Part 62

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(The next morning)
Roger's POV
"Rog! Wake up! We gotta go in an hour!" Brian shrieked in my ear which jolted me awake and almost made me smack heads with the man, "why so early? And so shouty!...dial it down a bit" I grumbled and opened my eyes to see the man himself with a huge grin on his face.

"Don't you remember, babes, we gotta catch a plane!" He said and it clicked, "oh my god, let me get some clothes on, you start the car, I'll be out in a minute" I scurried out of the bed and rummaged through the wardrobe for something decent as Brian took the cases and pulled them down the stairs.

I quickly pulled on a pair of trousers and a shirt that I doubt matched at all then rushed into the bathroom and brushed my teeth as Brian came back in and did the same. I spat out the toothpaste and splashed my face with a bit of water to wake me up.

Brian had finished cleaning his teeth and was pulling his hair into a little ponytail as I grabbed his stuff and put it in a separate plastic bag from mine and rushed down the stairs to put them in the cases. He trundled down the stairs behind me and zipped up the cases after I put our stuff inside.

"Alright, you carry them out to the car and I'll lock up" he said and I nodded then gave him a quick kiss on the lips before I carted the two huge cases outside the door and down the stairs. I pushed the door open with my back and dragged the cases outside to find the taxi was pulled up outside the block.

"'Ello mate, need an 'and?" The driver smiled from the window but I declined politely, "it's okay, they're not too heavy" I smiled and he nodded, popping the boot of the car open for me. I thanked him quietly then lifted the two cases into the boot with ease, they really weren't heavy at all, as Brian came running out of the block.

He had his Red Special on his back and the two little carry-on bags in his hands as he ran towards us and plonked two of the three bags in the boot. I bet you can guess which one was riding upfront.

"Awlright then, just 'op in and tell us 'ow fast you wanna go" the driver smiled and opened the door for us both to get in. I went in first and thanked him then Brian and his ruddy great guitar case came in after, almost smacking me in the face with it.

"Where's you two off to then? Somewhere nice?" The driver asked and we both nodded as he drove away from the apartment block, "yes, actually. We're going on a little tour and going to some of the European countries" Brian said and the driver made a little 'ah' noise.

"I see, so a nice 'oliday fer the two of you or business?" He asked and Brian answered again, "oh, a bit of both really...I mean, it is work but we do manage to get a bit of fun in there" he said and the driver nodded. This was gonna be a long drive if this was all the conversation he had, I was already dying of nerves and badly needed a cigarette but I didn't want to be rude.

For the past week or two I'd taken up smoking again because it was a way I could calm myself easily but when I needed it then my cravings were really bad.

My hand tapped on my knee and I think Brian noticed because he took mine in his huge hand and gave it a little squeeze to reassure me, not even breaking conversation. It was amazing how he could pick up on these things but I kinda liked that he knew me well enough to do that, it felt like I didn't have to really hide stuff from him.

I squeezed his hand a little before we dropped apart and carried on with the conversation. Once I got bored I just studied Brian, not paying attention to anything else, and giggled a little at his naff attempt at a ponytail.

His head shot over and I fluffed his hair a bit, telling him that was what I was laughing about, then he pulled out a rubber band and gave it to me, "you do it...if I look stupid then you do it" he said and turned his back to me. I scooped all of his hair into my hand, brushing back everything so it was in one place, then tied the elastic around it without getting it caught in his hair.

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