Part 20

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(A few days later)
Brian's POV
We were releasing the new album today so all of us were excited but nervous at the same time about how the fans would react to it. We had a signing thing in a small hall for the release so all of us had piled round to Roger's house to get ready and get out at the same time.

I still hadn't told Freddie and Roger about the thing, even though we were all fine now, because I still didn't want them worrying over me. It was hard, yes, to not tell them that I'd dreamt it over and over every night since it happened but I chose not to for a reason.

I bet you're wondering about me and Roger... well, I phoned him up the next morning and we were both very calm and sorted it out, ending in a promise to either warn each other or just not care about it. He still seemed pretty hurt but he got over it quickly when he came round yesterday and we talked it through again, getting everything straight.

All four of us were dressing down in the living room, with all the curtains shut, so we could sort of coordinate our clothes around each other. See, we were prepared, each one of us brought two or three different shirts and trousers so we could find something with a sort of theme between us.

"Okay...I have jeans and leather trousers..." Freddie said, pointing at the three of us. I led out my three pairs of trousers, one black pair, one white pair and a pair of jeans. Roger did the same, laying down a black pair and jeans before we all looked over at John, "I've got black... that's it..." he blushed a bit and I smiled at him, "do you want to have it where me and him have jeans and you two wear black?" Roger asked, pointing between people, and we all nodded.

"Okay then, dears, that's trousers done... what shirts have you got?" Freddie asked, pulling out two plain shirts from his bag. We all did the same, myself laying out on the couch three shirts, one plain white, one a sort of jumper with a guitar on the front and the last was a shorter red shirt. Roger and John both had one white shirt and a patterned shirt, Roger's was like a Hawaiian shirt and John's was a paisley pattern.

We chose to go with Freddie and John having a plain shirt and Roger and I wearing what we wanted. Of course, I chose my little jumper and Roger chose his white shirt. "Excuse me a minute, I'll just be in the loo..." I said, going off to the downstairs toilet. After what happened, I hadn't trusted public toilets so I would always pee before leaving the house.

"May I come in?" A raspy voice came from outside the door and I hummed, quickly opening the door and letting Roger in. "What did you want?" I asked, trying and failing to cover the down there areas, and he smiled, "well... I did want a kiss without the other two giggling like children..."

I smiled, getting up off the toilet and quickly washing my hands before standing right in front of the blonde. "Still want that kiss?" I smiled and he nodded, pulling me in closer by my hips. My hands went straight up to his face and held it, my eyes locked onto his, until he made the first move. He licked his lips slightly and planted his lips on mine, pulling my hips into his and my hands wouldn't stop pulling his head closer.

He had to go up on tiptoes so the kiss wasn't long but it was a good one, although it ended pretty badly. Fred banged on the door and kept shouting, "have you two finished fucking yet!?" And John's little laugh echoed around the house. "Not yet, Fred... we'll be out in a minute..." Roger shouted back, giggling at the same time.

"Hurry the hell up then! We need to get ready!" Freddie shouted and finally walked away from the door. "Care to continue?" Roger giggled and I nodded, bending my head down so he didn't have to stretch as much. His lips crashed back onto mine and his hands tangled themselves in my hair whilst my arms snaked around his waist, pulling him in closer.

Those three little words (a Maylor fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now