the hair! Sorry! Umm... that was good but I think you should start it off differently. I was trying to get another line in there and it was quite hard to harmonise with. Hang on, pass me that..." there was a short silence until a deep note came over the intercom. "You were doing it all the way down here..." there was a pause again, "but I think it'll be better if you go sort of up here..." another slightly higher-pitched note came over and Brian nodded, harmonising with it.

"That's good, cheers John..." Brian said and the room went silent. He waved his hand at me, "come out... don't take them off though, just bring the box." I did as he asked and sat on the floor in front of him. "Now I just look ridiculous..." I said and he smiled, "no you don't. That," he pointed over at the drums, "was echoing and I couldn't tell if it was proper or an echo so just clap it this time... at least I know when you're starting as well..."

I nodded, still feeling very stupid just sat there, and soon enough Freddie caught on, "Roger? Why are you out there?" I turned around to look at him and pointed at Brian, "he wanted me here." I shouted and Fred nodded.

I looked up at the tower of a man and my heart started to beat faster, "You alright? You're going a bit red?" He said and I started fanning myself with my hands, "yeah... it's a bit hot in here, that's all..."
'He didn't get the hint, thank god!' I thought and looked down, still fanning myself.

"D'you wanna come out Rog? John asked and I sighed, half with relief and half with not wanting to stop everything. I got up slowly, "yeah... I'm so sorry, I won't be long..." I said to Brian and he nodded. I took off the headphones and walked out, going outside to cool off.

"Jesus, why now! Why him!" I whisper-shouted at myself when I found out how red my face was. "Ugh. I look like a bloody tomato!" I fanned my face again and it helped a little, not much but enough to stop me from being a human tomato. The cool air returned my face to a normal colour and after saying "grandma" over and over, I was back to normal.

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