Part 102

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I apologise in advance if this is shit, I'm ill as heck and probably high on cough medicine so excuse me lovelies ~ an ill and frustrated Kate :/
Also, there might be some smut but I dunno what my brain's gonna come up with so its a maybe

(The next morning, 5AM)
Brian's POV
I felt air blowing into my face and opened my eyes to see Roger in the same position that he was last night but was drooling a little and had his mouth wide open as he slept. "Morning, beautiful" I smiled and gently closed his mouth then wiped the drool into the pillowcase.

I untwined my legs from his and pulled his arms off of me then rolled off the bed and caught myself before I fell off the edge, "god, that was close" I mumbled and awkwardly stood up then opened the bedroom door and trundled across the landing to the bathroom.

Once all my necessaries were done, I went back into the bedroom and grabbed a pair of boxers then slipped them on before I went into the soon-to-be nursery and looked over the work we did last night.

I smiled and looked at the tiny heart Roger had drawn in paint at the bottom of the wall, "I'll keep that there" I said to myself and picked up one of the paintbrushes from the tray we set them in last night then popped open the tin of paint and dipped the brush in.

I painted an arch over the little heart then started painting everything outside of that arch, using huge strokes to try and get as much done as I could before Roger woke up. I managed to do a bit then had to turn on the ceiling fan to try and get rid of the fumes because it was making me a bit lightheaded.

— An hour later —

I'd finished the wall we started last night and went onto the wall nearest to the door, "where did I put that thing from yesterday? I think I need it" I mumbled and looked around the room for the black dust mask I was using. I found it near the tray of brushes and checked it didn't have paint on it then took it into the bathroom, I couldn't put it on without seeing what I was doing.

I got an elastic off of the counter in the bathroom and pulled my hair back into a little ponytail which looked more like a rabbit's tail with how fluffy my hair had been for the past few days. "I need a damn haircut" I said to myself and looked at how far down my neck the ponytail went.

"Yeah, this mop needs to be chopped" I said and tried to pull my hair off my neck more but it just wasn't cooperating so I just left it. I picked up the little mask off of the counter and cleaned out the inside with my fingers then pressed it to my face and pulled both sides of the straps around to the back of my head.

I turned to the side so I could see what I was doing and hooked the two sets of straps together then made sure the hole in the middle for your ears to go through was in the right place. "There we go, now I won't have to be freezing my balls off" I said and looked at myself in the mirror, "Jesus, Roger looks so much better in these things, I look ridiculous" I said then smacked myself in the head.

"It doesn't matter how you look, just get on with it" I said to myself then went back into the nursery and as soon as I got inside, I had an idea to keep me entertained doing such a boring task. I went quietly into the bedroom and looked at Roger who was still sleeping soundly, "I hope he's as precious as you, my love" I whispered and smiled as he moved a little.

I quietly opened the wardrobe and brought out a belt and a t-shirt that I never wear then quickly grabbed the radio from my bedside cabinet and left the room, closing the door behind me. I put everything in the doorway of the nursery then went down the stairs and found my guitar case which I always kept a pair of earbuds in.

There was a bit of noise from upstairs so as I crept back up with the earbuds in my hand, I made sure to be especially quiet so I didn't disturb Roger. I went into the nursery and picked up everything from the doorway then sat in the corner of the room and starting fiddling with it all.

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