Part 57

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Brian's POV
Roger finished his ablutions and came back out, pulling along the little rack with the fluid bag on it, as I covered Freddie's eyes with my hand again. What? I didn't want him seeing my boyfriend's butt more than he needed to.

He sat back on the bed as the nurse brought the back up so he was sat upright then swung his legs over and sat back. "Alright, I've cleaned the inside of this so it might be a bit weird but nothing that can hurt you" she explained and he nodded absently.

I dropped my hand from Freddie's eyes as the nurse pulled the blanket over Roger's legs then got him settled completely. She gave us little smile then sat on the edge of the bed, "stop playing with that, you'll muck up the reading" she said, gently tapping Roger's hand that was pulling on a sticky pad on his arm.

"Okay lovely, keep still 'cause I don't want to poke you in the eye or something" she giggled and fiddled with something the other side of the bed then started on putting the mask back on Roger. "Tell me if I'm pressing too hard, I don't want to hurt you" She said and he nodded as she pulled the IV stand closer.

She pressed the mask part onto his face and he tried holding his breath and turn away from it but she just held it, "goodness, you really don't like it, do you? You need to breathe Roger, can you do that for me..." she asked and he looked over at me with wide eyes. The nurse sighed a little and took a little bag-like thing in her hand and started squeezing it.

Roger finally took in a breath when she squeezed the bag and carried on in the same rhythm as the nurse's hand, "come here for me, my lovely..." she looked over at me and I went around so I was stood just behind her, "keep that going for me, if he won't do it himself then that will make him" she said and handed me the tube with the bag thing.

I squeezed it slowly then let it go and kept in a slightly constant rhythm as the nurse sorted out the mask. She leaned Roger forwards and got the bottom strap done up to keep the mask pressed to his face then let him sit back and moved the little arm going up his nose so it rested on his forehead.

"Brian! Stop!" He shouted and tried reaching for me but the nurse grabbed his arm before he could touch me, "stop! Please! I-it hurts!" He shouted and tried pulling the mask off of his face but the nurse held it tight. "Ch-chest hurts..." he mumbled and again tried to pull it off until there was a loud crack and the nurse gasped a little.

"Okay, stop now've been brilliant. I'll be back in a second" she said then rushed out of the room. I went forwards and took Roger's cheeks in my hands, "babe, you've gotta cooperate with her...she's only trying to help you and I bet you've cracked this thing now" I said and he nodded with glassy eyes.

"Sorry...I-It hurts though, I don't wanna hurt" he mumbled and I cooed, "I know, I know...I'll tell the nurse when she comes back in but you really have to cooperate." I rubbed his cheeks a little as he hummed then shrank back a bit as the nurse came back in.

"I got you another one since you've put a crack in the seal so let's try and do this as quickly as we can...if your chest starts hurting or anything doesn't feel right, don't be scared to tell me" she said and Roger nodded.

She quickly got the mask off of Roger and moved the tubes from the broken one to the new one, "much let's see about this one" she smiled at the both of us then checked something by putting her fingers just inside the mask, "brill, this one seems fine. Now, can we cooperate? The sooner I can get this on you, the sooner your chest will stop hurting" she said and Roger nodded.

I looked over at Freddie who was just watching the scene unfold with a worried expression as he looked over the blonde then at me and gave me a nervous smile. I just smiled back then paid attention to what the nurse was doing.

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