Part 92

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I forgot to put it in the last one but imagine Roger looks a little like this pic above but not half-naked like this guy ~ Kate
Brian's POV
I held him close to me and gently held his head so he knew I wasn't gone and he didn't hurt himself when he came round. I knew people who faint can still hear quite well so I started to talk to him to try and calm him a little, "it's okay babe, it's just me here and you're completely fine" I said and looked down at him.

His eyes were still open but it was like they were staring through me and not at me, "woah...okay, your eyes are open but can't you see me?" I asked and he groaned as his eyes started to close, "that's much better, close those beautiful eyes of yours and just relax" I said then felt his hand start to move closer to me.

He made a little noise similar to a whimper then put his hand on my chest and drowsily opened his eyes, "hello there... d'you want me to lay you back or don't you trust yourself?" I asked and Roger put his arms around my neck and pulled me as close as he could get.

I cooed gently and stroked his hair as he looked up at me innocently and made a coo back at me as his hand cupped my cheek and his thumb drew small circles on it. I took his hand off my cheek as he pulled away and I gently kissed the back of it, making him smile around the tube in his mouth.

"That made you smile, huh? I love seeing you smile" I said and he blushed a little before he covered his cheeks with his hands and looked down, "hey, don't get embarrassed, it's just me and I won't laugh at you, I promise" I said and he looked up at me and hummed.

He ran his hands through my hair and made a confused face when he got to the top, "whats that for? I haven't got a baby bird nesting, have I?" I asked and he shook his head and pulled out a twig from my hair and showed me with a huge smile on his face. "I must've left it in from yesterday...oh god I must look like a right twat" I said and he shook his head and pointed at himself.

"You don't look like a twat, you look fine...except for one thing" I said and brushed an eyelash off of his cheek then patted it, "there we go. Now you look perfect" I said and he blushed lightly and patted my cheek, "is that supposed to be a kiss?" I asked and he nodded and brushed my hair out of my eyes.

He looked at his hands for a second then pointed at me, "I..." I said, trying to work out what he was trying to say, and he grabbed my hair and put it between his finger, "don't say that means I need a haircut" I said and he giggled and nodded. "I don't need a damn haircut, it's fine" I said and he picked up the twig and raised his eyebrows, "okay, maybe a trim but I'm not chopping it off" I said and he patted my cheek again.

"So...what d'you wanna do? Have a cuddle or play a game, I brought a notepad with me so we could do hangman or noughts and crosses" I said and he pointed at the door then at himself, "I know you want to leave but you can't with all this stuff on you. So show me what you wanna do, one finger for a cuddle and two fingers for a game" I said and he put up three which made me smile.

"I guess we're having a cuddle and playing a game at the same time" I said and he nodded as I reached into the small bag I brought with me and got out the notepad and coloured pens. "How about I sit next to you over here then we can do whatever you like" I said and Roger nodded and scooted over so I could get into the bed with him.

I got on top of the sheets and put my arm around Roger's shoulders, pulling him close to me, as he opened up the notepad and took a blue pen from my lap. He wrote something on the pad then showed me a note that read

'I'm tired babe, do you mind if I go to sleep for a bit?'

"No, you do what you want, I'll work around you" I said and he nodded a little then put his hands behind his head and let the two clear pieces drop from his cheeks before he wriggled the mouthpiece out of his mouth and looked at me.

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