Part 103

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(10th of June 1978)
John's POV
The boys were having a barbecue at their house so I had the struggle of getting my pregnant wife and hungry child into a car for the twenty minute drive and after I'd done that, not go completely bonkers.

I managed to get Robert in the car and used the seatbelt to keep him there as I helped Ron down the front step and into the car. She groaned as she sat down and put the little bowl of crisps she brought with her on top of her belly then started snacking on it quite contently.

See, I'd given her food to shut her up because otherwise she'd be complaining at me and saying things like 'I'm hungry, John, can we get takeaway' or 'how far away are we? I need to piss' or the always lovely phrase, 'John! I think I'm getting contractions, oh god!'

That last one never failed to scare the shit out of me.

I saw the two of them sharing the crisps in the rear view mirror and smiled, they were finally both quiet and happy and it was making me happy. "You two did bring your swimming costumes, didn't you?" I asked and looked at Ron in the mirror as she nodded.

"Yeah, all of ours are in my bag and I brought a bikini just in case my costume doesn't fit" she said and I nodded, "I'd love to see you in a bikini, you're absolutely glowing right now and I think you should show it off" I said and she smiled.

"I definitely feel like I'm glowing" she said sarcastically, "my hormones are all over the place, I'm bloated, constantly hungry..." I didn't listen after that because it was just the whole 'why did you have to get me pregnant, I hate you' and then crying and as soon as we get out the car, I bet you I'd get a hug. And a stained shirt.

We pulled up finally after a load of crying from Ron and Robert tried to give her a cuddle then cried because he couldn't reach his mum. I got Robert out of the car first and calmed him down by taking him around the other side of the car and letting him sit with his mum who was still snivelling.

"Oh gosh, my baby...I love you" she cooed and almost crushed Robert where she was cuddling him too tightly then cried again because she thought she hurt her little boy. I picked Robert up and put him on my hip then helped the emotional woman out of the car and let her calm down.

We got onto the pavement outside Roger and Brian's and immediately I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and heard soft crying, "I don't know what's wrong with me, John! I can't stop crying" she whined and I took her under my arm as Robert squirmed to be put down.

I put him on the floor and he made his way up the stairs, going on his hands and knees and sticking his bum in the air to get up, as Ron put her head on my chest and cried, "I hate being pregnant, I hate it! Why did you do this to me?!" She said into my chest and I just sighed.

"You wanted it so we did it and now look where we are, you're pregnant and there's really nothing I can do about it" I said and she looked at me with a pout then looked down at her tummy, "fine...I'll suck it up for the second time and just shut up" she said and I rolled my eyes.

"Ron, stop it, this isn't good for you so just go in there and relax and don't worry about anything" I said and she looked at me, "you look amazing, you are amazing and I promise you it'll be over soon" I said and she smiled a little.

"Okay, love help me up these stairs" she said and I supported her as we both went up the few steps to the front door where Robert was standing. "Knock on the door, buddy" I said and he turned to the door then hit it a few times with his hands.

The door opened quickly and Robert stared up at Roger who had answered. "Hey little man! Are you here for the barbecue or did you just want to see your cool uncle Roggie?" He asked and scooped the child up so he was balancing on his hip.

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