Part 23

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Freddie's POV
Brian stayed on the couch for quite a while just sobbing his heart out, screaming things like 'how could he' then breaking down into tears again. I tried soothing him as best as I could but he would just push me away.

"Bri, please, calm down... he's probably still drunk from yesterday..." I said, resting a hand on his shoulder, but he pushed me away and stormed out of the room, "of course he's fucking drunk! Just blame that why don't you! How about you just tell me the fucking truth and say he doesn't want to be with me!" He yelled, throwing his arms in the air.

"No, he does want to be wi-" John started but the door slamming cut him off. "Um, get a coat... if he's going out like that it won't be good if he finds someone..." he said, standing up and heading for the door, as I followed close behind.

Both of us started running down the road to find Brian, finding him nowhere near where he had apparently passed out earlier or a pub. "John...why the hell have you taken us here? Our local's down there..." I asked, pointing down the road, and he put his hand up to shut me up.

"It's somewhere he would look for Roger..." he said, stepping inside and heading to the bar. "John! This isn't time for a drink!" I whisper-shouted and he gave me the death stare, "Fred! Shut up!" He shouted, gaining the attention of the bartender.

"I'm sorry, sir... we're looking for someone, could you help?" He asked and the man nodded, "what do 'ee look like?" He asked and John started describing Brian to him. "Um...I dun' think so, sorry lads..." the bartender replied, "but if I sees someone like 'im, I'll tell 'im yer lookin' for 'im..." he smiled.

John seemed very deflated after that answer but thanked him and left, carrying on down the way we were headed. There was a bit of hubbub from down the road, shouting and a small crowd forming around an alley, so the both of us started running. "Is it Bri?" I asked, going up on tiptoes to see over the people, and John shrugged, "I can't see..."

I tapped the man in front of me and he turned around, a little smile on his face, "sorry, what's going on?" I asked and his smile grew, "two blokes are 'aving a wanna see?" He stepped aside, letting me squeeze into a spot in the crowd, and I could finally see.

And there it was, what I had been dreading to see since Brian left the house.

Roger was pinned up against the wall, another man pressing against him as a fuming Brian watched from a short distance. I could see Roger's huge eyes darting about the crowd before they shut quickly, his arms snaking around the other man's waist.

"God help me..." John muttered, squeezing in beside me, as Brian ran full-pelt into the man, knocking him onto his back and leaving Roger in a slightly dazed state. I rushed forwards to try and stop Brian from doing any harm but John dragged me back, "don't do that, he'll get you involved..." he whispered, dragging me back to the crowd.

All I could do was watch as Brian punched this man time after time in the face until he bled, the whole time shouting expletives and insults at him. He finally stood up, checking the man was out before going over to Roger and taking him by the collar.

"John! Fucking let me go!" I screamed, punching him in the stomach then running between Brian and Roger. I pushed them both apart, Roger into the wall and Brian out nearer to that other man, "you touch him, Brian, you'll have me to deal with... now calm the hell down." I scolded, feeling his chest heave under my hand.

"That bastard cheated on me!" Brian screamed, pointing at Roger, "I did not! He fucking kissed me first!" He yelled back, 'such children' I thought but didn't have the guts to say it out loud. The crowd were starting to disband where there wasn't anything interesting going on so I called John over, "You take care of Roger... I'll deal with him..." I said, letting go of Roger and pushing Brian further away from the blonde.

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