Part 38

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Brian's POV
I had everything planned and ready to go. The box was on the kitchen counter and I had planned out how I wanted to sneak it into the Christmas celebrations. All I had to do now was actually do it.

The band was gathering at Freddie's for Christmas this year so I had a lovely wake-up telephone call from the man himself seeming very excited. I picked up the phone and held it to my ear, brushing the mop out of my face as a squeal came through, "Brian? You awake? It's CHRISTMAS!!!" Freddie shouted and I groaned at how loud he was.

"Jeez, calm down Fred. And I'm awake now!" I grumbled and earned a little chuckle.

"Sorry, are still coming over, yes?"

"Yep, I-um-is everyone going to be there? Like kids and us?"

"Of course...John can't leave his little one at home! He'll ruin the place!"

"Oh yeah...okay, see you at...?"

"Seven, dear...go get ready and get your ass round here, Roger's already here!"

"Hello babes! Happy Christmas!" Roger shouted from a distance and I let out a little chuckle,
"Tell 'im I love him...and happy Christmas to you both, I'll be there soon"

"He said he loves you and happy Christmas back" Freddie repeated and I heard a little coo from in the distance.

"Anyway, I'd better get ready...see you soon" I said and heard a little hum before I put the phone down.

I ran about the house and found the clothes I picked out last night and pulled them on, not bothering to have a shower, and sprayed a shit load of deodorant on myself. "That'll do" I mumbled then ran into the bathroom to fix myself up.

"Oh! Hello there sexy! Looking as bush-like as ever, I see" I smiled at myself as I saw my awful bed hair and the little dark circles under my eyes. I pulled a comb through my hair and almost got it stuck at the back but managed to yank it, and some of my hairs, out.

I quickly swilled my mouth with mouthwash and cleaned them a little, just to get rid of the remnants of last night's takeaway, then checked myself one last time and headed for the door. I was just about to leave when I remembered the box, "Ooh! Can't forget that!" I said and ran to the kitchen to get it.

"Okay, keys, wallet, prezzies...lets go!" I smiled and headed out the door to my car. I shoved everything onto the back seat except the little box for Roger, I kept that on the seat next to me so I knew it was safe. I started driving down to Freddie's place and as soon as I arrived, a little man came sprinting out the door.

He jumped on my back and started showering my neck with kisses whilst trying to cling on for dear life. "Happy Christmas smell lovely" a raspy voice said in my ear and I turned my head to see a mass of blonde hair, "hi Rog..." I giggled and slowly lowered him to the floor so he could stop almost strangling me.

"Need a hand with the bags?" He asked but I just shook my head, "I can manage it, go on inside" I said and heard the patter of footsteps going back into the house. I grabbed all the bags from the backseat and shuffled up the stairs into the house, being greeted by a grinning Freddie who took a few of them to put under the tree.

"Bwian! 'Appy C'istmas!" A little voice shouted from the living room and soon little Robert was hugging my legs. "Hello, little excited to get presents?" I smiled, picking the two-year-old up and resting him on my hip. He nodded furiously then gave me a lovely little smile as I walked into the living room, "D'you want me to keep you or do you want mummy and daddy?" I asked and the boy started leaning towards John and Veronica.

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