Part 83

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John's POV
After two hours of trying to find anyone who wasn't already pissed out of their minds, I found Brian and Roger in the corner having a break from dancing. "Alright you two? Fred's really gone all out, hasn't he" I smiled and they both nodded and looked around at all the intoxicated people.

"Yeah, we shouldn't have left him to do that, this is more like one of his birthday parties than a Queen party but who gives a fuck, it's quite funny" Roger said then took a sip of his drink and looked up at Brian who was laughing and nodding in agreement.

"It is pretty funny. From here we've got the best view of Fred constantly falling over from being absolutely trollied already" Brian said then screeched and pointed at the dance floor, "there he goes again!" He giggled and I turned around just in time to see Freddie fall flat on his ass and spill his drink all over the floor.

There was an audible "fuck! That was good vodka as well!" from Freddie which made all three of us go into hysterics, laughing as loudly and obnoxiously as we liked. I saw Freddie turn to us through watery eyes and I hid my face so he wouldn't see me laughing.

I felt a hand slap my back and peeked through my fingers to see Freddie leaning over me and smiling at all of us, "wha'ss so funny?" He slurred and sat on my lap as Brian and Roger composed themselves. "Well, um, someone keeps falling over on the dance floor" Brian said and Freddie smiled drunkenly.

"I'd love to sssee that...who'ssss it?" He slurred and wrapped his arms around my neck. Brian and Roger kept talking to him but I was distracted by a man who looked a bit shifty and had a huge bag over his shoulder. He found a place in the other corner facing us and brought something out of the bag which he pointed at us.

I tried to distract the boys and tell them about the man but Freddie just put his hand over my mouth to shut me up and slurred in my ear, "nobody wants to hear you, John...we don't care"

A flash went off and I looked over at the man who now had a wicked smile on his face and put away whatever he'd brought out into the bag. "Fred...let me go" I said and he shushed me again, keeping his hand over my mouth, "Fred!" I tried to peel his hand off of my face but he didn't let go.

I took a deep breath to try and calm down but it didn't help, I still felt like I wanted to punch the man until he was sober but of course I wouldn't do that. I closed my eyes and once I mustered up enough courage, shouted at the top of my lungs, "FRED! GET YOUR FUCKING HAND OFF OF ME!"

He looked at me with wide eyes but didn't move his hand until I pried his hand off of my face and stared at him with the hardest look I could muster, "I'm not some toy that you can just shut up at the click of a finger, so never do that again" I hissed and Freddie nodded with his eyes on the floor as if he'd just been told off by his mother.

"Sorry John..." he mumbled then got off my lap and stumbled back to the dance floor to go and look for the next victim of his one night stands. Both Brian and Roger stared at me for a little while until things got a bit too much and I put my head in my hands to try and calm down from my little outburst.

"I, um, I gotta go...I'm sorry guys" I mumbled and ran to the door and pushed past the security guard waiting outside. "Jo-Jason! Where are you going?" He called me by the code name we made up to not make a scene and I could hear him chasing after me.

I ran towards the back door and stopped as he kept shouting for me and finally stopped near me and looked at me sympathetically, "are you alright? Has something gone on?" He asked and I heard a bit of screaming from the front before the guard turned around and saw Roger running towards us with a mob of girls chasing him.

"Fuck, go in there and I'll come and get you" the guard said and I nodded before I bundled myself into what looked like a cleaner's cupboard and was soon joined by Roger who's disguise obviously didn't work against all the women. "You thought sunglasses would do much?" I asked and he smiled a little.

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