Part 21

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John's POV
We pulled up in a back street and were welcomed very nicely by a few people who had already set up the hall for us. They led us through a small door and I could see that the happy couple were having trouble getting through it without letting go of each other.

They sat us all down with me on the end, Brian next to me then Freddie and Roger on the other end. "D' you want us to take care of this?" A lady asked, putting the bag we brought on the table, and I nodded with a small smile. "'Kay then... we're letting them in now..." a man shouted from across the hall and a loud squeak echoed around before throngs of people rushed through the bollards towards us.

Almost every person wanted something signed and a picture so there was a lot of smiling and writing going on, my cheeks and hand ached after a little while, from all of us. They would start with me and shake my hand or something then whatever they wanted then move on to Brian and so on down the line.

We had decided to split up Roger and Brian so they wouldn't get any ideas of doing anything that the press could use against us and they didn't seem to mind. They were both happily greeting people and signing things so they were occupied instead of just being sat there, bored out of their minds.

We got through everyone and the last few were coming up to us when suddenly Brian stiffened up at the sight of a man. He wasn't intimidating or anything, looked quite friendly to me, but something was making Brian uncomfortable whilst he was there. He still signed his stuff and was friendly but he had an uneasy feel around him up until the second that man stepped out of the hall.

As soon as he was gone, Brian slammed his head down on the table and was shaking really badly so I excused the pair of us and took him outside to clam down. I guided him out with my hand on his back as a few women cooed and started asking the other two if he was alright as we left.

We got outside and he looked down at me, moving his hands from his face to reveal a load of tears running down his cheeks. "Hey, hey...what was it?" I asked as he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder, getting my shirt a bit wet but I didn't mind. "It...that was...that's him..." he choked out through sobs and I felt myself go pale, "that...oh my god, Brian...hey, look at me..." I turned his head towards me as he continued to sob.

"As long as you're here with us then he can't touch you, we won't let him, okay? And even though they don't know, I'm sure at least Rog would get him away from you." I cooed, wiping the tears from his cheeks, as his hands flew up to cover his face again.

"I...I can't believe...he had the nerve to come..." he choked out and I made a little noise for comfort as he pulled me closer to him. "No, I don't get why he did it in the first place..." I said, shaking my head slightly as he wiped his eyes over my shoulder.

He finally pulled away when he composed himself and I led him back inside, a lovely lady handing him a glass of water on our way, and sat him down where he was. "You okay now, Bri?" Freddie whispered and Brian nodded, greeting a fan with a smile.

We saw through the last five people and most of them asked Brian if he was alright and all the time he would say yes but I could see he was still shaken up. "Um, do you want a group photo?" A man asked and Freddie and I nodded as he got into a place where he could see all of us.

He was just about to take the picture when Freddie shouted suddenly, "Brian! Your hair is in the way! Lean back a bit..." I giggled at how silly it was that the poof got in the way but had to keep myself in only a giggle so I wouldn't completely mess up the photo with a weird 'good old laugh' face, even though I did it before and it didn't look too bad.

He took the picture and we all stood up, shaking his hand one by one, before I grabbed our bag and we headed for the door. "Thank you, have a safe journey home..." he called after us and we thanked him, hopping into my car once we were outside.

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