Part 73

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Warning: some sweet lovin' will be going down in this chapter so watch out
(After the show)
Roger's POV
Everyone was hot and sweaty and we literally just wanted to get back to our hotel, myself and Brian had a different reason than the other two but we still wanted to get back, and get to bed.

I held my boyfriend's sweaty hand as we were rushed out to the cars and quickly kissed it before we hopped into separate ones to take us away. "See you in the room" I mumbled and he nodded with a cheeky smile before he disappeared into the first car.

I took the second one and the driver was extremely nice, putting the two front windows down to help me cool off and making sure I was alright the entire half hour he was driving me back. I so badly wanted to tell him that I needed my boyfriend and I was seriously not alright with how tight my trousers were getting but I saved him it for now.

We pulled up outside the hotel and I was escorted inside. Brian's car was just driving away as I went into the lobby so I knew he would probably be in the room already waiting for me. Hopefully he was naked already so we can get straight to it.

I thanked the security man and he gave me a little smile before I rushed up the stairs and found the room numbered 169. "What an appropriate room number" I giggled and knocked loudly on the door until Brian opened it very slightly and peeled out.

"Come in, my love. You still up for it?" He asked and I stepped through the door and I raised my eyebrows at him. "Am I still up for it...look at me, Bri! I'm more than fucking ready for it" I said and he smiled as he looked down at my package.

", I'd like to try something. Would you mind?" He asked and I shook my head. "Not at long as you tell me what you're doing then that's absolutely fine. Anyway, we gotta have a bit of fun sometimes!" I said and he nodded in agreement.

"Very true, now come with me and we'll see how much fun this'll be" he said and leaned down to kiss me on the lips before he grabbed my wrist and led me to the bed, "Okay, this needs to go" he mumbled and pulled at my trousers then started to slowly undo the zip, purposefully brushing his hand against my cock.

I tried to distract myself by looking deep into his eyes but the moan rising in my throat was going to tumble out soon and I couldn't let him know I was so close to pinning him to the bed and fucking his lights out already. He slipped my trousers off gently and threw the dressing gown on the floor then gently sat me down on the bed.

"I, um, you don't mind being tied, do you? I'm sorry-that sounds weird...I'll show you" he mumbled and dug into a bag on the bedside cabinet. He brought out two little handcuffs and showed me the other two already tied to the footboard in preparation and I smiled.

"If it gives you pleasure seeing me all tied up then go for it...I know you didn't like it but we can give it a try" I said and his eyes went huge suddenly. "Yes...I-um, I didn't like it at all but that was in a different context. I promise if you feel in the slightest uncomfortable then I'll let you go" he said and I nodded, feeling slightly bad for bringing that incident up but I did need him to understand.

"Go for it then...and don't limit yourself to me, you have to enjoy it as well, that's what all of this is for" I said and he nodded with a cute little blush on his cheeks, "and anyway, this might be your kink and I'll know just how to get you going next time" I said and he giggled.

"Oh, trust me, you being submissive isn't my kink...I've already worked it out" he said and gave me a little grin, "might try it as well if you don't mind. We have it in this room" he smiled then kneeled in front of me and put his hands on my chest.

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded as he gently pushed me back onto the bed and climbed on top of me, locking our lips together as I felt cold metal grip around each wrist. Brian pulled away and rolled off of me then helped me to turn and get comfortable on the pillows.

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